This is the end of this blog. I've definitely grown out of it for a few different reasons...
1. I've been trying to post this for a few days and blogger keeps f-ing up.
2. Clearly I haven't been posting too much.
3. I have no anonymity with this blog and I feel like I need it to have better postings.
The origin of the blog of the girl in the corner was from a poem I started writing in highschool. It is somewhat like a story poem--autobiographical, of course.
That Girl In the Corner. You know the one,
That everyone knows, but no one notices.
I suppose I never really felt like someone that stood out. Though I was a pretty good student, stood out in athletics, had good friends and changed boyfriends like underwear, I never felt like people saw the inner me. I've stood in and out of the corner on occasion, but for the most part took my place in the corner. Content, but not convinced...
Some day she'll stand out, and she'll smile,
That Girl In the Corner. You know the one.
So I think this is the time to step out of the corner. I'll still be blogging. Soon...I have to sort some ideas out.
1. I will not be using this slow-ass blogger.
2. I will be posting more often and more honest. Apologies to those I offend--known and unknown--but, it's something I need to exercise in my writings.
3. I will need my anonymity. If you are a current reader and know me, please respect that. In other words, no names please.
I will begin blogging soon....if you are a reader (or lurker) and would like a link to it, please email me with the link from this blog and I'll email you the link as soon as it's up and running.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
I've Grown Out of My Blog
I feel like I've grown out of my blog. Not that I want to stop blogging, but I just haven't found the time and urge to do it. I think I need an extreme make-over with it. Maybe over Thanksgiving I can revamp and reinvent. I've done a lot of changing in since the birth of this and certainly since turing 30. Maybe getting older isn't so bad after all.
I'll be back. I promise.
I'll be back. I promise.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Ghosts:Back to the Origin
So I moved back home with my parents after a relationship crash and a stint in Richmond. I started noticing that my bedroom was seriously about 10 degrees colder than the rest of the house. (You all know that ghost presences give a cold air feeling.) Now the things that were happening were starting to be physical.
Sitting on an airplane on the way to Las Vegas I was a bit nervous. It was my first time to fly by myself after 9-11. I started getting a bit nervous. I always think when I'm on a plane alone, "If I go down, who will I say goodbye to?" and then all of a sudden I was shoved forward by a "push" on my right shoulder. I thought...hmm...guess I'm not alone.
The weird things would happen. The radio would change stations. I would still be hearing things. Then the only scary bad thing happened. I was sleeping in my (cold) room. I woke up in the middle of the night and felt like I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I couldn't move either. I finally shut my eyes really tight and pushed up off the bed. I was scared I did what any twenty-something would do. I closed my eyes really tight again and pulled the covers over my head.
Sitting on an airplane on the way to Las Vegas I was a bit nervous. It was my first time to fly by myself after 9-11. I started getting a bit nervous. I always think when I'm on a plane alone, "If I go down, who will I say goodbye to?" and then all of a sudden I was shoved forward by a "push" on my right shoulder. I thought...hmm...guess I'm not alone.
The weird things would happen. The radio would change stations. I would still be hearing things. Then the only scary bad thing happened. I was sleeping in my (cold) room. I woke up in the middle of the night and felt like I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I couldn't move either. I finally shut my eyes really tight and pushed up off the bed. I was scared I did what any twenty-something would do. I closed my eyes really tight again and pulled the covers over my head.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Ghost: Alone..Carolannnnn
Ghost: Alone...Carolannnn
So now I'm living alone and a little weirded out because I never did. My boyfriend was staying less often as the relationship deteriated so the apartment was a little more quiet. I started noticing things like picture frames face down, things moved. I even checked by slamming into the desk to see if anything fell....nada. When it came to the end of the lease and I was packing things up, I did a double check of the apartment. One light bulb was burned out of my chandelier. I packed up everything and decided I would take the light bulb out last to take with me to Wal-Mart. When I went for the light bulb, it was missing. I immediately ran from my apartment (not even locking it) and headed for the restaurant where I worked. Had a drink, mulled it over and decided to call my sister and tell her the story. I was staying at my BF's apartment because my apartment was packed. In talking to my sister I told her about the first time I saw a ghost. She remembered a story about an ex's mom having dinner across the street from the exact spot I saw my ghost. (Yes, it's mine.) She said she never paid much attention to it before but described exactly what I had seen. Getting creepy now?
I moved again to a new apartment and would hear all kinds of things. I was used to this by now, but new things happened. For instance, my sister came to stay with me. She brought her dog. She had flown the red-eye so I let her take a nap while I ran some errands and stuff. When I came back she said that she was napping and her dog started barking like crazy at the corner of the room. I knew what she was getting at.... The she said she just felt something. Something looking at her. And the dog just kept getting more and more upset. I almost rolled my eyes because I was like"See? I told you." I still don't think she was totally convinced. Then I told her how my TV (which was only 2-3 years old) kept going out and not working at all. I took it to a TV repair shop and they said they fixed it. (Which I later found out they gipped me on...) Anyway, it broke yet again. So my parents took it and sent it to a TV repair shop around them. They guy had it on for 30 days and it never blipped or anything. I was moving (yet again) and didn't need the TV. Plus, it wouldn't work for me. Consequently, 5 years later it is still playing in their bedroom. Can you hear the name...."Carolannnnn!!"
Ghost Moves
Ghost Moves:
So I know every dorm from here to Oxford is haunted, right? Well...I don't think the dorm. So through the next dorm I lived in and then the first apartment house I would hear noises, etc. I would always attribute it to living in an old house. Then there was the rumors of the fraternity house down the street being haunted. Of course Doug and I had to stay up to wait for it to "appear." Well, that plan didn't exactly work for me. (See if Doug would like to contribute his story of when they did appear or resurrect his blog to tell it...) My roommates and I jokingly called our ghost "Grandma Galbreath" after our landlord. When I moved out of there, one of my roommates moved with me. Through the next place we still joked of Grandma Galbreath. The final place we lived together was where I really started noticing things. Mainly laughing noises and sometimes something out of the corner of my eye. I asked her one day if she ever saw/heard anything (to see if I was crazy.) She said she would hear things when she was drying her hair....which is where I saw/heard things. Nothing much, but still activity...
So I know every dorm from here to Oxford is haunted, right? Well...I don't think the dorm. So through the next dorm I lived in and then the first apartment house I would hear noises, etc. I would always attribute it to living in an old house. Then there was the rumors of the fraternity house down the street being haunted. Of course Doug and I had to stay up to wait for it to "appear." Well, that plan didn't exactly work for me. (See if Doug would like to contribute his story of when they did appear or resurrect his blog to tell it...) My roommates and I jokingly called our ghost "Grandma Galbreath" after our landlord. When I moved out of there, one of my roommates moved with me. Through the next place we still joked of Grandma Galbreath. The final place we lived together was where I really started noticing things. Mainly laughing noises and sometimes something out of the corner of my eye. I asked her one day if she ever saw/heard anything (to see if I was crazy.) She said she would hear things when she was drying her hair....which is where I saw/heard things. Nothing much, but still activity...
First "Sighting"
First "Sighting":
I was a sophomore in college. My roommate had gone home for the weekend and one of my sorority sisters stayed in my room. We had stayed up a little to bullshit. I was in my my bed and my SS was in my roommate's. We talked a little more, shut off the TV and that was that. A few minutes later I heard my dorm room door open and saw the light come in from the hallway and shine in on the wall. Not uncommon a WC for a door to open late with someone looking to BS. I didn't turn to see who it was because I was tired, but heard papers rustling on the desk. Of course I got scared and shut my eyes really tight and pulled the covers over my head.
At breakfast the next morning I was discussing what happened and my SS chimed in before I could mention the details of the papers on the desk. She said she turned to see who it was and there was nothing. Not even the door open. We both asked around to see if any of the usual culprits had stopped in to one.
The other girls sitting with us lived directly below. The same situation happened to them except their door was locked. Weird, but not convincing, right?? Read on...
I was a sophomore in college. My roommate had gone home for the weekend and one of my sorority sisters stayed in my room. We had stayed up a little to bullshit. I was in my my bed and my SS was in my roommate's. We talked a little more, shut off the TV and that was that. A few minutes later I heard my dorm room door open and saw the light come in from the hallway and shine in on the wall. Not uncommon a WC for a door to open late with someone looking to BS. I didn't turn to see who it was because I was tired, but heard papers rustling on the desk. Of course I got scared and shut my eyes really tight and pulled the covers over my head.
At breakfast the next morning I was discussing what happened and my SS chimed in before I could mention the details of the papers on the desk. She said she turned to see who it was and there was nothing. Not even the door open. We both asked around to see if any of the usual culprits had stopped in to one.
The other girls sitting with us lived directly below. The same situation happened to them except their door was locked. Weird, but not convincing, right?? Read on...
Ghosts: The Beginning
So for the past 12 years of my life I've been plagued by a ghost. I know it sounds strange, but this is my interpretation of it. These are going to be long posts, so I'll try to break them up.
It's validating if you read them all as they seem to tie in together in the end...
The Beginning:
The first time I saw a ghost I was either 18 or 19. I was on a midnight drive...probably to either hide my smoking from my mom or listen and cry to the radio because of a boyfriend. Anyway as I was driving down one of the roads to go home, I turned the corner. I slammed on my breaks because what I thought I saw not a person or animal, but my first instinct -"Oh shit. I think that was a ghost." It was a whitish figure that was visible enough to make me slam on my breaks. Strange, but true.
It's validating if you read them all as they seem to tie in together in the end...
The Beginning:
The first time I saw a ghost I was either 18 or 19. I was on a midnight drive...probably to either hide my smoking from my mom or listen and cry to the radio because of a boyfriend. Anyway as I was driving down one of the roads to go home, I turned the corner. I slammed on my breaks because what I thought I saw not a person or animal, but my first instinct -"Oh shit. I think that was a ghost." It was a whitish figure that was visible enough to make me slam on my breaks. Strange, but true.
Nip/Tuck *Spoiler
Don't read this if you haven't watched it yet....
I think Nip/Tuck has finally crossed the line. The whole dog thing...yuck. Not so much what the woman did with the dog, but the guy rolling the dead dog on the table. Yet, I haven't shut it off yet.
I think Nip/Tuck has finally crossed the line. The whole dog thing...yuck. Not so much what the woman did with the dog, but the guy rolling the dead dog on the table. Yet, I haven't shut it off yet.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Repost and Up and Running
I'm up and running.....let's just say I love wireless.
I know I need to write about the ghost stories...tomorrow. Today, I'm beat.
I was reading through my old posts...
this is me a year ago
this is me two years ago...
Where am I now? Good question....but I think it's a good place.
I know I need to write about the ghost stories...tomorrow. Today, I'm beat.
I was reading through my old posts...
this is me a year ago
this is me two years ago...
Where am I now? Good question....but I think it's a good place.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Eat My Wake
I miss this....I just am running out of time. I actually considered ending my blog. But, then I thought...wait. I just know everyone wants to hear what I have to say, right? Actually I could care less...though I do enjoy being creative with my stories.
So I did it. I competed in my first official swim meet in almost 13 years. And...I kicked ass! I The main event I was nervous for was the 200 yard freestyle. I submitted a time after I sat down and did the math of "well, in practice I can hold a 50 on :45, so I should be able to do..." I sent in a 2:45. (For those of you who don't understand swimming, sorry.) Anyway, sitting at the meet and after my warm up I noticed my mathematical error of 15 seconds. Shit. I'm totally going to look like an asshole if I don't come close to this time. Cute 35 year old guy (benefit to swim team for adults...cute guys!) will see me choke and shit. What did I finish?? 2:46. Go Girl!
