Sunday, September 17, 2006

Eat My Wake

I miss this....I just am running out of time. I actually considered ending my blog. But, then I thought...wait. I just know everyone wants to hear what I have to say, right? Actually I could care less...though I do enjoy being creative with my stories.

So I did it. I competed in my first official swim meet in almost 13 years. And...I kicked ass! I The main event I was nervous for was the 200 yard freestyle. I submitted a time after I sat down and did the math of "well, in practice I can hold a 50 on :45, so I should be able to do..." I sent in a 2:45. (For those of you who don't understand swimming, sorry.) Anyway, sitting at the meet and after my warm up I noticed my mathematical error of 15 seconds. Shit. I'm totally going to look like an asshole if I don't come close to this time. Cute 35 year old guy (benefit to swim team for adults...cute guys!) will see me choke and shit. What did I finish?? 2:46. Go Girl!

There were people all the way to 87 years old. Unreal. One older man did have a women's suit on. Fo' real. Swimming has taken on a trend of full-body suits. Now, not that you need one at a master's league...I really only saw one or two people that deemed a $100-250 suit. But, these adults apparently have the money to blow on them. Anyway...the "Tranny" in the suit swam against me in the 25 free. I look next to me and he was right on my ass. I thought, "he-ell no is he going to beat me." Though he did have a full foot on me, I beat him. (And, took a pic of him in his suit.)

Needless to say, today was successful, but more imporatantly it was fun. I really enjoyed the competition. I'm looking forward to the next Olympics. heheheh.

Still no internet. I promise to get up this week. It's setting me crazy. I need to get back to my house and tend to the dog who has now taken up pulling the curtains out from around the back of the couch making a nice little tent area for him to look out the window. Especially funny when he has 2-3 toys stuffed between the window and the couch. He looks like he's stuck in one of those claw machines.

More updates soon.

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