Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I'm slacking a bit, but I think my mind has been on hiatus. Went camping this weekend. It was fun...but REALLY hot. I went and picked up Neville (the dog) on Saturday and brought him up to the campground. I had a feeling he wouldn't be thrilled about it, but kept pouring water on him to keep him cooled until the sun went down. When it was time to go to bed, I coaxed him into the tent. (Yes, I slept in a tent.) He wasn't thrilled, but layed down on the blanket and I comforted him to sleep as he shook. Well, at aroung 10 til 6 in the morning Danni and I (we shared the hot box tent) woke up to hear someone unzipping the tent. "Who's breaking in?" I'm sure was the question that came to both of our minds. No one. The dog --now dubbed "Whodini"--unzipped the tent with his teeth and escaped. I couldn't believe it. Amusing, but oh shit. Now I have to catch the dog. (Let me remind you that Neville doesn't leave his leash for he tends to run the 40 yard dash...10 times....I guess that would be the 400, eh?) Anyway I eventually tricked him into the bathroom where he got a smack and attached him to the leash. I think if he could have figured out the way to walk home, he would have.

Other than that my birthday is looming. 5 days. Ugh. 29.

I'm also getting that awful feeling that I won't be moving out of U'town come September. Ugh. Ugh.

Well, I guess I'll just go and sulk at the pool...HA!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Cruise...Control It.

So I think Tom Cruise has just plain lost it. I suppose there always has to be a freak in the news and since Michael is taking hiatus by "not having sleepovers anymore" Tom is stepping in. The whole Katie Holmes thing...okay, weird, but people got over the Woody Allen and Sui Ni (sp?) thing. I'm willing to overlook the age difference, but the "in lust" attitude is getting annoying. It might even be weirder than Billy Bob Thorton's phobia of antique furniture and his "in f**k" relationship with Angelina. I'm using the "in ----" instead of "in love" because I don't get it how these movie stars fall in and out of "love" so quickly. I mean how is your soul mate or great love in the same career field as you? Would they be destined to be single if they only hung out with the common folk? Can I only fall in love with someone in the field of education? Okay...tangent...but let's get back to Tom.
I watched an interview with Tom and Matt Lauer this morning on The Today Show where Tom verbally chastised Matt for not knowing enough about psychiatric medicine, care and drugs. Hmm...last time I checked Tom only graduated highschool. I didn't realize he had a doctorate in any kind of medicine. Oh wait!! Silly me....he studies Scientology. Now, I have nothing against Scientology or people practicing it. Quite frankly, I find it intriguing though I know little about it. I understand people like to be passionate about their beliefs, but his interview was off the deep end: yelling at Matt that he needs to study up on this basically hoax of a science (psychiatry) especially since he's a reporter/journalist. I believe in psychiatric medicine? I don't know. I've never had to take anything, but I know people who do and benefit greatly from it. I've also seen people become too dependent on it and I blame that on poor counsel from the doctors. I also think (due to poor counsel) that people -especially children- are overmedicated and often become physically dependent on these medicines.
What's this blog stemming from? The fact that Tom is just plain weird now. Go on with your bad self and your young girl and your strong Scientology beliefs....but, don't do it soooo out loud. You're on the border of fanatic, Tom.

*** is the interview.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Good Readers, Arf! Arf!

Well...the past two blogs have definitely been good ones as for all the comments. Thanks readers for your two cents (and for you lurkers....hope to hear from you soon!! --I can say this because I'm a lurker on other blogs as well.)

Maybe John Gray is right...Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars

In other words women are full of love and men are little green men with antennae.

I'll be posting another comment-laden blog tonight or tomorrow....sneak peak on the topic here.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Singles...Speak Out!

After reading Jay's Excuse Manifesto, I thought I'd post on mine as well: Why are we single? At times when I'm feeling insecure, I use the "I choose to be. I don't want to be hassled with a relationship...I have a lot of things to accomplish." all probably total bullshit. I don't really know why I'm single. It's definitely hard to find someone out there and I think as I'm getting older, I'm willing to put up with less (cranky old spinnster that I am!) I do have "deal breakers" but, they aren't so much breakers as they are a checklist of what I want. I don't think I ask for much, but maybe I do?
When I was in my late teens/early twenties I used to believe in "the soul mate." Now, I don't think so. I think it's all timing. Timing on women's part, but (and here goes) more of a timing factor with men. Timing used to consist of (for me) date 3 years, engaged a year or so, married 3-5 years and then kids. Well, that idea went out the window long ago. -now don't hold me as responsible as Oprah was with the whole beef thing- I think women can be ready almost anytime. I think that we're a little more accomodating than men and don't have a "timing" issue. Men, I think when they want to settle down, they do. Maybe they have a more clear mind when they're going to do it and can pick through the women.

I don't really know where I'm going with this...

