Friday, May 27, 2005

Blah, blah, blahs

So I have a date tonight....with "old guy." I don't know why, but I'm soooo not excited. It's almost like anxiety of not wanting to go is making me sick. I have a headache. My neck hurts. My leg fell off. You get the point.

I'm going....but unwillingly. Why? I don't know. Maybe I have the "blahs." (Thanks Jay for coining the term...I'm taking over the symtoms.)

And, I'm may say, "Weren't you just bitching about not having a date?" Yes. "Are you complaining now that you do have a date?" Yes. I'm fickle. I'm a bitch. I know. I don't know...maybe it'll be good. We'll see. Old guy says, "I think I'm excited." I reply back with....well, nothing. I didn't reply at all. I know...I'm a bitch. But, that's what makes me cute, right?

I'll post you tonight.

1 comment:

D said...

how did it go? was this the first date?