There were people all the way to 87 years old. Unreal. One older man did have a women's suit on. Fo' real. Swimming has taken on a trend of full-body suits. Now, not that you need one at a master's league...I really only saw one or two people that deemed a $100-250 suit. But, these adults apparently have the money to blow on them. Anyway...the "Tranny" in the suit swam against me in the 25 free. I look next to me and he was right on my ass. I thought, "he-ell no is he going to beat me." Though he did have a full foot on me, I beat him. (And, took a pic of him in his suit.)
Needless to say, today was successful, but more imporatantly it was fun. I really enjoyed the competition. I'm looking forward to the next Olympics. heheheh.
Still no internet. I promise to get up this week. It's setting me crazy. I need to get back to my house and tend to the dog who has now taken up pulling the curtains out from around the back of the couch making a nice little tent area for him to look out the window. Especially funny when he has 2-3 toys stuffed between the window and the couch. He looks like he's stuck in one of those claw machines.
More updates soon.
So I did it. I competed in my first official swim meet in almost 13 years. And...I kicked ass! I The main event I was nervous for was the 200 yard freestyle. I submitted a time after I sat down and did the math of "well, in practice I can hold a 50 on :45, so I should be able to do..." I sent in a 2:45. (For those of you who don't understand swimming, sorry.) Anyway, sitting at the meet and after my warm up I noticed my mathematical error of 15 seconds. Shit. I'm totally going to look like an asshole if I don't come close to this time. Cute 35 year old guy (benefit to swim team for adults...cute guys!) will see me choke and shit. What did I finish?? 2:46. Go Girl!
There were people all the way to 87 years old. Unreal. One older man did have a women's suit on. Fo' real. Swimming has taken on a trend of full-body suits. Now, not that you need one at a master's league...I really only saw one or two people that deemed a $100-250 suit. But, these adults apparently have the money to blow on them. Anyway...the "Tranny" in the suit swam against me in the 25 free. I look next to me and he was right on my ass. I thought, "he-ell no is he going to beat me." Though he did have a full foot on me, I beat him. (And, took a pic of him in his suit.)
Needless to say, today was successful, but more imporatantly it was fun. I really enjoyed the competition. I'm looking forward to the next Olympics. heheheh.
Still no internet. I promise to get up this week. It's setting me crazy. I need to get back to my house and tend to the dog who has now taken up pulling the curtains out from around the back of the couch making a nice little tent area for him to look out the window. Especially funny when he has 2-3 toys stuffed between the window and the couch. He looks like he's stuck in one of those claw machines.
More updates soon.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
AC and a Brief Sighting....of Me.
It's been years, huh? Miss me?
Me, too.
While I have so much to update, discuss and tell...
This won't be too long as I need to go to bed. Getting up early tomorrow to go to Atlantic City. I'm so excited because I've never been there before. I know it's not much, but it's also the ONLY vacation I've been on this summer. We're heading out for my mom's 60th birthday. Mom, Dad, Sister, Sister's Fiancee, Me. Yes, me. Solo. Oh least I have some cash to gamble.
And, I'm totally thinking of the SATC episode. I'm feeling Charlotte this trip. No (really) slutty clothes--just kidding. But, a little sass attitude and well...just plain sass and fun.
I do want to do the AC boardwalk things like get my palm read. You know my love of the paranormal. And, speaking of paranormal...
I do think my house has "stuff" in it. So I blessed it with holy water. My church-chant-mantra:
"Funny things are fine. Just don't scare the shit out of me."
Probably slightly sacrireligious, but it works for me. The dog has sinced calmed down and I haven't had too much happen. Keys missing for two days that ended up on the kitchen floor in plain sight, footsteps from the basement (no shit, really) and just some eerie feelings.
Okay...I'm off to bed. Wish me luck. Maybe I'll end up like that little old lady a while ago who hit the million on the nickel slots. A girl can dream, right?
Me, too.
While I have so much to update, discuss and tell...
This won't be too long as I need to go to bed. Getting up early tomorrow to go to Atlantic City. I'm so excited because I've never been there before. I know it's not much, but it's also the ONLY vacation I've been on this summer. We're heading out for my mom's 60th birthday. Mom, Dad, Sister, Sister's Fiancee, Me. Yes, me. Solo. Oh least I have some cash to gamble.
And, I'm totally thinking of the SATC episode. I'm feeling Charlotte this trip. No (really) slutty clothes--just kidding. But, a little sass attitude and well...just plain sass and fun.
I do want to do the AC boardwalk things like get my palm read. You know my love of the paranormal. And, speaking of paranormal...
I do think my house has "stuff" in it. So I blessed it with holy water. My church-chant-mantra:
"Funny things are fine. Just don't scare the shit out of me."
Probably slightly sacrireligious, but it works for me. The dog has sinced calmed down and I haven't had too much happen. Keys missing for two days that ended up on the kitchen floor in plain sight, footsteps from the basement (no shit, really) and just some eerie feelings.
Okay...I'm off to bed. Wish me luck. Maybe I'll end up like that little old lady a while ago who hit the million on the nickel slots. A girl can dream, right?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Hiatus, kinda
Posts will be sporadic for a while.
No internet connection in the new house as yet. I'm still holding out that I will get a new job, so I'm not putting in a phone line yet.
Neville still doesn't like it, but I'm doing what a good dog-mommy would do: leaving him there alone for bits at a time instead of dropping him off at my parents' house while I'm out and about. What do I want to do?? Not pull him out of the home he's grown to love. Tough love it is, though. Hopefully....I'll actually start to get some sleep.
Have a good post about the past week...visiting with old friends, making soon as I get some time, I will try. I think there is wireless at one of the coffee shops in town.
No internet connection in the new house as yet. I'm still holding out that I will get a new job, so I'm not putting in a phone line yet.
Neville still doesn't like it, but I'm doing what a good dog-mommy would do: leaving him there alone for bits at a time instead of dropping him off at my parents' house while I'm out and about. What do I want to do?? Not pull him out of the home he's grown to love. Tough love it is, though. Hopefully....I'll actually start to get some sleep.
Have a good post about the past week...visiting with old friends, making soon as I get some time, I will try. I think there is wireless at one of the coffee shops in town.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
My Spaces and The Things Going On Around Them
Neville and I stayed at our new house last night. We walked this morning. Being that he's sleeping like a rock right now, he got as much sleep as I did. I believe I was up at 1:30, 3:30, 5:00 and then finally 5:45. Hmmph. I suppose he'll get used to it. I really don't see how he doesn't love my ultra plush, pillow top mattress. It's sooooo comfy!
Went to the doctor today. On the was down I listened to a new CD I bought. The Essential Michael Jackson. I highly recommend it. I was cracking up as I was driving in my mom's convertible (she's out of town so I get to play) and jamming to Rock With You. I know he's a freak, but you can't knock the music.
Also at the doctor I was asked if I was using "protection." I answered "no" and then suddenly felt irresponsible. So I had a Bridget Jones' moment where I fumbled over my words and in an elevated tone blurted, "Well...d-don't need anything at this point in my life!" It was all not to have an elbow to the ribs to the nurse and a "hardy-har" come out. I definitely needed a British accent, too. *I'm not irresponsible, I'm just a lame-ass, singleton.
On the way home I stopped at Sheetz to get something to drink. I never drink or eat anything before the doctor as the scale looms. (Turns out I'm 9 pounds thinnner than last year!) I was on my way to my car some old bitch was pulling into a parking space. Now I had seen her already attempt to pull in once. I wasn't going to wait around to watch her park when I could easily hop in my car and pull away and leave my space empty (because the other three empty spaces on the other side of her were making it difficult for her to pull her VAN in the spot. Now. Those of you familiar with Sheetz -and I'm sure other convenience stores- note that there's a sign that says "NO VANS OR TRUCKS. CARS ONLY." Apparently the BlueBlocker didn't see the sign. She did manage to rasp at me through the glass because I walked into her space (the she wasn't even remotely pulled into yet) and mouth out some old people words obscenity style. What did I do? I stared the bitch down. I was ready to snap right back at her crotchety ass. Especially reminding her that the sign says "NO VANS OR TRUCKS. CARS ONLY." But...I think the stare scared her. Or, at least I'd like to think so. I know...lame to want to fight with an old woman, but the other day another one parked in TWO spaces and left me without a spot. Yes. Current hate: People who can't park.
Speaking of MySpace. I keep getting an email from a certain person on there. I ignored the 1st. The 2nd. And now the 3rd. Um, if I didn't email you back, it's because I don't want to. Repeated emails don't normally change my mind. Plus...I know this guy. Haven't talked to him for over 12-15 years...but I know him. He used to call a bunch of my girlfriends when I was in highschool and he was a bit older. 5 years (that's a big deal in hs, ya know.) Anyway...if you've Googled me and are reading this, then at least acknowledge that you remember who I am in an email. I am female. I have a memory like an elephant. *And I've been busted on Google before (ahem, Buckner...where is that ol' chap anyway??)
Better love connection news....well, no connection, but I caught the eye of someone the other day. I was at our championship swim meet on Saturday and there he was. Clad in white with whistle around his neck. The Official. Ah. I noticed him from afar, but when I got closer. He noticed me. I''m not being cocky, but he kept staring at me and made some silly joke about one of the other officials leaving for a "tobacco break." It was like he was me having a Bridget Jones. Except he's a boy, so I guess he had a Mark Darcy. We kept exchanging glances throughout the meet. I talked big about dropping my number in his pocket to one of the other coaches. But as usual...I'm all talk. No game. So if you're out there hot-official-with-the-dark-hair-dreamy-eyes-and-cute-smile, hopefully I'll catch you at another meet...or sooner. The only worry...that he's a college boy. We were at IUP. For some reason, I just can't judge age anymore.
I feel like my postings are becoming a little bolder in the sense that I'm not holding back as much, though there is a ton behind the brick wall I'm trying to climb in my writing. My main concern is...strike that....used to be losing a potential job because of this. However, being I haven't hear much on the job front, I think the stars are fucking that up all by demselves.
I'm almost done with Da Vinci. I's taken all summer to read, but I've been tooooooooo busy to sit down with it. I will read it again when I have a weekend to myself. I will say it's excellent.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
A Rolling Stone Gathers....
Better mood today. Not much, but I'm not on the verge of tears. Lesterhead and Terible had some good questions and advice.
Do we always do what we want, or do what we need? Now, isn't' Mick Jagger ringing your ears right now...You can't always get what you want, you get what you need...
How does that work then? Not that I don't ever do what I want, but I usually do what's safe and sensible. I haven't moved in 4 years out of the 'rents house because it didn't make sense. No sense to pay unnecessary rent when the town is 2 miles long and I wasn't in a position to buy a house. But, now...I've bought a house in a town I don't want to live in. Why? It's a good investment. I know I'll make money on the resale. What scares me the most? Is that I'll get stuck here. The permanence of owning a house. Permanent. Forever. Solid.
Is it mathematical then?
Doing what we want = getting what we need.
Doing what we need = getting what we don't want.
Doing what we don't want = ?????????
Do we always do what we want, or do what we need? Now, isn't' Mick Jagger ringing your ears right now...You can't always get what you want, you get what you need...
How does that work then? Not that I don't ever do what I want, but I usually do what's safe and sensible. I haven't moved in 4 years out of the 'rents house because it didn't make sense. No sense to pay unnecessary rent when the town is 2 miles long and I wasn't in a position to buy a house. But, now...I've bought a house in a town I don't want to live in. Why? It's a good investment. I know I'll make money on the resale. What scares me the most? Is that I'll get stuck here. The permanence of owning a house. Permanent. Forever. Solid.
