I know it's been a while since I've posted, so here's a quick update.
Date boy...not sure. I have found out the he's very unreliable, but then started emailing again....whatever. I let my expectations run a little high with him and then forgot-he's a man. Jury is still out.
Got a few other emails. Eh. One is kind of interesting, but it makes me think of Jay's dealbreaker question. This guy (from reading his profile) is a vegetarian. I wouldn't care, but what if he was offended by me eating a big juicy steak? I don't think I could deal with that. Are people still vegetarians? I thought that was a 90's fad.
Tutored a guy down at one of the local colleges for a teacher test. Okay so I'm boy crazy and thought, "Ooh. What if he's cute?" Hmmm....hope he does okay because he was kinda dumb, duh, dumb, dumb.
Golfed on Sunday. Did pretty well for not golfing for 3+ years. (54 on the front and 60 on the back.) Ah... I forgot how much I love it. Have to thank Ex #3 for teaching me. Thanks. Also...thanks to Matt and Katie for going. Need a 4th next time...cute, single, employed, please.
Went to Bingo last night. I know, I know...but, it was worth it. I won $500. Couldn't have come at a better time either! (I bought a dauber, too...YIKES!) I just keeping thinking of the SATC episode when the girls went to play bingo. It was just like that as my friend Shawn and I went. Except it was in a fire hall, there were no drag queens (at least that were in costume) and I wasn't wearing Jimmy Choo's. But I still won $500. Yes!
Went to an Indian restaurant tonight in Morgantown, WV. Very good. I've never had Indian food before so my friend Lynn ordered for all of us. Very tasty, but I wonder if I'll smell like curry tomorrow at school? I'll just blame it on the kids.
I've also realized that I haven't been keeping my New Year's resolution by reading a book a month. I'm behind for April (I think I read two in February so that covered me for March.) I need to get on that. I also need to get disciplined in my writing. I have a fan-fucking-tastic idea on a book. Well, rather the ideas of the past have (hopefully) finally come to a head. Now I just need the discipline to write them together. Any ideas on how to keep focused and disciplined?
And, I just realized I haven't filed my state or local taxes yet. Oops. I need to do that, um, like now.
I've had some REALLY awesome dreams lately. I'm hoping the Indian food helps to follow suit.
I'll try to keep more updated on here. Maybe that will help me to kick my other writing in the ass, too.
Not all men are unreliable. - More details are needed here before we can pass judgement.
Vegetarians are a dealbreaker. Can't trust a woman who doesn't eat meat.
Wow...i never knew that a person's eating habits were so important...why can't you trust a woman that doesn't eat meat, Brooklyn Jay? To me, intelligence, wit, charm, kindness, looks...those are deal breakers. But i guess i will have to add that to my list.
Note to self: Better eat steak.
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