I have a lot to write about. However, I'm recovering from a late night weekend and don't have the full energy to do so.
Few things...Saw the new Harry Potter...EXCELLENT. (except for the asshole father next to me who talked to his child the whole time)
Watched The Five People You Meet In Heaven. So good. I read the book this summer. It's quite a tearjerker, but in a good way. I like movies that make me cry anyway.
Big scoop...the reveal of Buckner. That post to come soon. Bizarre, but a great story. Until then, chomp on this for a little while.
Compliments of Cags
More wacky questions....
Peanut butter: Smooth or crunchy? smooth
Toilet roll: Under or over? usually under
Wanking: One hand or two? one or none...cyberwabbit. heh, heh
Doing up jeans: Button then zip or zip then button? zip, then button. If I button first, I often forget to zip
Peanut butter: In fridge or out? ew...cold peanut butter? definitely out
Religion: Rate yourself on the scale of practicing (10) to atheist (0)? i don't practice. I try to pray at night but usually end up falling asleep in the middle of.....zzz
Toilet Seat: Up or down? down...what the hell do I need it up for?
Late nights or early rising? LATE night...which does not work when I need to be an early riser
Soap: Share or not? Sharing only if it's liquid.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with your time? Lay on the beach and write
What do you do for fun? hang out with friends, movies, read, write
What do you do for work? teach
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? no clue...everytime I plan, it never works out. I'd rather be surprised.
What would your best friend say about you? I'm loyal, funny, daring and genuine
When was the last time you lied to someone? Probably last night.
How often do you have sex? this rate....never.
What do you read? chic-lit, online news, blogs, entertainment magazines
What music do you listen to? everything...though I really don't like Guar-esque music
What do you look for in a partner? pulse...oh wait...intelligence, compassion, honesty, individualism, selflessness
Are you a smoker? former
Do you have any weird habits? I like things to be alphabatized, I don't like to step on manholes or grates on a sidewalk (and will avoid them at all costs) my sheets have to be straight and tight before I go to sleep
Have you been overseas? Yes...England, France, Germany, Belgium, Amsterdam
What can you not stand in a partner? deceit, competition, patronizing comments
What are your dealbreaker questions? Men who don't like dogs...I'm sure there are others
How have you spent the last few years? Internalizing and getting my "self" back
What's the most fascinating thing about you? I can almost always give a song lyric to any conversation, and the other...well wouldn't you like to know?
If we had an argument how would we settle it? honestly....probably a little yelling and then compromise
What are you most proud of in your life? The good friends I've aquired and kept.
A train is about to hit 20 people. On the other track there is one person. Do you flick the switch and send the train down the other track? hmm...that's a tough one. I'd probably flick the switch, but jump to get the one person out of the way.
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