Is it mathematical then?
Doing what we want = getting what we need.
Doing what we need = getting what we don't want.
Doing what we don't want = ?????????
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Sign of the Zodiac Speaking...
Where has the summer gone? I know it's not over, but I feel like I've not had a summer. I took a nap today for the first time in at least a month. It was pretty good, but not as relaxing as I wished it would have been. I woke up feeling guilty that I should have been putting my cabinet doors on or unpacking a box or something. As much as I have been wanting to move, I think my subconscious isn't ready. Not sure why, but something's weighing heavy. Neville sure isn't ready to move. We stayed the other night and he kept me up all night. I brought him over when I was doing yard work and he literally barked for 4 hours. I think he was saying something like, "what have you done to get us kicked out?" And I wanted to answer him, "I'm not sure, but it sucks."
So to answer your comment, Cags...30 is somewhat uneventful and burdensome. Not that I expected some huge revelation...okay, so maybe I did expect a life-changing event. That's my nature. My head-in-the-clouds, optimistic view that makes me the chipper person that I always am (scoff) usually leaves me let down. I have top expectations and then reality sets in and I'm disappointed. Maybe it's the moon, maybe it's the time or maybe it's just me, but I feel very unsettled at this point. I'm one of those people that thinks that everything happens for a reason., but I haven't quite seen a reason for the way things have fallen. It's not what I've chosen, but what's been decided by default. In a nuthell...I hate my town, job, dating status and social life at this point. And for those of you saying it could be worse..."be happy you have a job and a place to live"...a big fat raspberry to you. It's my pity party right now. Don't spoil it with your objective point of view.
Needless to say this isn't my night. Or week. My oven doesn't work, my dog hates my new house, I don't have a new job, and I'm still stuck in this shithole county: alone and dateless none the less. I'd really like to go to bed, wake up in 1998 and start all over again. At least 1999 or 2003.
Damn, am I Crabby.
So to answer your comment, Cags...30 is somewhat uneventful and burdensome. Not that I expected some huge revelation...okay, so maybe I did expect a life-changing event. That's my nature. My head-in-the-clouds, optimistic view that makes me the chipper person that I always am (scoff) usually leaves me let down. I have top expectations and then reality sets in and I'm disappointed. Maybe it's the moon, maybe it's the time or maybe it's just me, but I feel very unsettled at this point. I'm one of those people that thinks that everything happens for a reason., but I haven't quite seen a reason for the way things have fallen. It's not what I've chosen, but what's been decided by default. In a nuthell...I hate my town, job, dating status and social life at this point. And for those of you saying it could be worse..."be happy you have a job and a place to live"...a big fat raspberry to you. It's my pity party right now. Don't spoil it with your objective point of view.
Needless to say this isn't my night. Or week. My oven doesn't work, my dog hates my new house, I don't have a new job, and I'm still stuck in this shithole county: alone and dateless none the less. I'd really like to go to bed, wake up in 1998 and start all over again. At least 1999 or 2003.
Damn, am I Crabby.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
We're here to PUMP, YOU UP!
Started weight training for the first time -seriously- since about 1993. Yikes. I'm not too sore, so I know I'm not overdoing it. Trying to get in shape to join the Master's swim league. (Swim team for adults if you will...) I've been saying I wanted to do it for the past two years. I checked out some of the meet results and I won't come in I'm willing to join. Plus...if I put the right amount of training in, by October (I think the first meet is sometime around there) I should be pretty well off.
I promise to get pictures of before/after of my new house up. But, I need to resized them or not be a cheapass and upgrade on flickr. Any suggestions besides Adobe Photoshop?
by the way....thanks for all the help on revamping my blog! (scoff)
by the way....thanks for all the help on revamping my blog! (scoff)
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Can Someone Help Me?
Help...on three things.
1. I'm a tech retard. I have had my Bluetooth thingy since February and I can't figure out how to hook it up. It's pretty much supposed to do it on it's own, but I can't even figure that out. I should head on to Verizon and have the hot little tech guy help me. He's got tattoos and such which is not usually my type, but looks dapper in his uniform. Hmm....
2. This blog needs some work. Like I said, I'm not savvy on the tech side, but I can (usually) follow directions. It looks boring. All I could come up with on my links section is "Totally Readable" which is totally lame sounding. Basically I feel like my blog should be on 10 Years Younger or What Not To Wear. It's not awful, but need some aesthetic updating.
3. This blog may be borderline boring, too. I need more interactive topics. But, then again...I need readers to contribute. So, if you're lurking...holla out and suggest some topics.'re comments are always welcome and most respected.
This isn't really help, but kinda funny. Every morning a few of the girls get out and walk 5-6 miles. (We're teachers so we're not doing much else in the summer.) Anyway...we've (I've) been semi-stalking a certain gent on our walk. He drives past the same time everyday...between 7:55-8:00 AM. He's not from this shithole as his Virginia plates on his Toureg (ahh...hear the angels sing on my dream car) indicate. Well, now we know where he lives as one of the girls was driving behind him on his way home to his apartment. (AND! It's near my new house!) this may not be funny anymore, but possibly borderline Bundy. It's not like we're peeking in his windows...
So now we know where Toureg lives and the route he drives.
My guess is that he works at Nemacolin Resort somewhere as that's pretty much all that's left to go with the direction he's traveling. I keep saying that I'm going to wave to him ('cause you know...we both drive VW's so we have that thing going on) but I haven't done it yet. So I'll give him a shout out on here in case he's cyber-stalking-googling hot girl who walks every morning in Uniontown, PA.
If you catch this, Toureg guy...give a beep and I'll wave. If you're wondering about me, I'm single, have a job, own a house and have good credit. We'll go from there.
And to keep my self amused and all of you if you care...I'll try to post the Toureg Report.
1. I'm a tech retard. I have had my Bluetooth thingy since February and I can't figure out how to hook it up. It's pretty much supposed to do it on it's own, but I can't even figure that out. I should head on to Verizon and have the hot little tech guy help me. He's got tattoos and such which is not usually my type, but looks dapper in his uniform. Hmm....
2. This blog needs some work. Like I said, I'm not savvy on the tech side, but I can (usually) follow directions. It looks boring. All I could come up with on my links section is "Totally Readable" which is totally lame sounding. Basically I feel like my blog should be on 10 Years Younger or What Not To Wear. It's not awful, but need some aesthetic updating.
3. This blog may be borderline boring, too. I need more interactive topics. But, then again...I need readers to contribute. So, if you're lurking...holla out and suggest some topics.'re comments are always welcome and most respected.
This isn't really help, but kinda funny. Every morning a few of the girls get out and walk 5-6 miles. (We're teachers so we're not doing much else in the summer.) Anyway...we've (I've) been semi-stalking a certain gent on our walk. He drives past the same time everyday...between 7:55-8:00 AM. He's not from this shithole as his Virginia plates on his Toureg (ahh...hear the angels sing on my dream car) indicate. Well, now we know where he lives as one of the girls was driving behind him on his way home to his apartment. (AND! It's near my new house!) this may not be funny anymore, but possibly borderline Bundy. It's not like we're peeking in his windows...
So now we know where Toureg lives and the route he drives.
My guess is that he works at Nemacolin Resort somewhere as that's pretty much all that's left to go with the direction he's traveling. I keep saying that I'm going to wave to him ('cause you know...we both drive VW's so we have that thing going on) but I haven't done it yet. So I'll give him a shout out on here in case he's cyber-stalking-googling hot girl who walks every morning in Uniontown, PA.
If you catch this, Toureg guy...give a beep and I'll wave. If you're wondering about me, I'm single, have a job, own a house and have good credit. We'll go from there.
And to keep my self amused and all of you if you care...I'll try to post the Toureg Report.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
After 30
It's not as bad as I thought....30.
It might just give me the edge I've been needing (or at least the excuse to be a bigger bitch then I already am.)
"What? Uh, no. I don't want to. Why?? Because I don't."
"It's because she's thirty. If she were in her 20's she would say yes."
I will say I almost threw down with Rainman (yes...I ran into him again on the 4th.) I tried to ignore him most of the night, but he was egging me on by being super fucking annoying. What gets me is...why is anyone friends with him? I know why. Because we all have that one friend who annoys the living shit out of us, yet we keep them around. (Wondering if you're that person, eh?)
Anyway...I couldn't take it anymore. So, I pulled the Bully Handbook out of my teacher mind and gave him the
"Quit harassing me. It's my birthday, you can't do that on my birthday." (That was my nice attempt to tell him to shut the F up.)
"I can do anything I want." (Are you kidding me?)
"Uh, no you can't."
Some random banter and yet AGAIN, the douchebag says something to me to which I so maturely replied...
"Christ. You're worse than a woman!"
Score: One point for 30-year old GITC. Heh. Take that Corky.
(Other than being harassed randomly,) my birthday was pretty good. Funny enough I was asleep by 11:30? I just can't hang anymore. More celebrations will be on Friday. Unlike me, the majority of my friends work the day after the 4th. Damn does that suck.
Got a pedicure today. I like the girl that does my nails. She's very sweet. She does want to talk all the time...and I don't really want to. That's kinda like my time to not talk and be pampered. Like when I get my hair done, I love when she puts me under the dryer for color. I can read a magazine and not be interrupted. I feel bad as well because her broken English is a bitch to understand and add that to the hum and clatter of all the water, nail machines and music...I end up saying, "Hmm? What's that?" about six thousand times. She does a bang up job, though. Girls Love Pink is now on my toes. I still want that job at OPI naming nail polish.
It might just give me the edge I've been needing (or at least the excuse to be a bigger bitch then I already am.)
"What? Uh, no. I don't want to. Why?? Because I don't."
"It's because she's thirty. If she were in her 20's she would say yes."
I will say I almost threw down with Rainman (yes...I ran into him again on the 4th.) I tried to ignore him most of the night, but he was egging me on by being super fucking annoying. What gets me is...why is anyone friends with him? I know why. Because we all have that one friend who annoys the living shit out of us, yet we keep them around. (Wondering if you're that person, eh?)
Anyway...I couldn't take it anymore. So, I pulled the Bully Handbook out of my teacher mind and gave him the
"Quit harassing me. It's my birthday, you can't do that on my birthday." (That was my nice attempt to tell him to shut the F up.)
"I can do anything I want." (Are you kidding me?)
"Uh, no you can't."
Some random banter and yet AGAIN, the douchebag says something to me to which I so maturely replied...
"Christ. You're worse than a woman!"
Score: One point for 30-year old GITC. Heh. Take that Corky.
(Other than being harassed randomly,) my birthday was pretty good. Funny enough I was asleep by 11:30? I just can't hang anymore. More celebrations will be on Friday. Unlike me, the majority of my friends work the day after the 4th. Damn does that suck.
Got a pedicure today. I like the girl that does my nails. She's very sweet. She does want to talk all the time...and I don't really want to. That's kinda like my time to not talk and be pampered. Like when I get my hair done, I love when she puts me under the dryer for color. I can read a magazine and not be interrupted. I feel bad as well because her broken English is a bitch to understand and add that to the hum and clatter of all the water, nail machines and music...I end up saying, "Hmm? What's that?" about six thousand times. She does a bang up job, though. Girls Love Pink is now on my toes. I still want that job at OPI naming nail polish.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Thirty is:
The number of days in the months April, June, September and November (and in unusual circumstances February - see February 30).
The total number of major and minor keys in Western tonal music, including enharmonic equivalents.
In years of marriage, the pearl wedding anniversary.
The duration of the Thirty Years' War.
Used to indicate the end of a wire service story. (Possibly a corruption of German fertig -
"finished, ready" or in journalistic context "end of story"?)
