Neville gets attacked by a German Shepherd.
I'm so pissed, upset, flaming-fucking mad. This dog was NOT on a leash. The only good thing about it was that my dad was walking him. He had to kick the dog about 15 times before the dog would leave. Had it been me walking the dog....well, I don't even want to think about what would have happened.
The German Shepard is an asshole. Every time I walk past the house on our walks, the dog comes flying at the fence. The neighbor was watching it yesterday... I hope they euthanize it.
This adds to one more reason I don't like big dogs. People don't know how to raise them. They get them as these status symbols and "guard" dogs. My best friend had a German Shepherd growing up that was very gentle. Unfortunately, not everyone pays attention to their dogs like she did.
Poor Neville. Two staples, antibiotics, pain killers and a trip to the Emergency Vet ($184 that the owner will be paying) he's doing well. A little shaken and scared, but he's a tough little guy.

I own a German Shepard and she is the sweetest thing in the world. So please dont blame the poor dog. It was most likely abused. And it doesnt have to be euthinized! It just needs to go to a doggy boot camp so it can become better. I love my shepard so much and it hurts me when people are afraid of her. She really just wants to be pet! I mean I will be walking her down the street and some person comes up to her the first thing she will do is roll over and wait for a belly rub. So just because this dog needs some help because it must be fear agressive or possible territorial agressive but that doesnt mean all shepards are bad. I am really sorry that your dog got hurt. I love dogs and I hope yours gets beeter. And if this happens again please dont euthnize the dog. euthinize the owner for doing this to the dog.
Dog lover gal
German Sheoherd are big beautiful dogs. Unlike your small, ugly schnauzer. German Shepherds can be territorial. You're lucky German Shepherds are around. They keep bad guys away with police. How would you like it if someone broke into your house and killed your schnauzer? It might actually teach you a lesson. So shut up and leave other people's dogs alone. As for Avalon, there's no such thing as a hateful dog. You two stupids need to get your facts straight. I study dogs and gave for a while.
I hate German Shepherds too!!! They are NOTORIOUS for being annoying barkers AND have the propensity to turn on their owners. I have a few friends whose GS dogs have turned on them AND attacked/bitten their young kids, unprovoked! And I have an asshole neighbour who has two of the obnoxious beasts that bark INCESSANTLY! A mouse can fart in Egypt and these two retard GS bark like they're insane!!! I have a Yellow Lab who only barks when someone comes to the door. And if we're in our yard & someone walks by, he let's out a few protective warning barks, but that's it! He doesn't go off like he's list his damned mind like the two stupid Shitperds do! That breed is a menace as pets. The only thing they ARE suitable for is police work. That's it. As pets, they're dangerous and annoying with their insane barking! I hate that breed too!!!
your an asshole. YOU DONT BEAT A DOG NO MATTER WHAT! and just because of ONE german shepherd you now hate ALL german shepherds? does someone need to go back to third grade? maybe if you were more careful the sog wouldnt have attacked tour little useless dog. meaning little dogs wont defend you if a robber comes in. they will run and hide while you get shot dead. good luck with your sad life. goodbye.
Little dogs can be little a holes. If this dog was off a leash and just plain attacked it without giving any warning then thats a whole different issue. Lots of times lack of proper socialization is the culprit. Not the fact this dog was a GSD but because it lacks social skills which you can blame the owner for. To hate the breed as a whole is your choice and it best you dont have anything to do with them until you are mature enough to deal with your issues.To go on and on about how terrible the breed is, is just silly. To say GSD's are only good as police and military dogs is giving the breed the biggest compliment ever which the writer of the comment probably did not mean to do. A well balanced, well trained even tempered smart GSD will make the cut in police work, kudos to the amazing breed they are. Also you now know the threat is there, when walking your little dog carry pepper spray or cit spray.