Honestly, I could get married tomorrow...if I found the right person. Now don't take it as I'm willing to jump into any relationship and get hitched to the first guy who says "I will, I might or I maybe." Time isn't an issue anymore for me. If I find the right guy, I'll do it in a heartbeat. However, I find myself being really picky over the right guy. Too short, too dumb, not ambitious enough, too old, too young....too, too, too. I don't know if it's me not finding what satisfies me or maybe I'm afraid of it being the right guy--see that episode of SATC when Carrie realizes/thinks she's a commitment-phobe.

Onto another comment of Jay's and PastryDad's (see his entries) Why do we choose people that our friends know are so wrong for us? Not sure...but, I've definitely been one of those. I do agree with Robin (see her comments on PastryDad's) that maybe it's self-fulfilling..."it's worth it more when you have to work at it." A little emotionally masochistic, but I'm there with you girl...I've done it a million times.'

So, I don't know if this entry makes any sense at all...but, if you're single out there....why are you? Maybe you're answers will help me to figure out mine.

Okay...mull this over while I think about you all at the pool!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Beauty and stuff....

Went to the Saks to the Nars make-up counter yesterday and got a make-up makeover. It was awesome. I was thinking I was getting stuck in the same colors and same appearance. Gabriel did an awesome job and I spent $72 (which wasn't too bad.) I wasn't crazy about the way the one woman did my foundation (too much...I felt like a corpse and by the end of the day my face felt like a grease pit) but, I LOVED the way my eyes looked!! (Thanks Gabriel) I was wearing blues and teals which I never thought would look good...they looked awesome. And I fell in love with the make-up artist...of course he's gay. (Big surprise for me to be attracted to a gay man.) However, if you are a gay man and live in Chicago...look this Puerto Rican hottie up! I got this color, this color and this color.
Later on we went to Girasole for lunch. It was pretty good. I had polenta with white beans and escarole. It was excellent. Our Growing Up Gotti waiter was an ass though. I still like the Gypsy better.

Today I'm taking Neville to Christian Clay Winery to a benefit for the local animal shelter. Should be cute.

I'm tired today.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Flowers, Tunnels and Bunnies

One more reason to get a boyfriend...
As Robin just posted I remember one other funny (well maybe not so funny) thing that happened at my friend's wedding. The bouquet toss comes up. Now, when I was 18, 20, 21...I couldn't wait to get to that. The thought of catching the bouquet and being the "next" to get married was exciting. Now that I'm becoming bitter 29, I dread it. So I thought, I'll just sit quietly, enjoy my glass of wine and hide out behind the scenes. Nope. Over the mic I hear, "Molly. Molly. Come on up!" Actually I think I heard, "Lonely single woman! You might catch it and who knows? Come on Spinnster. Get your drunk ass up here. It's your last resort!" Now. If I had had a date I wouldn't have felt so stupid going up amongst the fianceed group of women boxing out.

Thought you'd appreciate that.

One more reason to get a boyfriend...I think I have Carpal tunnel in my right hand. Well, either a boyfriend or the Charlotte's "rabbit."

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Working Out and Working In...

So I'm really sore...but I feel good. Yesterday started my new (and permanent) regimine of working out hardcore. I realized that the reason why I was soooo skinny in highschool was because of a couple of reasons. 1. I swam 2 hours/day 6 days/week. 2. I didn't drink alcohol (that much.) Therefore...workout/diet mode is in highgear. I'm definitely eating healthier. I'm walking 3 miles each morning at 6:30, lifting 3 days a week and swimming 3 days a week AND I just started Yoga today. I'm not very good, but I like it. It was sooooo good this morning because I could hardly move after lifting yesterday. It also reminds me a lot of swimming because it's a time period where I talk to no one. Now I love to talk. Trust me...I LOVE to talk, but even this mouth needs a break. I'm also always on the go somewhere and geared up for something. I'm hoping in the fall there are Yoga classes I can get to (or I become a disciplined guru and can easily do it in my home.) In any's work on me.
Speaking of work on me...after my so fascinating tarot reading at the Gypsy, I now know that I need some personal spirit work. Sounds like I have issues, but I'm not crazy. I just need to get a little grounded. -a little...I don't want to become boring. I'm hoping that job will settle me in September into my own place and a little more cash. I'm also vowing to blog every other day and work on my own personal writing (whatever the book of the day is!) This is definitely where I need to become more focused and disciplined. Any suggestions?
I volunteered yesterday at a Make-A-Wish golf outing in town. It was really nice though the turnout wasn't as good as the past years (so I was told.) I'm glad I've been involved in some charities this year. It's a good feeling to help.
Dating status...still single.
Wanting to date status...not looking. (today)

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Weddings, Bachelors and Getting Old

Went to a wedding last night of a friend. I went dateless and well, it kinda sucked to be dateless at a wedding. Why bring sand to the beach, right?? Wrong. This beach was mainly coupled and the single ones live 3000 miles away in sunny Cali. So in good single girl spirit I got drunk. Not on purpose...Captain Whoopass came up and smacked me. Thank God my 8-month pregnant friend drove me home or I would have either spent $300 on a room or called my mother to pick me up. The wedding was beautiful, though.

