Monday, November 28, 2005

Sea-sons-of Looovvvee...

Thanks for you comments on the Big Reveal of Buckner. After discussing it with Buckner, he didn't think I was fair and a little mean. Not my intentions. I hope y'all got the sarcasm in the connotations. If not well, then I'll clairfy a bit.

When referring the the "claiming to be a farmer, living in Fayette City." Long short of it...Buckner didn't match the profile of the guy that was emailing me. I didn't see the connection until much later last week or so. What gave me the clue? The spelling of the word "the." Buckner (Brookease suit or Superman garb) spells it "teh." Consistantly. I knew I loved the Bloodhound Gang for something.
My dealbreakers...well, we all have them. Whether it be the Yankees, Geminis, Vegetarians, Republicans, Bible Beaters or Catlovers...we have them. We use them to upkeep our discriminating taste in potential relationships. Personally, I think it's unique and acceptable. Of course only if it doesn't cross the Hitler rule.
And as for me seeming blah. I remember that conversation on the phone. Friday around 5. I was headed out to happy hour, putting my lipstick on at a stoplight. Distracted more like it. And, quite frankly...I don't really like talking on the phone as much as I used to. I'm also a typical Cancer. Reserved and quiet striking from the side. The phone call directly to me. I don't think I was ready for it yet. However it was my choice to give my number out. (Rather my force...keeping my guard up makes me have to force myself to do the normal dating process.)
All in all...sorry if I offended you Buckner. I actually thought I paid you a compliment. I thought it was rather nifty that you remained a mystery. Not creepy. Nifty. And, the birth of you blog was a true blessing. (Now ain't that in the Christmas spirit!)


It's been a week. What have I been doing? I don't really know. A lot of going out and a lot of mischeif. I'm done going out in this shithole for a while. Maybe the last day of school before Christmas break, but in all honesty I'd rather sit around with the people I want to see.
Thanksgiving was good. The usual. We ate. I tried to stay awake before my grandparents left. I almost made it...I did have to get up and run and say goodbye. I took a nap. Ate. Felt lazy. Just like everyone else.
Despite the previous comment, I'm not quite in the Christmas spirit. I decorated my classroom, but have failed to do any decorating at home. Maybe it's the weather? Maybe it's my blah attitude right now.
I did go and see Rent yesterday. It was good. I was in a sappy mood to begin with so as soon as Seasons of Love started (like the first 5 seconds of the movie) I started tearing up. Funny thing is...I've never even seen it on Broadway. I knew the gist of what happened, but none of the fine details. It reminded me of Fame a little which is good because I love that movie. I'd like to see it again, but I'll probably wait until it's a rental or at the cheapies. I went by myself. I don't mind that now, but it was torture trying to get used to it. Though, yesterday I felt like everyone was looking at me thinking, "Poor girl. She's all alone." A lot of highschool kids in there. I was surprised at their reactions to the movie. The were snickering in the beginning when the men kissed (remember where I live folks.) But as the movie went on became eerily quiet. Okay. So they might have been making out in the back row, but I think the sadness of the movie hit them. The fact that the themes are the same regardless of race, religion, preference, etc. Especially because I heard as the credits came up, "Oh my God. *sniff, sniff* I didn't think it was going to be that sad." Maybe a little bit of culture seeped into their podunk minds.
Boy that was pretty deep...I'm usually all, like, about dating, and um, stuff.

I'm thinking of going to see Harry Potter again this weekend. I want to see Walk the Line, too, but I need to see HP again being that I was pretty distracted by the asshole dad next to me. 18 school days until Christmas break. I know it will go fast. My week is already booked.

I've been on my laptop since Wednesday nonstop. Don't I look cute? God, I love this thing! I soooo feel like Carrie Bradshaw now. Hmmm...maybe that's what I need to get me out of this funk. A good dose of Sex and the City.

Something about Jim O'Connor turns me on. He's definitely very good looking, but I like his bumbling, silly personality on "The Life of..." series on the FoodNetwork. He's now my desktop background.

I'm looking to update my links section to include more sections. Got the idea from PastryMom. You can all check out where I lurk.

Monday, November 21, 2005

I Always Feel Like...Somebody's Watchin' Me...

The Big Reveal.

Those of you that have been reading since the birth of The Girl In the Corner have seen bloggers come and go, comment and rant, tell their tales and what not. It's kinda bizarre the community of friends, aquaintences and "fans" that develop through this medium. I kinda crack up because I have invented images and voices of people that I read and comment. Did you ever think you might have had an encounter with someone before? Are people really connected? Maybe even one of us could fit into the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon...(I hope you're getting the point.)