The code for international direct dial phone calls to Greece.
The house number of 30 St Mary Axe (The Gherkin)
The designation of Interstate 30, a freeway that runs from Texas to Arkansas.
The designation of U.S. Route 30, a highway that runs from Oregon to New Jersey.
Various other routes have been numbered "30"; for example, New York State Route 30 which runs from the Pennsylvania border to the Canadian border.
The designation of E30, the European route from Cork to Samara.
The number of tracks on The Beatles' eponymous album, usually known as The White Album.
Part of the name of:
Thirty odd foot of grunts, the band fronted by actor Russell Crowe
In the title of the movie 13 Going on 30, starring Jennifer Garner.
In the title of the Food Network show 30 Minute Meals.
The number of cars in the Nintendo 64 game F-Zero X.
Historical years: 30 A.D., 30 B.C., or 1930
-30-, a motion picture about work in a Los Angeles newspaper, starring Jack Webb and William Conrad
Also a stage in young adulthood.
The number that New York Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist wears in the NHL. Lundqvist wore
35 in Sweden, but since number 35 is retired by the Rangers for former goalie Mike Richter, he chose 30 instead.
Thirty is:
The number of days in the months April, June, September and November (and in unusual circumstances February - see February 30).
The total number of major and minor keys in Western tonal music, including enharmonic equivalents.
In years of marriage, the pearl wedding anniversary.
The duration of the Thirty Years' War.
Used to indicate the end of a wire service story. (Possibly a corruption of German fertig -
"finished, ready" or in journalistic context "end of story"?)
The code for international direct dial phone calls to Greece.
The house number of 30 St Mary Axe (The Gherkin)
The designation of Interstate 30, a freeway that runs from Texas to Arkansas.
The designation of U.S. Route 30, a highway that runs from Oregon to New Jersey.
Various other routes have been numbered "30"; for example, New York State Route 30 which runs from the Pennsylvania border to the Canadian border.
The designation of E30, the European route from Cork to Samara.
The number of tracks on The Beatles' eponymous album, usually known as The White Album.
Part of the name of:
Thirty odd foot of grunts, the band fronted by actor Russell Crowe
In the title of the movie 13 Going on 30, starring Jennifer Garner.
In the title of the Food Network show 30 Minute Meals.
The number of cars in the Nintendo 64 game F-Zero X.
Historical years: 30 A.D., 30 B.C., or 1930
-30-, a motion picture about work in a Los Angeles newspaper, starring Jack Webb and William Conrad
Also a stage in young adulthood.
The number that New York Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist wears in the NHL. Lundqvist wore
35 in Sweden, but since number 35 is retired by the Rangers for former goalie Mike Richter, he chose 30 instead.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Moving On Up....
I moved this weekend. Backed up from June 1st, it was July 1st. I still have more things to move (clothing, pictures, etc...) but I want to downsize. I don't need to move that same box of junk I haven't been looking at for the past few years. I'll be tackling that stuff today and off to Goodwill I go.
Thanks to Danni and MaryAnn...I wouldn't have been able to move everything without you.
One thing...I'm so embarrassed...I have about 75 different glasses. White wine, red wine, champagne, water, martini, milk, blah, blah... It's a serious obsession. I will say this. You will always have the correct glass to drink out of at my house. (And I just remember these tumblers that I know I didn't move so it must mean they're hiding somewhere.)
Once I get my window treatments up and the thermostat set up, I'll be able to stay. The rents are away right now, so I don't feel like I'm being forced out (this week.)
Saw The Devil Wears Prada this weekend. Very good. I didn't read the book. Not sure why, I just think I didn't get around to it. Lesterhead and I agree with the review of the clothes and fun movie. Go see it. Worth it.
Also rented The Family Stone. Cute. Not fabulous and a little far fetched, but cute. SJP was good, but I think she needs to play a villian or something like Jennifer Aniston did in The Good Girl to jump out of the type-cast role. She reminded me of Carrie with the Russian. Maybe a crazed murderer part would be good for her.
One. Day. Left.....of 29. Hmmph. Thanks to Jay for my 30th birthday/new house gift. I love it!
More cleaning out to do...I swear this never ends.
Thanks to Danni and MaryAnn...I wouldn't have been able to move everything without you.
One thing...I'm so embarrassed...I have about 75 different glasses. White wine, red wine, champagne, water, martini, milk, blah, blah... It's a serious obsession. I will say this. You will always have the correct glass to drink out of at my house. (And I just remember these tumblers that I know I didn't move so it must mean they're hiding somewhere.)
Once I get my window treatments up and the thermostat set up, I'll be able to stay. The rents are away right now, so I don't feel like I'm being forced out (this week.)
Saw The Devil Wears Prada this weekend. Very good. I didn't read the book. Not sure why, I just think I didn't get around to it. Lesterhead and I agree with the review of the clothes and fun movie. Go see it. Worth it.
Also rented The Family Stone. Cute. Not fabulous and a little far fetched, but cute. SJP was good, but I think she needs to play a villian or something like Jennifer Aniston did in The Good Girl to jump out of the type-cast role. She reminded me of Carrie with the Russian. Maybe a crazed murderer part would be good for her.
One. Day. Left.....of 29. Hmmph. Thanks to Jay for my 30th birthday/new house gift. I love it!
More cleaning out to do...I swear this never ends.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
It's been...
So my shitty-ass week (which has -unfortunately- not come to an end) has stumbled me upon this post. Ah, always seem to say the right thing at the right time.
20 Years Ago I...was awaiting to turn double digits, spending my summer at the local pool, getting up at 8 for swim team practice, watching Nanny and Professor every morning.
10 Years Ago I...was spending my days working day care for 6 weeks, smoking cigarettes every night at Denny's or Eat n' Park each night, being singel after 2 1/2 year relationship, not wanting to live in Fayette County.
6 Years Ago in Volant, had just opened my consignment shop and was contimplating closing it, dating an asshole, living in a shitty apartment, planning a vacation to Pennsacola, heading into the last year of my grad school classes.
3 Years Ago, I...was living in Fayette County, hating it, teaching ESL to a Chinese boy, laying out at the pool, dreading my 27th birthday, had experience Mardi Gras, hoping for a new job, wondering why the hell I had to move home with my parents, trying to get my "self" back.
1 Year Ago, I...hassling with, hoping for a new job, laying out at the pool, awaiting my vacation to the Dominican Republic, loving my new dog.
So far this year, I...completed my second year in my school that is super rough (and survived) coached my first year of middle school and varsity swimming, placed 11th in the WPIAL in swimming with my team and went to states, celebrated Mardi Gras a 4th time, started swimming (seriously) again, really got my "self" back, bought a house, and bought some great furniture!
Yesterday, I...walked 5.5 miles, worked my ass off in my house, took my dog to the Emergency vet, cried myself to sleep.
Today, I...went to Lowe's, worked in my house, walked 3 or 4 miles with my dog, went to practice, moved some furniture into my new house, drank wine, watched The Notebook.
Tomorrow, I will...walk 5.5. miles, have coffee with friends, paint my kitchen, move some furniture, go to practice, drink some wine, pack some things.
In the next year, I will...have a new job and live in another new place (power of positive thinking)
In the next minute, I will...drink more wine, cry a little, dream about my new life this year.
20 Years Ago I...was awaiting to turn double digits, spending my summer at the local pool, getting up at 8 for swim team practice, watching Nanny and Professor every morning.
10 Years Ago I...was spending my days working day care for 6 weeks, smoking cigarettes every night at Denny's or Eat n' Park each night, being singel after 2 1/2 year relationship, not wanting to live in Fayette County.
6 Years Ago in Volant, had just opened my consignment shop and was contimplating closing it, dating an asshole, living in a shitty apartment, planning a vacation to Pennsacola, heading into the last year of my grad school classes.
3 Years Ago, I...was living in Fayette County, hating it, teaching ESL to a Chinese boy, laying out at the pool, dreading my 27th birthday, had experience Mardi Gras, hoping for a new job, wondering why the hell I had to move home with my parents, trying to get my "self" back.
1 Year Ago, I...hassling with, hoping for a new job, laying out at the pool, awaiting my vacation to the Dominican Republic, loving my new dog.
So far this year, I...completed my second year in my school that is super rough (and survived) coached my first year of middle school and varsity swimming, placed 11th in the WPIAL in swimming with my team and went to states, celebrated Mardi Gras a 4th time, started swimming (seriously) again, really got my "self" back, bought a house, and bought some great furniture!
Yesterday, I...walked 5.5 miles, worked my ass off in my house, took my dog to the Emergency vet, cried myself to sleep.
Today, I...went to Lowe's, worked in my house, walked 3 or 4 miles with my dog, went to practice, moved some furniture into my new house, drank wine, watched The Notebook.
Tomorrow, I will...walk 5.5. miles, have coffee with friends, paint my kitchen, move some furniture, go to practice, drink some wine, pack some things.
In the next year, I will...have a new job and live in another new place (power of positive thinking)
In the next minute, I will...drink more wine, cry a little, dream about my new life this year.
I Hate German Shepherds
As if this week couldn't get any busier or any worse between fighting the painters, finding the the garbage men, paying the contractor....
Neville gets attacked by a German Shepherd.
I'm so pissed, upset, flaming-fucking mad. This dog was NOT on a leash. The only good thing about it was that my dad was walking him. He had to kick the dog about 15 times before the dog would leave. Had it been me walking the dog....well, I don't even want to think about what would have happened.
The German Shepard is an asshole. Every time I walk past the house on our walks, the dog comes flying at the fence. The neighbor was watching it yesterday... I hope they euthanize it.
This adds to one more reason I don't like big dogs. People don't know how to raise them. They get them as these status symbols and "guard" dogs. My best friend had a German Shepherd growing up that was very gentle. Unfortunately, not everyone pays attention to their dogs like she did.
Poor Neville. Two staples, antibiotics, pain killers and a trip to the Emergency Vet ($184 that the owner will be paying) he's doing well. A little shaken and scared, but he's a tough little guy.
Neville gets attacked by a German Shepherd.
I'm so pissed, upset, flaming-fucking mad. This dog was NOT on a leash. The only good thing about it was that my dad was walking him. He had to kick the dog about 15 times before the dog would leave. Had it been me walking the dog....well, I don't even want to think about what would have happened.
The German Shepard is an asshole. Every time I walk past the house on our walks, the dog comes flying at the fence. The neighbor was watching it yesterday... I hope they euthanize it.
This adds to one more reason I don't like big dogs. People don't know how to raise them. They get them as these status symbols and "guard" dogs. My best friend had a German Shepherd growing up that was very gentle. Unfortunately, not everyone pays attention to their dogs like she did.
Poor Neville. Two staples, antibiotics, pain killers and a trip to the Emergency Vet ($184 that the owner will be paying) he's doing well. A little shaken and scared, but he's a tough little guy.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
13 Days and Looming...
13 days....and looming.
I thought at 24, 25 and 26 my major breakdowns during my birthday were due to my less than sub-par boyfriend. Well, maybe they were partly due. Partly because I was disgusted where I was in my life. Crappy job, no "home" and shitty fucking relationship. Well now I have a decent job (not ideal as far as geography and pay, but it's better than slinging beer and muchies for tips,) I just bought a house, a great dog and no relationship --which is slightly better than the sub-par previous dickhead. Why do I still feel like my life is in a downward spiral? I know it's not that bad...but I hate getting older. The question is why?
I don't think I look older. But, my sense could be warped. I also have the opposite of anorexia. I look in the mirror and think I look pretty good, but then I get a picture back and I'm like shit. I look like shit. So, I might be some haggard wench, however I think I still look 22.
