Monday, November 01, 2004

Hellofa Halloween

Though I was (am) fighting off a crap-ass cold, Halloween was a great time this weekend. The party was at a friend Ryan's cabin near me. (Hooray!! I finally had a party less than an hour away!!!!) The boys from Dormont and Katie made it down. We had a great time. We ate, drank, sat, ate, drank, played games, ate and drank and ate and drank. UGH! I was stuffed and mighty drunk. Ryan's girlfriend, Amy brought pumpkins we carved and I got to see Ben and his new fiance. Ryan's friends from the bird place he works for at times came in as well. We even had a mini costume party. I saw a lot-lizard, Morpheous, a sheik and his wife, a cop, farm girl, biker, etc...and everyone got to see my costume. I went as myself...7 years prior. So, basically I wore my sorority sweatshirt and got shit-faced. (I thought it was pretty original.) However, instead of falling down like I used to, I passed out on the hood of my car trying to get rid of the spins. No, I wasn't going to drive anywhere. I went to get my sleeping bag and felt like I was going to hurl. The logical thing to do?? Plant feet firmly on the ground, bend forward and keep left cheek on the cool hood of the car. I will say typical me.
In any sense, I ate too much, drank too much and made some new friends equaling a good party.
Halloween Day I used the couch as my friend and watched the football game. Good game even though I still don't understands the rules.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the mention... I was there too.

TheGirlInTheCorner said...

Sorry Christy....I'm an asshole. I totally had you listed and did some cutting and pasting. It was great seeing you!