Thursday, October 28, 2004

Signmon Says! many political signs can there be? Driving down the road today-literally a stretch of 200 yards-there were at least 30-40 signs of different polictical canidates. I understand putting the ones up for some local offices, but the ones I don't get are the Bush/Cheney, Kerry/Edwards signs. I mean....who doesn't know that they are running? Isn't that a waste of campaign money? It's not as if I'm going to drive down the road and say, "I'll vote for Clymer...who the fuck?" One, I'm pretty decided. It doesn't take me much. Nor should it take anyone any major time to decide. Unless of course you were the ladies on the Today Show today...thanks Robin for the quip about that. I totally agree. I like a 9-month pregnant woman with the election this year. I'm cooked. Done. Ready to give birth to the next 4 years.

1 comment:

D said...

Amen sister! btw--your post inspired my Halloween costume. I'm going to go as you giving birth to john kerry. i'll send you pictures ;-)