I was reading People magazine last night and the issue was of eligible bachelors. Taylor Hicks was in there. Something about! And, he attributes his entertainment life to the Flora-Bama. Hello?? That's one of my favorite places. Taylor....People says your looking for a girl who can entertain herself because of your busy schedule, well here I am. Drop this Girl In the Corner an email, Bud.
I'm sure there will be some more random bitch posts from me.
*On a happy sister is engaged!
I thought at 24, 25 and 26 my major breakdowns during my birthday were due to my less than sub-par boyfriend. Well, maybe they were partly due. Partly because I was disgusted where I was in my life. Crappy job, no "home" and shitty fucking relationship. Well now I have a decent job (not ideal as far as geography and pay, but it's better than slinging beer and muchies for tips,) I just bought a house, a great dog and no relationship --which is slightly better than the sub-par previous dickhead. Why do I still feel like my life is in a downward spiral? I know it's not that bad...but I hate getting older. The question is why?
I don't think I look older. But, my sense could be warped. I also have the opposite of anorexia. I look in the mirror and think I look pretty good, but then I get a picture back and I'm like shit. I look like shit. So, I might be some haggard wench, however I think I still look 22.
I was reading People magazine last night and the issue was of eligible bachelors. Taylor Hicks was in there. Something about! And, he attributes his entertainment life to the Flora-Bama. Hello?? That's one of my favorite places. Taylor....People says your looking for a girl who can entertain herself because of your busy schedule, well here I am. Drop this Girl In the Corner an email, Bud.
I'm sure there will be some more random bitch posts from me.
*On a happy sister is engaged!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
I'm dogsitting for a week. Yes, what a girl will do for money. Not too bad...the dogs are cute, but crazy. I've been up every day at 4 AM: because they want to PLAY!!
More blogging later. Check out the new banner I'm attaching. I know it's lame that a celebrity can't afford to pay the mortgage, but I love Saved By The Bell.
More blogging later. Check out the new banner I'm attaching. I know it's lame that a celebrity can't afford to pay the mortgage, but I love Saved By The Bell.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Poison Ivy
Frankly, I don't give a damn
House is coming along. Had some problems with the drywall finishing...arg! But, they're being fixed (by someone new) and soon to be painted. Carpet will follow and voila! I'll be able to move in. I'm going to say 2 weeks?
Had a funny Friday out. Weird, but somewhat amusing. Went out for my friends' birthdays on Friday night. A friend of a friend was out among us. Very bizarre guy. Like, um, really weird. And...obnoxious. So jokes were being told. Stupid ones, yada, yada. So this weird guy tells some joke that I can't even repeat because I truly did not get it (way too academic...I think you needed to be a Rhodes scholar to get it.) Anyway, everyone just kinda looked. Now, I was a bit on the frank side that night for some reason. So I say, "What's that mild for of autism called?" Now...I know it's not nice to make fun of people, but I simply was aiming at the fact that none of us knew the history lesson within the joke he told. All of a sudden the weird guy says, "My shrink tried to diagnose me with Asperger's last year!" Hmmm...."Oh. Well, uh sorry...?" He then starts ranting how that isn't what he has and he's not dumb. "I wasn't saying you were dumb, just that you have to be a Rhodes scholar to understand that lame ass joke." Now I'm annoyed and laughing because my drunk friend Danni is repeating "Ass Burgers."
Being that I teach a lot of kids with learning disabilities among the 1000's of emotional problems they have I start to think. Wait a don't know you have that? You just have it. Whatever...I can tell you what was wrong with him. Being that he was terribly effeminate and flirting with the (gay) owner of the bar...I think he needed a good old fashioned coming out party. I know I sound harsh at this point, but if you would have witnessed his pretention in mentioning every wonderful great thing he had done, tasted, experienced, spoken and farted, you would understand. He didn't proclaim these things to the group, he just told one person next to him - LOUDLY. Nothing I hate worse than attention seeking pretentious people who claim to have mental disorders. Those of you who know know who I'm talking about. Needless to say Rainman and I didn't hit it off too well. Nor did he hit it off with my other friend Mara as he screamed "FUCK YOU" across the intimate setting we were lounging in when she claimed she liked cheese dip. Pop a quaalude buddy and wear you rainbow. There's my shrink of charge.
I think I may have been a little too frank on Friday, (frankly I don't give a damn) but I'm a little irritated lately. Not with anyone, but with time. 22 days until I turn 30 and I'm not handling it well. I did not have a good time with 24, 25, 26. My 27th was okay. 28th..eehh. 29 I just gave up. I don't know what I'm looking for in my 30th, but I'm hoping some revelation comes up, some opportunity, something different....something!
Had a funny Friday out. Weird, but somewhat amusing. Went out for my friends' birthdays on Friday night. A friend of a friend was out among us. Very bizarre guy. Like, um, really weird. And...obnoxious. So jokes were being told. Stupid ones, yada, yada. So this weird guy tells some joke that I can't even repeat because I truly did not get it (way too academic...I think you needed to be a Rhodes scholar to get it.) Anyway, everyone just kinda looked. Now, I was a bit on the frank side that night for some reason. So I say, "What's that mild for of autism called?" Now...I know it's not nice to make fun of people, but I simply was aiming at the fact that none of us knew the history lesson within the joke he told. All of a sudden the weird guy says, "My shrink tried to diagnose me with Asperger's last year!" Hmmm...."Oh. Well, uh sorry...?" He then starts ranting how that isn't what he has and he's not dumb. "I wasn't saying you were dumb, just that you have to be a Rhodes scholar to understand that lame ass joke." Now I'm annoyed and laughing because my drunk friend Danni is repeating "Ass Burgers."
Being that I teach a lot of kids with learning disabilities among the 1000's of emotional problems they have I start to think. Wait a don't know you have that? You just have it. Whatever...I can tell you what was wrong with him. Being that he was terribly effeminate and flirting with the (gay) owner of the bar...I think he needed a good old fashioned coming out party. I know I sound harsh at this point, but if you would have witnessed his pretention in mentioning every wonderful great thing he had done, tasted, experienced, spoken and farted, you would understand. He didn't proclaim these things to the group, he just told one person next to him - LOUDLY. Nothing I hate worse than attention seeking pretentious people who claim to have mental disorders. Those of you who know know who I'm talking about. Needless to say Rainman and I didn't hit it off too well. Nor did he hit it off with my other friend Mara as he screamed "FUCK YOU" across the intimate setting we were lounging in when she claimed she liked cheese dip. Pop a quaalude buddy and wear you rainbow. There's my shrink of charge.
I think I may have been a little too frank on Friday, (frankly I don't give a damn) but I'm a little irritated lately. Not with anyone, but with time. 22 days until I turn 30 and I'm not handling it well. I did not have a good time with 24, 25, 26. My 27th was okay. 28th..eehh. 29 I just gave up. I don't know what I'm looking for in my 30th, but I'm hoping some revelation comes up, some opportunity, something different....something!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
My Space(s)
My Space...
Anyone on it? I feel rather behind the times that I'm not on MySpace. Though I also find all the contraversy about it amusing. Parents seem to think MySpace is The DEVIL (no pun to yesterday's 6-6-06 reference.) I think that these types of sites could be dangerous...just as any activity kids are involved in could be. It's called parenting. Maybe I don't have a clue because I don't have kids, but how about monitoring what your kids are doing? Don't keep a computer in the bedroom...don't let your kids sit on the computer (high-tech babysitting)...letting your kids know it's not okay to take naked pictures of yourself and display them on the net. I feel like I have some clue on parenting being that I parent 20-25 kids 9 months out of the year. Okay...enough ranting. Let's talk more about MySpace.
Should I be on MySpace? Can everyone see you on MySpace? I don't know that I want that as I'm not sure I want students/employers reading about me.
Now onto "my space." I'm picking out carpet today. I also need to look for light fixtures. That's something I so do not want to spend a lot of money on. I'm going to hit the clearance section of Lowe's and Home Depot. I did find two lamps at Value City that are really cute and only $20 a piece.
I promise to have more interesting topics to write about. Any suggestions?
Anyone on it? I feel rather behind the times that I'm not on MySpace. Though I also find all the contraversy about it amusing. Parents seem to think MySpace is The DEVIL (no pun to yesterday's 6-6-06 reference.) I think that these types of sites could be dangerous...just as any activity kids are involved in could be. It's called parenting. Maybe I don't have a clue because I don't have kids, but how about monitoring what your kids are doing? Don't keep a computer in the bedroom...don't let your kids sit on the computer (high-tech babysitting)...letting your kids know it's not okay to take naked pictures of yourself and display them on the net. I feel like I have some clue on parenting being that I parent 20-25 kids 9 months out of the year. Okay...enough ranting. Let's talk more about MySpace.
Should I be on MySpace? Can everyone see you on MySpace? I don't know that I want that as I'm not sure I want students/employers reading about me.
Now onto "my space." I'm picking out carpet today. I also need to look for light fixtures. That's something I so do not want to spend a lot of money on. I'm going to hit the clearance section of Lowe's and Home Depot. I did find two lamps at Value City that are really cute and only $20 a piece.
I promise to have more interesting topics to write about. Any suggestions?
Monday, May 29, 2006
I (Heart) Boyfriends
Oh busy. I can't believe I haven't updated since the 18th. What's new? Not much. A whole lot. The house is coming along great. I should be moved in a couple weeks. I'm looking forward to school being out and getting moved and organized in a new place.
I could bore with the details of the past 10 days, but I won't. What I will excite (bore) you with are some things I've been thinking about lately.
I miss having a boyfriend. The past 4 years I've been in and out of that feeling. More out than anything. It was easy because most of my friends didn't have significant others. Well, seems one by one they are acquiring their beaus and now I'm starting to be reminded of how nice it was to have one. Believe it or not, I did have a couple decent boyfriends. I've been having dreams about them lately, too. Friends and family keep asking me if I'm going to do online dating again. The answer: not now and most likely never again. I just hated it. I dreaded looking at my email. I picked apart every profile that winked at me (which wasn't difficult with most of them.) There were some decent options, but I hated the whole anxiety of it. What makes me reconsider doing it again is that a few of my friends have found some pretty awesome guys, though I'm still not convinced to try it again.
Turning 30 in about a month. Ugh. I'm getting that birthday anxiety I had at 25. I don't know what I'm doing for my birthday this year. I'm throwing a "White Trash" party the weekend after, but I hope I have something fun to do. If you're looking to get me a gift....something over 6 feet with an XY chromosome is preferred. (See above paragraph) Trouble finding that?? Then something bubbly and consumable is an okay swap.
I'm done complaining for now...I'm sure there will be a lot more building up to the dreadful day in July.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
So I wish I knew where FES was from. That 70's show is over. Great ending. I'm happy Donna and Eric are together....and how appropriate that they went off into the 80's. Had Fox been smart, this is when they would have started The 80's Show.
Will and Grace...great ending. It wasn't as sad as Friends, but I liked it.
For some reason I just thought of Saved By the Bell....Dan I hope you're reading this because I'm thinking of your SBTB song...
Will and Grace...great ending. It wasn't as sad as Friends, but I liked it.
For some reason I just thought of Saved By the Bell....Dan I hope you're reading this because I'm thinking of your SBTB song...
Home Owner
It's official.
I'm a home owner.
Moving date is the first week of June.
In 2036...the whole place will be mine.
I'm a home owner.
Moving date is the first week of June.
In 2036...the whole place will be mine.
The End of TV
I'm running out of TV shows. Will and Grace is over tonight. That 70's Show is over tonight.