Roughly April of this year back in my online dating phase, I met a few people. Lots of winks from NASCAR fans, country bumpkins and creepy old men. Yeah. Clearly by my current dating status, online dating didn't work out so well for me. That's fine. I'm one of those people that believes you're in a time, place and situation for a certain lesson. Boy, that sounds kinda churchy?? I'm thinking more along the lines of Kharmic.
Ennnnywhaaay....In between all the freaks there were a few emails exchanged that were worth emailing back. There was the traveling nurse, AARP, Nunya and the lawyer. (Yes, only a few.) Traveling nurse...well, you can see where that went. AARP...too old and kinda boring. Nunya...unreliable and immature. Lawyer...good emails, one phone call and extinction. I believe the last words were something of "Can I call you back in 20 minutes?" and then well, nothing. Oh well, maybe he found someone else. I've done it with not emailing someone back. Que sera, sera.

But he didn't find someone else.

He found me.

And my dealbreakers. Well, some of them.

So this lawyer quit emailing me because I "outed" him on my blog. Oops. He got skerred because of one of my dealbreakers. Vegetarians. Which isn't necessarily a deal breaker, but that's a whole nuther blog. Maybe we'll bring up deal breakers for the holidays.

This lawyer...well written, educated, funny, employed. Not so bad on paper. Only saw this picture of him on his profile. A little skerred, I guess.

Then enters a new commentor/reader of my blog with his own brand new blog. Can you see where I'm going? Funny stuff. Ripping on Fayette county (lovin' it) but a little skerred. Claims he's a farmer. Claims he lives in Fayette City. An alias. (Maybe a little skerrrrrrrred.

But who is this new fan? Who is this cocky, witty, bold and boisterous man?

I'll give you a hint...he ripped off his stiff blue pin stripe, gold tie, forward point French cuff and kicked off his Johnston Murphy's and became...


Yep folks. One in the same. A modern day Superman. Batman. Captain Underpants.

Bizarre...I wondered who this Buckner was. Had I returned to the emails from the lawyer, I would have noticed the pattern in the writing. (Good thing I don't work for CSI.)

Turns out he "wilted under the pressure" of meeting up and being hashed out on the blog.

I was a victim of Googling.

Googled and he read the part about deal breaking and offending a vegetarian by chomping on a big juicy steak. Sorry pal, but I did conquer my fear in writing...being honest. (Not easy and I'm still not totally good at it--tangent story.)

What good has come out of being a victim of a Google? What good has come out of hashing out dates on a blog? What good has come out of being a voyeur and providing things to be voyeured?

Buckner and I spent quite a few hours between Friday night and Saturday morning with some email clues and games.
(Buckner did it. He Googled me with the PC in the Study.)

So there it is folks. Season finale, mystery solved.

Looking forward to the new site, Buckner...if that's who you really are??? Muuuahhhhhahahahhahahaahahhahha....

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Lazy Day Catch Up

I have a lot to write about. However, I'm recovering from a late night weekend and don't have the full energy to do so.

Few things...Saw the new Harry Potter...EXCELLENT. (except for the asshole father next to me who talked to his child the whole time)
Watched The Five People You Meet In Heaven. So good. I read the book this summer. It's quite a tearjerker, but in a good way. I like movies that make me cry anyway.

Big scoop...the reveal of Buckner. That post to come soon. Bizarre, but a great story. Until then, chomp on this for a little while.

Compliments of Cags
More wacky questions....

Peanut butter: Smooth or crunchy? smooth

Toilet roll: Under or over? usually under

Wanking: One hand or two? one or none...cyberwabbit. heh, heh

Doing up jeans: Button then zip or zip then button? zip, then button. If I button first, I often forget to zip

Peanut butter: In fridge or out? ew...cold peanut butter? definitely out

Religion: Rate yourself on the scale of practicing (10) to atheist (0)? i don't practice. I try to pray at night but usually end up falling asleep in the middle of.....zzz

Toilet Seat: Up or down? down...what the hell do I need it up for?

Late nights or early rising? LATE night...which does not work when I need to be an early riser

Soap: Share or not? Sharing only if it's liquid.

If you had a million dollars, what would you do with your time? Lay on the beach and write

What do you do for fun? hang out with friends, movies, read, write

What do you do for work? teach

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? no clue...everytime I plan, it never works out. I'd rather be surprised.

What would your best friend say about you? I'm loyal, funny, daring and genuine

When was the last time you lied to someone? Probably last night.

How often do you have sex? this rate....never.

