Sunday, April 30, 2006

I Must Have Been a Dog

So I must have been a dog in college.
Just this past weekend I ran into two people I haven't seen since college and they complimented me like I had been on Extreme Makeover. The compliments were much appreciated, but one even went as far as calling a mutual friend and telling her. Also, I was "cat-called" at a baseball game (though I started to consider it heckling at one point.) I don't think I've done much different lately, but apparently I have because I don't normally have these instances. Looking back though, I don't think that I was a dog, but I certainly wasn't groomed for the AKC show.

10 reasons I was a dog in college...
1. Baseball caps. Quick fix and at the time I thought they were cute like Tomboy cute. (I always have been a girlie-girl. This bitch has never, I repeat never left the house without mascara and some lip gloss.)

2. Sweatshirts/t-shirt. Yeah...I don't think the oversized sweatshirts and beer tees in men's sizes did a whole lot for the figure. Not that the beer gut I acquired was flattering either, but I'm sure it wasn't great.

3. Bad perm. Yikes! I did get a perm in college. It was freshman year and I had it in my head that it would give me more body and loose waves....ah, no. It just looked like a shitty perm. But, it was the early 90's....who's kidding who. I can't justify it.

4. Bad haircut. A series of them. The first was to get rid of the bad perm and head into the "long shag" cut that became so popular from Ms. Aniston. Not so much. I did have a really cool skunk after the shag-aster grew out. But, then I tried to pull off a red pixie with a bloated beer face. Terrible.

5. Overalls. I'm going to try to justify this one, too but I don't know if 4 years of overalls can be justified. Especially with a beer tee or sweatshirt. I know this did nothing for the figure as I remember Kirstie Ally in Look Who's Talking being pregnant in them.

6. Permanent cheap beer can in my hand and winning events in Beer Olympics. Not so much a guy magnet with that one.

7. Winston hanging out the corner of my mouth. I think smoking was much more popular (or so I'd like to think so) when I was in college. Just like the old adds, I was sexy. Ah, right.

8. Frumpy sized clothes. I blame this on my mother. My mom somehow put it in my head that a bigger shirt, pants etc hid the unwanted bulges I acquired from #6 and #7.

9. Pretty girls around me that weren't wearing #1-8.

10. Clearly not reading Cosmo for the fashion tips.

Now I did get a boyfriend my senior year. It was great. We met over a 30-pack. As you can see the romance lasted. But I also dressed up a little (a little) more.

So what brings me back to blogging? Not sure. Therapeutic definitely. One of my readers felt like her subscription had run out. I've kinda felt censored a bit. I don't know if my site meter was a good idea or not. I read it now and feel like I have to bite my tongue in case I offend someone, incriminate myself because I'm not sure who is reading it. Not that I'm doing anything bad or illegal, but I guess it's definitely and insight to your thoughts. That's what I feel like a blog should be: an honest insight to yourself. However, that's what I feel like I'm having trouble with now. I know it stems back to that damn People magazine article I read about people getting fired for blogging and being the victim of a Google search by teh Buckner. Meanwhile all I'm trying to do is get hired somewhere new and get a date. I'm not afraid to say that now at least, but I am concerned of what potential employers would read about my shitty-ass dating life and my journey to 30. Which brings me to a new focus.

My journey to 30...scary, yet I feel like my life is getting better by the minute. Those of you who know how I spent my 24, 25, 26, 28 b-days will know it's usually a waterworks. I was seriously thinking I was going to be one of those women who is afraid to get old running to Botox parties, trying to affair with younger men and wearing bedazzles. Well maybe not all that, but I definitely wasn't fine with getting older. For some reason now, I am. At least this year. I'm doing a bunch of things that don't necessarily make sense and I don't seem to mind it. I'm buying a house in a town I don't want to live, though it is a great opportunity to rent it when I leave. (Notice that if is being removed from all my thoughts.) I bought a leather couch that I know is going to get scratched by my dog, but I think it will have more character. I'm moving out of parents to the new house which I know I will be moving out of in August/September for my new job. (Oh the power of positive thinking.) I bought a leather coffee table, too. I know something will get spilled on it, but the lady at the furniture store told me it wouldn't matter. And instead of being polite and laughing off her offer to "hook me up" with a man she knows from my town (who is at least over 50) I gave a her an ewww look and the "ah, no." Am I getting crotchety in my old age and not giving a fuck what people think? Maybe.
So hopefully this is the revival of my blog. Not the new blog, but the way it was intended to be. A candid look into what this Girl In the Corner does. How she thinks and the way she lives her life. Future employers and dateables beware. You might just like what you see.

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