First 90210, then Friends, now Will and Grace. I haven't found a show to replace them. I didn't jump on the Desperate Housewives wagon and I was too busy to watch Lost when it first began and now am too far behind (unless I rent the DVDs this summer.) 90210 and Party of Five was such a good night. In college the girls would get together that night and watch the shows.
Where are those shows now?
I dig the reality shows, but their seasons aren't like prime time TV night. I was hoping the new Teachers show would have been good, but it was lame.
Maybe I should just start reading more....
(or just watch Sex and the City DVDs!)
First 90210, then Friends, now Will and Grace. I haven't found a show to replace them. I didn't jump on the Desperate Housewives wagon and I was too busy to watch Lost when it first began and now am too far behind (unless I rent the DVDs this summer.) 90210 and Party of Five was such a good night. In college the girls would get together that night and watch the shows.
Where are those shows now?
I dig the reality shows, but their seasons aren't like prime time TV night. I was hoping the new Teachers show would have been good, but it was lame.
Maybe I should just start reading more....
(or just watch Sex and the City DVDs!)
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Have you seen The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants? It's adorable. I watched it yesterday and cried like a baby. In fact, I've been in that emotional mood. Not sure if it's the moon or just overload of things to, end of school year, moving, money, change? If you want a cute movie to watch, see it.
I always have the funkiest dreams. Most of you can attest to my everlasting explanation of them. But, my dreams are always soooo vivid. One reoccurring theme are people that I've never seen before. In any interaction there is usually a person I've never seen before. I have a memory like an elephant and almost never forget a face. Names...that that's another story. I can forget a name within seconds of hearing it. (It's that "Nice to meet you" that I never remember to do.) But faces....never forget. Anyways...I have a lot of dreams about people I don't know, never met, never have seen. Only once have I had a dream and actually seen the person. It was when I was living in Richmond. I had a dream I was dating this guy. I was following up the steps (in a house I've never been in) and couldn't understand anything he was saying to me. Whether I couldn't hear him or understand, I don't remember. The next week my friend and I were out to dinner and I saw him. He was sitting with another guy and they were speaking in a foreign language (Russian or something.) Weird. So last night I had a dream about "my boyfriend." At least he was in my dream. Cutey pahtutey I must add. I was staying at his apartment and slept on his couch while he sat up awake next to me. When I got up to shower in the morning I had to wear a bathing suit because his apartment building shared a shower room. There were copper tubs and dressers everywhere. Someone stole my shampoo (which was half full) and my body lotion (which had snowmen on it.) I was pretty upset because someone took my things, but couldn't understand because they weren't even new or nice things. Again, weird. So when I woke up I kept (and keep) remembering his face just in case I might meet him.
Does anyone else have this vivid of dreams?
I always have the funkiest dreams. Most of you can attest to my everlasting explanation of them. But, my dreams are always soooo vivid. One reoccurring theme are people that I've never seen before. In any interaction there is usually a person I've never seen before. I have a memory like an elephant and almost never forget a face. Names...that that's another story. I can forget a name within seconds of hearing it. (It's that "Nice to meet you
Does anyone else have this vivid of dreams?
Monday, May 08, 2006
House of Cards
So it's official. (Almost) I close on my house on the 18th of May. I met with my (personal) handy-man remodeling guy tonight. I'm invisioning Flip this House. Basically I'm totally redoing the house. Pics will be posted soon on the progress...
This weekend was fun. Derby party on Saturday though we're all a bunch of poops. Everyone was asleep by 11:30. Not as young as we used to be. Bet on the Derby...lost. Played poker...lost. All in all I still had a great time. Sunday the girls went to Gypsy, ate, drank and got our readings. My reading was great. Looks like new job will be here just in time for the fall, house will "flip" and I will finally-finally-be moving. Oh yeah....I think there is a man in there somewhere, too. *wink*
Now you may ask why I believe the readings. Why? Well, because they're usually pretty on. Rebecca has been reading my cards for over a year now roughly once a month or so. It's $15 for 15 minutes of clairity and soul sorting. Shouldn't you turn to Jesus for that? Probably...and I do pray each night before bed. And, this is probably less than I'd pay with co-payment to a therapist and quite frankly...I like her. She's personable and doesn't feed me a line of shit. I haven't always been thrilled about my readings. It's not always what I want to me. I've been waiting for the "the man of your dreams is going to walk in to your living room tomorrow" line for about 12 years (date of my first card reading.) I'll take the "looks like towards the end of October" I got last night. I'm just happy it's in sight. She also told me I need to let happen, happen. Quit looking at the signs and thinking, "Oh shit. When's it all going to come crashing down?" So I've taken if out of my statements and am going to try to go with the flow. Here goes, right?
This weekend was fun. Derby party on Saturday though we're all a bunch of poops. Everyone was asleep by 11:30. Not as young as we used to be. Bet on the Derby...lost. Played poker...lost. All in all I still had a great time. Sunday the girls went to Gypsy, ate, drank and got our readings. My reading was great. Looks like new job will be here just in time for the fall, house will "flip" and I will finally-finally-be moving. Oh yeah....I think there is a man in there somewhere, too. *wink*
Now you may ask why I believe the readings. Why? Well, because they're usually pretty on. Rebecca has been reading my cards for over a year now roughly once a month or so. It's $15 for 15 minutes of clairity and soul sorting. Shouldn't you turn to Jesus for that? Probably...and I do pray each night before bed. And, this is probably less than I'd pay with co-payment to a therapist and quite frankly...I like her. She's personable and doesn't feed me a line of shit. I haven't always been thrilled about my readings. It's not always what I want to me. I've been waiting for the "the man of your dreams is going to walk in to your living room tomorrow" line for about 12 years (date of my first card reading.) I'll take the "looks like towards the end of October" I got last night. I'm just happy it's in sight. She also told me I need to let happen, happen. Quit looking at the signs and thinking, "Oh shit. When's it all going to come crashing down?" So I've taken if out of my statements and am going to try to go with the flow. Here goes, right?
Sunday, April 30, 2006
I Must Have Been a Dog
So I must have been a dog in college.
Just this past weekend I ran into two people I haven't seen since college and they complimented me like I had been on Extreme Makeover. The compliments were much appreciated, but one even went as far as calling a mutual friend and telling her. Also, I was "cat-called" at a baseball game (though I started to consider it heckling at one point.) I don't think I've done much different lately, but apparently I have because I don't normally have these instances. Looking back though, I don't think that I was a dog, but I certainly wasn't groomed for the AKC show.
10 reasons I was a dog in college...
1. Baseball caps. Quick fix and at the time I thought they were cute like Tomboy cute. (I always have been a girlie-girl. This bitch has never, I repeat never left the house without mascara and some lip gloss.)
2. Sweatshirts/t-shirt. Yeah...I don't think the oversized sweatshirts and beer tees in men's sizes did a whole lot for the figure. Not that the beer gut I acquired was flattering either, but I'm sure it wasn't great.
3. Bad perm. Yikes! I did get a perm in college. It was freshman year and I had it in my head that it would give me more body and loose waves....ah, no. It just looked like a shitty perm. But, it was the early 90's....who's kidding who. I can't justify it.
4. Bad haircut. A series of them. The first was to get rid of the bad perm and head into the "long shag" cut that became so popular from Ms. Aniston. Not so much. I did have a really cool skunk after the shag-aster grew out. But, then I tried to pull off a red pixie with a bloated beer face. Terrible.
5. Overalls. I'm going to try to justify this one, too but I don't know if 4 years of overalls can be justified. Especially with a beer tee or sweatshirt. I know this did nothing for the figure as I remember Kirstie Ally in Look Who's Talking being pregnant in them.
6. Permanent cheap beer can in my hand and winning events in Beer Olympics. Not so much a guy magnet with that one.
7. Winston hanging out the corner of my mouth. I think smoking was much more popular (or so I'd like to think so) when I was in college. Just like the old adds, I was sexy. Ah, right.
8. Frumpy sized clothes. I blame this on my mother. My mom somehow put it in my head that a bigger shirt, pants etc hid the unwanted bulges I acquired from #6 and #7.
9. Pretty girls around me that weren't wearing #1-8.
10. Clearly not reading Cosmo for the fashion tips.
Now I did get a boyfriend my senior year. It was great. We met over a 30-pack. As you can see the romance lasted. But I also dressed up a little (a little) more.
So what brings me back to blogging? Not sure. Therapeutic definitely. One of my readers felt like her subscription had run out. I've kinda felt censored a bit. I don't know if my site meter was a good idea or not. I read it now and feel like I have to bite my tongue in case I offend someone, incriminate myself because I'm not sure who is reading it. Not that I'm doing anything bad or illegal, but I guess it's definitely and insight to your thoughts. That's what I feel like a blog should be: an honest insight to yourself. However, that's what I feel like I'm having trouble with now. I know it stems back to that damn People magazine article I read about people getting fired for blogging and being the victim of a Google search by teh Buckner. Meanwhile all I'm trying to do is get hired somewhere new and get a date. I'm not afraid to say that now at least, but I am concerned of what potential employers would read about my shitty-ass dating life and my journey to 30. Which brings me to a new focus.
My journey to 30...scary, yet I feel like my life is getting better by the minute. Those of you who know how I spent my 24, 25, 26, 28 b-days will know it's usually a waterworks. I was seriously thinking I was going to be one of those women who is afraid to get old running to Botox parties, trying to affair with younger men and wearing bedazzles. Well maybe not all that, but I definitely wasn't fine with getting older. For some reason now, I am. At least this year. I'm doing a bunch of things that don't necessarily make sense and I don't seem to mind it. I'm buying a house in a town I don't want to live, though it is a great opportunity to rent it when I leave. (Notice that if is being removed from all my thoughts.) I bought a leather couch that I know is going to get scratched by my dog, but I think it will have more character. I'm moving out of parents to the new house which I know I will be moving out of in August/September for my new job. (Oh the power of positive thinking.) I bought a leather coffee table, too. I know something will get spilled on it, but the lady at the furniture store told me it wouldn't matter. And instead of being polite and laughing off her offer to "hook me up" with a man she knows from my town (who is at least over 50) I gave a her an ewww look and the "ah, no." Am I getting crotchety in my old age and not giving a fuck what people think? Maybe.
So hopefully this is the revival of my blog. Not the new blog, but the way it was intended to be. A candid look into what this Girl In the Corner does. How she thinks and the way she lives her life. Future employers and dateables beware. You might just like what you see.
Just this past weekend I ran into two people I haven't seen since college and they complimented me like I had been on Extreme Makeover. The compliments were much appreciated, but one even went as far as calling a mutual friend and telling her. Also, I was "cat-called" at a baseball game (though I started to consider it heckling at one point.) I don't think I've done much different lately, but apparently I have because I don't normally have these instances. Looking back though, I don't think that I was a dog, but I certainly wasn't groomed for the AKC show.
10 reasons I was a dog in college...
1. Baseball caps. Quick fix and at the time I thought they were cute like Tomboy cute. (I always have been a girlie-girl. This bitch has never, I repeat never left the house without mascara and some lip gloss.)
2. Sweatshirts/t-shirt. Yeah...I don't think the oversized sweatshirts and beer tees in men's sizes did a whole lot for the figure. Not that the beer gut I acquired was flattering either, but I'm sure it wasn't great.
3. Bad perm. Yikes! I did get a perm in college. It was freshman year and I had it in my head that it would give me more body and loose waves....ah, no. It just looked like a shitty perm. But, it was the early 90's....who's kidding who. I can't justify it.
4. Bad haircut. A series of them. The first was to get rid of the bad perm and head into the "long shag" cut that became so popular from Ms. Aniston. Not so much. I did have a really cool skunk after the shag-aster grew out. But, then I tried to pull off a red pixie with a bloated beer face. Terrible.