What do you read? chic-lit, online news, blogs, entertainment magazines

What music do you listen to? everything...though I really don't like Guar-esque music

What do you look for in a partner? pulse...oh wait...intelligence, compassion, honesty, individualism, selflessness

Are you a smoker? former

Do you have any weird habits? I like things to be alphabatized, I don't like to step on manholes or grates on a sidewalk (and will avoid them at all costs) my sheets have to be straight and tight before I go to sleep

Have you been overseas? Yes...England, France, Germany, Belgium, Amsterdam

What can you not stand in a partner? deceit, competition, patronizing comments

What are your dealbreaker questions? Men who don't like dogs...I'm sure there are others

How have you spent the last few years? Internalizing and getting my "self" back

What's the most fascinating thing about you? I can almost always give a song lyric to any conversation, and the other...well wouldn't you like to know?

If we had an argument how would we settle it? honestly....probably a little yelling and then compromise

What are you most proud of in your life? The good friends I've aquired and kept.

A train is about to hit 20 people. On the other track there is one person. Do you flick the switch and send the train down the other track? hmm...that's a tough one. I'd probably flick the switch, but jump to get the one person out of the way.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Worst of It

I stole from Lesterhead and BrooklynJay...but I too love questionnaires

1) What is your least favorite color? Royal Blue

2) What is your worst day of the week? Tuesday...I sometimes get Mondays off!

3) What food makes you want to yack? Anise oil or anchovies

4) Least favorite alcohol: Hennessey

5) Worst movie you've ever seen: Wag the Dog

6) Biggest pet peeve: Misuse of a 50 cent word. Ex: "Your email address is your name followed by the AMPERSAND blah, blah .com." Hello idiot? That's the AT sign. If you don't know how to use a word, don't.

7) Worst music: Ska

8) Worst actor: Keanu Reeves

9) Worst actress: Tara Reid

10) Shittiest job: Waitress at Benjamin's in Richmond. (Seriously dirtier than the Canal St stop in NYC. I made it two shifts and never picked up my paycheck.

11) Shittiest co-worker: Currently? Hmmm...the one that let's their kids run fucking crazy. And an aid who thinks they own the God damned place.

12) Lamest animals: worms

13) Worst pick-up line (received or used): "I'm a chiropractor. Have you ever been adjusted before? Call me and we'll set up an appointment." (Gross)

14) Worst household chore: Taking out the garbage or recycling.

15) Shittiest historical figure: Dubya or that FEMA guy.

16) Worst place you've been to: A Wal-Mart in Kansas

17) A place you'd never 'be caught dead in': living in a trailer or in bed with a Mormon.

18) Worst TV show: FearFactor

19) Most useless sport: Curling

20) Worst candy: Banana Runts or chocolate with a date in it. Yuk.

21) Worst feeling: being ignored....or leaving the house/school wondering if I left something on (curling iron, tartburner, etc.)

22) Least favorite type of clothing: pantyhose

23) Least favorite body part: ass cracks

24) Least favorite restaurant (or fast food): Garfields

25) Worst month: March...I don't like rainy days.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Who's Lookin' at You, Kid?

So I'm totally cracking up. I just installed a site meter on my blog. Pretty cool. You can see how many times your blog has been viewed, well as how or from where someone entered your blog (page links.) So I'm scrolling through the pages and see my usual readers....then I come upon a link that has something like "fuks.drunk.mardigrasgirls." So fucking funny. My blog apparently comes up on a search of drunk Mardi Gras girls. It also comes up on a search of Julia Roberts social class. apparently someone looking for drunk Mardi Gras girl pictures read my Mardi Gras recap. Probably not what they were looking for...ha!

Swimteam season is only 3 days in and I just know I'm going to be exhausted. I didn't get home tonight until 5 til 9 (had a few other things to do) and I missed all but the last 5 minutes of ANTM. Shit. I guess I'll have to watch it next week on Tuesday (well, tape it at I don't have DVR. I'm lame.)

Pay day is in two days. I don't normally look forward to pay day as I'm one of those people that charges everything and pays it off at the end of the month. I'm usually pretty good about keeping a running tally in my head. But, after paying my credit card bill today I thought, where the fuck did all my money go? Yet, I forgot. I haven't been reimbursed for my expenses for the clinic I went to and travel check will be nice as well. Plus, I get paid for the first season of coaching. All will be going to savings. Finally, I have a savings. Funny, my forecast for the month said there would be some financial woes. (And, Cags, I recently found Susan Miller. Bizarre?? Are the tides bringing us together, oh Zorphie?)

Well, I will say I'm glad I'm writing more. I'm looking forward to getting the ball rolling on some other projects that have collected much dust.