Nope, I had a German shepherd. I got rid of him when he was seven months old. It was my husbands. It was empty, had not one ounce of true personality. He could only do what was taught and not a darn thing else. He revolted me and lived to roll in feces, even ate them. Disgusting stupid dog. Took him forever to learn what no meant. Stupid, stupid blank canvas dogs. He would stare at you for hours, never moving. He never slept. Every dog he was ever taken near attacked him.These were dogs that are very pet friendly and go on tons of doggy play dates. Even strangers dogs hated him. I now despise those dogs. I have trained many dogs. They are only good if you want an empty dog, lacking individuality and personality. I hope your dog ended up okay, physically and mentally.
I wish the german shepherd ate your ugly little rat dogs head off and then shit it back out onto your lawn
You disgust me! That is unnecessary! I deal with all dog types in my profession (dog groomer) and GS' s are SO annoying and bad. Several of them I watch literally shit and piss in themselves for no reason. They are crazy. Schnauzer's have personality and don't typically act as crazy.
I HATE GSDS TOO. They're fugly vicious, and overrated. I'm sorry for the pain your dog endured.
your dog probably got what it deserved. now it knows not to go onto the persons property to crap and pee everywhere, because be honest, that's what it was on its way to do. small dogs deserve the same judgement as larger breeds for barking, 'playing' - "oh, he's harmless, he's just playing' and anything else. Imagine if we held larger people to a different standard than the small...
I'm sorry your dog got hurt. I'm sorry people lack common sense to read up on the type of dog and dog behavior they are getting into. Short sighted ignorance caused this incident and THATs a fact. I hope your dog recovers and isn't traumatized by actions caused by ignorant owners. I am a shepherd owner,and on behalf of educated owners everywhere, we are sorry for the ignorant fools that own this breed. Take care, and love that pup fiercely.
GS should be exterminated from the face of the earth.
I say this after growing up (My parents, not my dogs, I would never own one) three of them and knowing about 15 others.
Every single GS we have had has been vicious and insane.
One was put down for attacking a friend.
All 3 killed and tried to kill our other animals.
The other GS I knew are all insane and vicious and three were put down for attacking other people.
Anyone who gets one of these dogs is an idiot and should do the research on them.
They are known for being insane and vicious and if you type in 'dog attacks' on the internet the number 2 dog breed that attack people are GS.
I am sorry for your dog being attacked and I hope you and it are ok, if it was me I'd kill the GS that did it to my dog.
I also hate German Shepherds. For some reason they are very popular out where I live. The problem with them is that they bark incessantly, non-stop, 24 hours a day. I moved to a rural area for the peace and quiet, then after about a year my nearest neighbor moved away and the new guy immediately got two of these dogs. I can't even stick my nose out the door without these dogs starting in with the "woof, woof, woof" and they go on for at least half an hour. I know it's not the dogs fault for being what they are, but I can't help but hate them. And it's not just these particular dogs: When I was a kid we had neighbors at two different houses with German Shepherds and they were exactly the same. They make being outside in your own yard a miserable experience. And talking with your neighbor about the problem does nothing. I've tried.
All you ppl need to stop, stop hating on dog breeds, stop calling this persons dog ugly German shepherds are the BEST Breed ever i have had two in my life both never barked at anyone they were quiet and very LOYAL so please stop
I agree, i have no use for a german shepard, they are disloyal as a breed, and i have been around them for years, a relative breeds and trains them for police dogs, even he said he wouldnt own one for a pet. But i do have a tip for taking your dog walks, buy a stun gun, usually just the sound of it will stop an agressive dog and if a large dog attacks a small dog the damage that can be done in seconds can cost your dogs life, so if the sound doesnt do the trick shock his ass, it wont kill him, might very well save your dogs life, and if the asshole owner wont train them a whole bunch of volts will do the trick. Usually with shepards its guys who want a big agressive dog because they want a protector so they can act like tough shit, go ahead and light that asshole up too, lol
German Sheppards are the most hateful dangerous breed of dog there is. It should be illegal to own one of those erratic monsters, only suitable for defence force and police, where it is their job to chase and fuck things up. Other than that they should be euthanized or chained up and away from all living things. Horrible horrible animals.People who tolerate these freaks only do so because one of their precious GSD hasn't killed a child yet. But wait, it's only a matter of time before you yourself have to shoot the creature because it's just killed one of your kids or another person's child.
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