5. Overalls. I'm going to try to justify this one, too but I don't know if 4 years of overalls can be justified. Especially with a beer tee or sweatshirt. I know this did nothing for the figure as I remember Kirstie Ally in Look Who's Talking being pregnant in them.
6. Permanent cheap beer can in my hand and winning events in Beer Olympics. Not so much a guy magnet with that one.
7. Winston hanging out the corner of my mouth. I think smoking was much more popular (or so I'd like to think so) when I was in college. Just like the old adds, I was sexy. Ah, right.
8. Frumpy sized clothes. I blame this on my mother. My mom somehow put it in my head that a bigger shirt, pants etc hid the unwanted bulges I acquired from #6 and #7.
9. Pretty girls around me that weren't wearing #1-8.
10. Clearly not reading Cosmo for the fashion tips.
Now I did get a boyfriend my senior year. It was great. We met over a 30-pack. As you can see the romance lasted. But I also dressed up a little (a little) more.
So what brings me back to blogging? Not sure. Therapeutic definitely. One of my readers felt like her subscription had run out. I've kinda felt censored a bit. I don't know if my site meter was a good idea or not. I read it now and feel like I have to bite my tongue in case I offend someone, incriminate myself because I'm not sure who is reading it. Not that I'm doing anything bad or illegal, but I guess it's definitely and insight to your thoughts. That's what I feel like a blog should be: an honest insight to yourself. However, that's what I feel like I'm having trouble with now. I know it stems back to that damn People magazine article I read about people getting fired for blogging and being the victim of a Google search by teh Buckner. Meanwhile all I'm trying to do is get hired somewhere new and get a date. I'm not afraid to say that now at least, but I am concerned of what potential employers would read about my shitty-ass dating life and my journey to 30. Which brings me to a new focus.
My journey to 30...scary, yet I feel like my life is getting better by the minute. Those of you who know how I spent my 24, 25, 26, 28 b-days will know it's usually a waterworks. I was seriously thinking I was going to be one of those women who is afraid to get old running to Botox parties, trying to affair with younger men and wearing bedazzles. Well maybe not all that, but I definitely wasn't fine with getting older. For some reason now, I am. At least this year. I'm doing a bunch of things that don't necessarily make sense and I don't seem to mind it. I'm buying a house in a town I don't want to live, though it is a great opportunity to rent it when I leave. (Notice that if is being removed from all my thoughts.) I bought a leather couch that I know is going to get scratched by my dog, but I think it will have more character. I'm moving out of parents to the new house which I know I will be moving out of in August/September for my new job. (Oh the power of positive thinking.) I bought a leather coffee table, too. I know something will get spilled on it, but the lady at the furniture store told me it wouldn't matter. And instead of being polite and laughing off her offer to "hook me up" with a man she knows from my town (who is at least over 50) I gave a her an ewww look and the "ah, no." Am I getting crotchety in my old age and not giving a fuck what people think? Maybe.
So hopefully this is the revival of my blog. Not the new blog, but the way it was intended to be. A candid look into what this Girl In the Corner does. How she thinks and the way she lives her life. Future employers and dateables beware. You might just like what you see.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
What I Sound Like When I Talk With My Friends
Swam today, aerobics tonight. Had some oatmeal with peanut butter (my new favorite) and even had some organic crackers....with processed cheese spread!!! HA! I'm sure all the organic, crunchy-granola, cloth grocery bag toting, Earth children probably would have a fit that I would combine the two, but I thought it was pretty funny. I actually wanted the Asiago cheese spread but didn't have any. Now don't think I went out and bought organic crackers (bought a HealthFood basket at a chariety auction.) Quite frankly the crackers are tasty, but I would never spend the money on organic food. I just don't think it's necessary.
I had some really funny dreams last night.
1. I was wearing my underwear underneath my swimsuit and I thought, "Oh my God. I'm such a tool."
2. The other was about a guy I work with...he was wearing a Civil War hat and a custodial jump suit and crawling around on the floor. I had a number of other ones, too.
I also had some funny thoughts today, too. Like...
1. What would it be like to be flushed down a toilet? Could Mythbusters make one and actually do it? Would you have to wear scuba gear in case you could drown from the force? Would it be a fun ride at a water park? (pending safety of course.)
2. I felt like Pee Wee in Pee Wee's Big Adventure today...specifically the part where he's walking in the night through the rain and hisses at someone when they ask him a question. (Bad day at work...)
I know this post is random, but that's kinda how I feel today. I'm more than ready for the school year to be over. More than ready.
I feel like I should write a post that might get more response. I also wonder who all reads this sometimes....I know who my regulars are...who are the others. Do-do-do, do. (That's my scary sci-fi noise.) I'll have to start coming up with some intriguing posts. I will say, now that I've been swimming...I feel like writing more. Wow...the card reader in NOLA did tell me to be around water, it does good for me.
On the sci-fi thing and then I'm off to bed. I have two new favorite shows -though I don't know exactly when they are on.
1. Most Haunted
2. Ghost Hunters
I love the supernatural and anything that goes with it. These shows scare me (only a little) but I'm fascinated!!! Ghosts used to scare me, but now I'm sort of used to them. Now that's a whole other post...maybe that'll be the one to get my readers talking. to look for supernatural on TV (or in my bedroom.) Goodnight
I had some really funny dreams last night.
1. I was wearing my underwear underneath my swimsuit and I thought, "Oh my God. I'm such a tool."
2. The other was about a guy I work with...he was wearing a Civil War hat and a custodial jump suit and crawling around on the floor. I had a number of other ones, too.
I also had some funny thoughts today, too. Like...
1. What would it be like to be flushed down a toilet? Could Mythbusters make one and actually do it? Would you have to wear scuba gear in case you could drown from the force? Would it be a fun ride at a water park? (pending safety of course.)
2. I felt like Pee Wee in Pee Wee's Big Adventure today...specifically the part where he's walking in the night through the rain and hisses at someone when they ask him a question. (Bad day at work...)
I know this post is random, but that's kinda how I feel today. I'm more than ready for the school year to be over. More than ready.
I feel like I should write a post that might get more response. I also wonder who all reads this sometimes....I know who my regulars are...who are the others. Do-do-do, do. (That's my scary sci-fi noise.) I'll have to start coming up with some intriguing posts. I will say, now that I've been swimming...I feel like writing more. Wow...the card reader in NOLA did tell me to be around water, it does good for me.
On the sci-fi thing and then I'm off to bed. I have two new favorite shows -though I don't know exactly when they are on.
1. Most Haunted
2. Ghost Hunters
I love the supernatural and anything that goes with it. These shows scare me (only a little) but I'm fascinated!!! Ghosts used to scare me, but now I'm sort of used to them. Now that's a whole other post...maybe that'll be the one to get my readers talking. to look for supernatural on TV (or in my bedroom.) Goodnight
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Up All Night, Fool All Day
I did it. Signed my life away...not really. However, I signed all of the preliminary stuff for my "new" house. I'm excited, but nervous. One thing I am excited about is redecorating and shopping for house type stuff. Two of my favorite things.
How lazy was I this weekend? Very. Had a few drinks after signing my paperwork on Friday with my friend Cortney and was in bed, asleep by 10:45. I woke up briefly for 5 minutes just after 11 and tried to watch Best Week Ever with no success. Saturday I did go for a walk, but then was again asleep by 10:05. I did wake up in the middle of the night and watch some cheesey teen movie called The Trojan War (have to say it was pretty funny.) Then today...took a nap! What a lazyass. However, this is where it leaves me now. 12:17 AM and I'm up. Hhhmmm..
Can't believe it's April. And, speaking of mother literally put me in tears of laughter yesterday. For YEARS my mother would always pull the same April Fool's Day jokes. 1. "There's a deer in the yard." and 2. "It's snowing outside." Living in PA you can get away with the snow joke most years in April. My sister and I would fall for it as kids, but as we got older a strained yawn from under the covers would come up with "Ok mom. April Fool's. Ha, Haaa." So yesterday as I was helping my mother prepare for early Easter dinner with grandparents today she says...
Mom: Guess what? I was downtown today and you'll never believe what I saw by the Fayette Bank builing?
Me: What?
Mom: A deer!
Me: No shit. Poor thing. Probably was lost. Remember when that one went through the Healthmart on Gallatin Avenue years ago?
Mom: (With hand over mouth and gasping for air into laughter) April Fool's!!!!
Me: (Instant tears) OH MY GOD! I can't believe (tears and silent laugh) I can't believe I fell for that!!
I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time. So what did I do? Called my sister. Guess what?? SHE FELL FOR IT, TOO!!!! Hahahahha. Can you believe it?
I know. Sounds stupid, but it being the longstanding joke...very funny.
How lazy was I this weekend? Very. Had a few drinks after signing my paperwork on Friday with my friend Cortney and was in bed, asleep by 10:45. I woke up briefly for 5 minutes just after 11 and tried to watch Best Week Ever with no success. Saturday I did go for a walk, but then was again asleep by 10:05. I did wake up in the middle of the night and watch some cheesey teen movie called The Trojan War (have to say it was pretty funny.) Then today...took a nap! What a lazyass. However, this is where it leaves me now. 12:17 AM and I'm up. Hhhmmm..
Can't believe it's April. And, speaking of mother literally put me in tears of laughter yesterday. For YEARS my mother would always pull the same April Fool's Day jokes. 1. "There's a deer in the yard." and 2. "It's snowing outside." Living in PA you can get away with the snow joke most years in April. My sister and I would fall for it as kids, but as we got older a strained yawn from under the covers would come up with "Ok mom. April Fool's. Ha, Haaa." So yesterday as I was helping my mother prepare for early Easter dinner with grandparents today she says...
Mom: Guess what? I was downtown today and you'll never believe what I saw by the Fayette Bank builing?
Me: What?
Mom: A deer!
Me: No shit. Poor thing. Probably was lost. Remember when that one went through the Healthmart on Gallatin Avenue years ago?
Mom: (With hand over mouth and gasping for air into laughter) April Fool's!!!!
Me: (Instant tears) OH MY GOD! I can't believe (tears and silent laugh) I can't believe I fell for that!!
I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time. So what did I do? Called my sister. Guess what?? SHE FELL FOR IT, TOO!!!! Hahahahha. Can you believe it?
I know. Sounds stupid, but it being the longstanding joke...very funny.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Due to the time and the wine, this post will be short and sweet...
I just got home from a girls' night from my friend Tara's house. I love girls' nights.
There's just something that you get from your girlfriends that you just don't get from anyone else.
I just got home from a girls' night from my friend Tara's house. I love girls' nights.
There's just something that you get from your girlfriends that you just don't get from anyone else.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Back By Popular Demand
I sat down in church next to this really cute guy. He leaned across me to get something from the pew and kept leaning and leaning until he ended up leaning his cheek into my lips. As I said to him, "Ah, I don't think you know me like that." He smiled and replied, "Sure I do." So we sat there and held hands the rest of the service. Instantly, I have a boyfriend. We spent the next week running around everywhere. I introduced him to everyone. His name is Brian. He's so cute.
And then the alarm went off...but, it was a really good dream. Disappointed? Yeah. Me, too.
If only getting a boyfriend was that easy.
I don't know why I've been in such a funk about writing, but I have. Well...I know a little bit why. This sounds stupid, but it's true. I read this article in People magazine about people getting fired over what they blog. I try to keep this as anonymous as possible, but checking my site meter has let me see that people have Googled me and found my blog. My main concern...future employers reading my vent and stupid stories and not hiring me. I will say it censors me a bit. that I've said that I feel like I left the disclaimer to say what I want.
