Friday, November 11, 2005

Another Fallen Soldier

Bet you expected a Veteran's Day posting?? Come on know me better than that.

Plans to go out after work were much needed after conferences and well...a crazy week. So a few of us head out, have some wine. I'm doing well. I have to be up by 7:30 to "get my wig busted" at 8:00. One drink an hour. Very proud of myself. Then it all went downhill.

I think it's when someone starts buying my drinks. When that happens apparently I think, well...I've only purchased 3 glasses of wine (drank 6) and well, you know my usual performance.
Me getting stupid drunk has these has to include one or more of the following things:
1. Singing in a foreign language.
2. Giving my phone number out.
3. Throwing myself at someone.
4. Puking somewhere strange.
5. Falling.
6. Waking up in strange PJ's (or never making it into my PJ's)
7. Passing out somewhere strange.
8. Catching something on fire.
9. Makin' out.
10. Thinking the things I do are "a really good idea."

Well...let's just say that no fire department needed to be called and I didn't do my impression of 99 Luft Balloons. Where do I go wrong? I don't know. It was all so good until I switched to beer. I ended up furiously flirting with a few different people (including a co-worker.) Then after all in all of my flirting, slurring, and endless talking...I left.

And that's where....Another Fallen Soldier was seen.


Falling out the front door of the bar. (Gracefully, I'm sure.)

So after I peeled myself off the sidewalk and made it home...I puked. In my backyard. (Seemed "like a good idea at the time.") And best of that...after getting my hair done this morning, the grass cutter was here. Nice.

So on this Veteran's Day. Remember this fallen soldier.

*If you want the detailed me and I'll decide who's privy to the scoop! A girl's gotta have some secrets...


Wolfgang Buckner said...'t even KNOW you anymore, and I never even DATED a sibling of yours...

Anonymous said...
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Lesterhead said...

Yes, pls post on being a Cancerian!