Last but not least...I had my dog groomed today. They put a rainbow scarf on him. He's rockin' his Gay Pride. Being that he looks like Stan's dog in the South Park cartoon, all I could think was "Don't be gay, Sparky. Don't be gay." That's alright. You can be gay Neville.

Monday, November 14, 2005

That's Because You're a Cancer...

So old roomate used to say these words all the time. "That's because you're a -insert astro sign here-." People thought she was crazy, but I think there's a lot of worth to her statements. Lesterhead had a posting about horoscopes and I thought I'd elaborate. Those of you who know me personally or from reading I'm sure have seen random posts about my horoscope and how I tend to tailor my days towards it. I know...crazy, but true. (And I'm done linking and looking through my archives.)
Anyway. The past roomie (who ironically just started blogging and this topic came up) turned me on to the astrological way a little more than I already was. Truthfully, I think for the most part, your sun sign is pretty acurate. I'm a
typical cancer...(I know...but this page won't let me cut and paste.) I'm having some trouble with blogger, so I'm going to leave you with this for right now. Do you think you match your sign for the most part? If you're a Cancer and feel you don't match the "typical" parts, read this one. I haven't explored the other signs on that link, but I think for the most part people generally match the traits of their sign.

What do you use these for? Me? Dating. Dealing with people. I even used it my first year of teaching to group my students. I definitely will steer clear from any Gemini or Aquarian men to date. Been there, done that...never again. Too much conflict and neglect. I will say I usually gravitate toward water sign people (Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces) though I do have really close friends of different signs. (You didn't think I'd descriminate based upon your sun sign, didja?)
Alright...I have to go to bed. I'll leave you all of that to chew on and continue tomorrow.

Laguna Beach was sad....but I'm looking forward to The Hills (L.C.'s new show!!)

Friday, November 11, 2005

Another Fallen Soldier

Bet you expected a Veteran's Day posting?? Come on know me better than that.

Plans to go out after work were much needed after conferences and well...a crazy week. So a few of us head out, have some wine. I'm doing well. I have to be up by 7:30 to "get my wig busted" at 8:00. One drink an hour. Very proud of myself. Then it all went downhill.

I think it's when someone starts buying my drinks. When that happens apparently I think, well...I've only purchased 3 glasses of wine (drank 6) and well, you know my usual performance.
Me getting stupid drunk has these has to include one or more of the following things:
1. Singing in a foreign language.
2. Giving my phone number out.
3. Throwing myself at someone.
4. Puking somewhere strange.
5. Falling.
6. Waking up in strange PJ's (or never making it into my PJ's)
7. Passing out somewhere strange.
8. Catching something on fire.
9. Makin' out.
10. Thinking the things I do are "a really good idea."

Well...let's just say that no fire department needed to be called and I didn't do my impression of 99 Luft Balloons. Where do I go wrong? I don't know. It was all so good until I switched to beer. I ended up furiously flirting with a few different people (including a co-worker.) Then after all in all of my flirting, slurring, and endless talking...I left.

And that's where....Another Fallen Soldier was seen.


Falling out the front door of the bar. (Gracefully, I'm sure.)

So after I peeled myself off the sidewalk and made it home...I puked. In my backyard. (Seemed "like a good idea at the time.") And best of that...after getting my hair done this morning, the grass cutter was here. Nice.

So on this Veteran's Day. Remember this fallen soldier.

*If you want the detailed me and I'll decide who's privy to the scoop! A girl's gotta have some secrets...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I Hear the Crickets

*Creek, creek. Creek, creek*
Cold and kinda rainy....this is a day I wish I could just stay in bed. After walking Neville, I certainly don't want to get in the shower and go to work. Good news! I'm getting a Christmas gift early. A laptop....yea! Should be getting in around Thanksgiving (as my sister has to bring it home...purchasing it in Delaware made it tax free.)
Off to Richmond this weekend to see Christy. I haven't been down there for quite a while now. I still wonder what my life would be like had a I stayed-and actually been able to get a real job - down in VA. Hmmph.
Booked my tickets to Mardi Gras this past week. Renee is coming this year. Watch out should see the damage we did in the DR! I'm sure there will be stories...

So many movies I want to see in the next couple of weeks. Jarhead (yes, Dan-I too would like to see neked Jake,) Rent, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...I'm sure there are more, but I can't think.

Oh....and how about the pirates off the coast of Somalia??? WHAT? One of the guys at work told me...I seriously thought he was joshin' me. I know they had grenade launchers, but I still picture them with eye patches, hoop earrings and a shiny knife. Arrrggg!

Alright. Enough procrastinating. I guess I'll get ready for work.