And, one of my dear friend flattered me by asking me to start blogging again. She even said something like, "It's like my daily Enquirer!" Thanks!!
(I think I need to get these claw nails trimmed down as typing is becoming increasingly difficult.)
News Updates on me...
1. Heading down the homestretch in school. I hope I make it. They're like caged animals at this point.
2. Started swimming again. This time very seriously and actually enjoying it. Up to 2500 yards (100 laps) a day/ 4 days a week in addition to my aerobics class that I love.
3. Coaching is over. I'm glad because it was a long season, but it was a lot of fun.
4. Dating status...single (except in my dreams.)
5. I'm officially in my first wedding. Almost 30 and never been a bridesmaid. My friends Matt and Katie's wedding. 14 months to get real skinny. I think I can do it. (Maybe I'll have a date for that wedding??)
6. I'm buying a house.
Now I know it sounds stupid to buy a house, and the reason I decided to buy it is probably dumber, but strangely makes sense. I know...why would I buy a house in a town I don't want to stay in? Well, a friend of the family's mother passed away in January which leaves this house. It's small, very reasonable and there is a rental on top which pretty much pays the mortgage. I figure when/if I get a new job in Pittsburgh, I can rent out the place where I'll be living. It's exciting, but still makes me nervous. It needs some cosmetic work like wallpaper stripping, carpet, yada, yada, but is doable. And, it gives me equity. Most importantly...I can actually not live with the 'rents. (Angels sing.)
Now...why did I all of a sudden decide to buy this place? My card reader. Yes, I listened to the card reader. Long short of it she said it would be best if I moved. It didn't make sense, but we sometimes need to do what doesn't make sense to get what we want. My logic?? Nothing has been going my way for 4 years, so why not?
T.V. stuff...
1. New Teachers show...stupid. It wasn't anything close to what goes on in a school. No idiot would even attempt to drink beer (although sometimes we think the kids are going to drive us to it) nor would the amount of flirtation/sexual harassment go on. Sure we joke around...those f us who know each other!! If I was a new teacher/substitute and another teacher would hit on me like that...I would have his ass fired (and be sitting pretty in my BMW. ha!)
The fact of the matter is that would never occur. The show was slightly redeemable at the end when the canned jokes stopped and an (innocent) romance is on the rise. I'll turn in again, but based on tonight, I doubt it lasts.
2. I want Rachel Ray's job on $40 a Day and I want to marry Jim O'Connor from The
Secret Life Of. What a great life that would be and I would not keep it secret!
3. American Idol...poor showing tonight. Anyone could be off.
4. America's Next Top that show.
Other than that, I'm done today. I have PowerPoint project that is due tomorrow that I haven't started yet. I do have a two week window to turn it in (via online) but I really should have it done. Have the day off tomorrow to do it so that will be a nice break from the mayhem called school.
I promise to try to be less censored about blogging.
And then the alarm went off...but, it was a really good dream. Disappointed? Yeah. Me, too.
If only getting a boyfriend was that easy.
I don't know why I've been in such a funk about writing, but I have. Well...I know a little bit why. This sounds stupid, but it's true. I read this article in People magazine about people getting fired over what they blog. I try to keep this as anonymous as possible, but checking my site meter has let me see that people have Googled me and found my blog. My main concern...future employers reading my vent and stupid stories and not hiring me. I will say it censors me a bit. that I've said that I feel like I left the disclaimer to say what I want.
And, one of my dear friend flattered me by asking me to start blogging again. She even said something like, "It's like my daily Enquirer!" Thanks!!
(I think I need to get these claw nails trimmed down as typing is becoming increasingly difficult.)
News Updates on me...
1. Heading down the homestretch in school. I hope I make it. They're like caged animals at this point.
2. Started swimming again. This time very seriously and actually enjoying it. Up to 2500 yards (100 laps) a day/ 4 days a week in addition to my aerobics class that I love.
3. Coaching is over. I'm glad because it was a long season, but it was a lot of fun.
4. Dating status...single (except in my dreams.)
5. I'm officially in my first wedding. Almost 30 and never been a bridesmaid. My friends Matt and Katie's wedding. 14 months to get real skinny. I think I can do it. (Maybe I'll have a date for that wedding??)
6. I'm buying a house.
Now I know it sounds stupid to buy a house, and the reason I decided to buy it is probably dumber, but strangely makes sense. I know...why would I buy a house in a town I don't want to stay in? Well, a friend of the family's mother passed away in January which leaves this house. It's small, very reasonable and there is a rental on top which pretty much pays the mortgage. I figure when/if I get a new job in Pittsburgh, I can rent out the place where I'll be living. It's exciting, but still makes me nervous. It needs some cosmetic work like wallpaper stripping, carpet, yada, yada, but is doable. And, it gives me equity. Most importantly...I can actually not live with the 'rents. (Angels sing.)
Now...why did I all of a sudden decide to buy this place? My card reader. Yes, I listened to the card reader. Long short of it she said it would be best if I moved. It didn't make sense, but we sometimes need to do what doesn't make sense to get what we want. My logic?? Nothing has been going my way for 4 years, so why not?
T.V. stuff...
1. New Teachers show...stupid. It wasn't anything close to what goes on in a school. No idiot would even attempt to drink beer (although sometimes we think the kids are going to drive us to it) nor would the amount of flirtation/sexual harassment go on. Sure we joke around...those f us who know each other!! If I was a new teacher/substitute and another teacher would hit on me like that...I would have his ass fired (and be sitting pretty in my BMW. ha!)
The fact of the matter is that would never occur. The show was slightly redeemable at the end when the canned jokes stopped and an (innocent) romance is on the rise. I'll turn in again, but based on tonight, I doubt it lasts.
2. I want Rachel Ray's job on $40 a Day and I want to marry Jim O'Connor from The
Secret Life Of. What a great life that would be and I would not keep it secret!
3. American Idol...poor showing tonight. Anyone could be off.
4. America's Next Top that show.
Other than that, I'm done today. I have PowerPoint project that is due tomorrow that I haven't started yet. I do have a two week window to turn it in (via online) but I really should have it done. Have the day off tomorrow to do it so that will be a nice break from the mayhem called school.
I promise to try to be less censored about blogging.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Layin' Low
I'm back. Kinda. I just feel like I want to be in hibernation mode right now. This post may be brief...maybe not. I'm just going to write until I feel like quitting. (Or my new nails permit me to do so.) I got nails. Nothing like BAPS or anything. Just gel coats over my own nails. Made them a lot longer as they are stronger. They look nice, but are not as easy to type.
Mardi Gras was great as usual. The crowd was still there despite the devistation surrounding. No real great stories...the usual. Drinking, parades, dancing, eating. I feel like I've dried out by now. We did have a great time dancing one night in which I was told I said, "Hey...I'm going to grab a beer. Hold my Iraqi." We went to one place where all you saw were "grillz." Scary, but funny. I did the whole Hurricane experience (in which I honestly don't think I've had a Hurricane in the 3 previous Mardi Gras...weird) and topped it off with a Hand Grenade. Yeah...needless to say there was a mid-day nap in that day. Overall it was a great experience and always nice to visit with Emily. I did get my cards read by a gypsy. The was pretty cool. Apparently I'm having twins, have 3 enemies and am getting a new job (among other strangely eerie things.) Let's hope it's in reverse order.
Weird things today....I watched an episode of Saved By the Bell today that I have never seen before. (I love this show.) Zack was supposed to be in a movie at Bayside with some young movie star guy that was hitting on Kelly. They all went to a party and the guy was smoking pot and Kelly was pressured right before the commercial break to smoke it. This of course was prefaced earlier in the show with Jessi in a support group talking about her addiction to caffeine pills (remember that one??) And then this evening...I caught an episode of Friends that I had never seen before. Weird.
Started an aerobics class that's a mixture of tai bo, kickboxing, spinnng, step and etc...It's kicking my ass, but I really like it. 20 pounds down, 40 more to go by July 4th.
It's 11:20 and I should be asleep, but the Flavor of Love is on and I have to see who he picks. I love this show! In fact, I love all the shitty reality shows. VH1 and MTV are the best because of the marathons they run on the weekends. I just finishe "There and Back" with Ashley Parker Angel from OTown. That's the best worst. I just love when the scene freeze-frames and he steps out. Tonight...his song made it on the radio and he freeze-framed and jumped on the truck next to him. Great. I love it!
School is winding down. 54 days left....seems like a lot, but it will go really fast. I think I'll always look forward to summer. I really need to work this summer, but I really don't want to. IWell am teaching 3 classes at a local branch of PennState. Kids' classes. Get, Wizards and wizarding (HP class) and (drumroll please....) Scrapbooking! HA!! I hate that shit, but it's simple and easy for kids to do. $20/hour so I can't pass it up. I'd like to find something else to do, but I don't want it to interfere with my walking in the morning and pool time in the afternoon. That's why I'm in education. Summers, baby.
Well, my knees are getting tired of holding the laptop up and I'm going to try to watch the rest of Flav. More updates later....I may lay low the rest of this month, but I'll promise to refresh myself in April.
Mardi Gras was great as usual. The crowd was still there despite the devistation surrounding. No real great stories...the usual. Drinking, parades, dancing, eating. I feel like I've dried out by now. We did have a great time dancing one night in which I was told I said, "Hey...I'm going to grab a beer. Hold my Iraqi." We went to one place where all you saw were "grillz." Scary, but funny. I did the whole Hurricane experience (in which I honestly don't think I've had a Hurricane in the 3 previous Mardi Gras...weird) and topped it off with a Hand Grenade. Yeah...needless to say there was a mid-day nap in that day. Overall it was a great experience and always nice to visit with Emily. I did get my cards read by a gypsy. The was pretty cool. Apparently I'm having twins, have 3 enemies and am getting a new job (among other strangely eerie things.) Let's hope it's in reverse order.
Weird things today....I watched an episode of Saved By the Bell today that I have never seen before. (I love this show.) Zack was supposed to be in a movie at Bayside with some young movie star guy that was hitting on Kelly. They all went to a party and the guy was smoking pot and Kelly was pressured right before the commercial break to smoke it. This of course was prefaced earlier in the show with Jessi in a support group talking about her addiction to caffeine pills (remember that one??) And then this evening...I caught an episode of Friends that I had never seen before. Weird.
Started an aerobics class that's a mixture of tai bo, kickboxing, spinnng, step and etc...It's kicking my ass, but I really like it. 20 pounds down, 40 more to go by July 4th.
It's 11:20 and I should be asleep, but the Flavor of Love is on and I have to see who he picks. I love this show! In fact, I love all the shitty reality shows. VH1 and MTV are the best because of the marathons they run on the weekends. I just finishe "There and Back" with Ashley Parker Angel from OTown. That's the best worst. I just love when the scene freeze-frames and he steps out. Tonight...his song made it on the radio and he freeze-framed and jumped on the truck next to him. Great. I love it!
School is winding down. 54 days left....seems like a lot, but it will go really fast. I think I'll always look forward to summer. I really need to work this summer, but I really don't want to. IWell am teaching 3 classes at a local branch of PennState. Kids' classes. Get, Wizards and wizarding (HP class) and (drumroll please....) Scrapbooking! HA!! I hate that shit, but it's simple and easy for kids to do. $20/hour so I can't pass it up. I'd like to find something else to do, but I don't want it to interfere with my walking in the morning and pool time in the afternoon. That's why I'm in education. Summers, baby.
Well, my knees are getting tired of holding the laptop up and I'm going to try to watch the rest of Flav. More updates later....I may lay low the rest of this month, but I'll promise to refresh myself in April.
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