Few funny things....
In good, confident single-girl style I told the girl next to me that "the guy I'm seeing is working this weekend." I know...but I felt stupid sitting there at the wedding alone. In my mind he is a reporter of some type and he was researching a story.
Next...on the 15-20 minute ride home I started getting woozy. REAL woozy. Literally .3 miles from my house I had to boot. Bad. So I rolled down the window and threw up as we were driving. My friend pulled over and I hurled again. Hitting the inside of the door. Funny was my mom's car since mine is in the shop. So this morning as I was cleaning puke off of my dress, and the car...I giggled. Here I am almost 29 in less than a month and I'm puking from a wedding. Real mature. (But, I looked damn cute in my CK dress and LAMB purse!!)

Other funny events...I went to a "Bachelor Auction" on Friday for the American Cancer Society. A friend of mine was in it and his girlfriend wasn't too happy about it. I was the ringer to bail him out. (He paid for himself of course.) Anyway...there was another bachelor that I kinda felt like was hitting on me. After a few drinks I sent my bachelor friend over with my phone number. I woke up in the morning and was like "I can't believe I did that!!" Totally not my type. 5 years younger than me, short and a cop. What was I thinking? Plus, now my picture is probably going to be in the paper because I "won" my bachelor. Great. I'm just glad school is out as I'm sure one of my kids would have seen it. And, I'm sure will see it. Especially the one who said to me last week, "Are you looking for an old classmate? You could find him or someone on Eharmony. Have you ever heard of that?" Even my kids want to set me up.

Ironic...last week I was just saying how I like being single and don't really care to get married anytime soon and today after the wedding and watching A Walk in the Clouds -Keanu is terrible but, I love the story-I'm feeling blue about being alone. Maybe I do want a boyfriend for my birthday. And, speaking of birthdays...I know this one is going to suck. I cried my eyes out at 24, 25, 26...27 was really good, 28 was a little hard. I just know 29 is going to put me over the edge. Yes, I'm officially one of those women that has issues with getting old.

**Updates....check my links section as I've linked my fav restaurant off of it. And, finally Doug has updated his blog. Leave a comment and maybe he'll feel guilty and update more often.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Future Reminiscing.

Well...this is it. The last day of school. I actually can't believe it's over. The year went pretty fast at the end. Last night was the retirement dinner of four of our employees. It was bittersweet. I'm happy that they are leaving and can live their lives in relaxation (I think they deserve that for working 36-37 years in the classroom.) However, our building will greatly miss their presence. I started thinking last night (and got kinda sad) I wonder what stories will be told of me when I retire. It's amazing the family and community you can build in a school. The stories last night ranged from gut-wrenching laughs to silent sobs. All in all it was a wonderful night and I hope that someday I can be remembered as wonderfully as these four people.

Monday, June 06, 2005


So I'll be honest...while I am a food lover, I don't usually have a craving for a certain restaurant. Certain food...well maybe. Like chocolate. Mashed potatoes. Champagne. But....this place is the best. Again, The Gypsy Cafe has made a posting. Renee, Danni and I met. (Shonda didn't make it this time, but we will be eagerly awaiting her next visit.)
Food--I didn't want to try something different, but I did. The Portabella scampi I had the last time was soooo good, but I tried something different and IT WAS GREAT!!!! We had the same pre-fixed menu option chosing an app, salad and entree. Fortunately because we're "regulars" (and I say that lightly because WE condsider ourselves regulars) they let us have hummus instead of soup as our first course. It was just so damn hot outside, I don't think we could have taken it. Anyway...we had the cannelloni (sp?) stuffed with salmon, ricotta and asparagus. OMG!! Wonderful. I (think) the pasta was homemade as well.
I can't decide what was/is the best part of this place: the atmosphere or the food. I love this place with my girlfriends and SERIOUSLY won't share this place with a date until it is with my potential husband. That is how special/wonderful it is. Kudos to the Gypsy. (We saw the owner as we walked in and she so graciously remembered us and our table....yeah...obviously...I'm hooked.
The Tarot reader wasn't there...and we did want our cards read...but, hey...doesn't everyone need a break sometime??? (I'm just selfish and want her at my disposal!!!)

Other than that...I have 4 days left of school and I cannot wait!! It is a blazing 100 degrees in my room and I'm eagerly awaiting the exit of my students. I'm hoping it was too hot today and they won't want to come tomorrow. Even a few out makes difference. Bittersweet...because even as much as I've bitched about them...I actually think I'll miss them. You love to hate 'em.

I will link Gypsy in the next few days...I'm too tired tonight.