I was so productive today. Being that I can't get my ass to gym after school, I decided to bite the bullet and head out in the morning. Today I got up at 4:45, packed my clothes for this morning and got to the Y by roughly 5:15. By 6:45 I swam 1500 yards, showered, dressed stopped for coffee and signed in at school. I even beat the principal there. It was so nice though. No one is there...no disturbances or reasons for me to put off my work. I've finished lessons for half way through the week after Thanksgiving, made my copies up to next week and even corrected some papers. Shit...I even made my bed this morning and had lunch ready as well. I had much more energy and didn't feel as emotionally drained after school. I've said before. I love the pool for the main reason that it forces me to shut up for a period of time and relax. Even though I'm swimming hard, it's definitely relaxing. I'm assuming it's similar to that "runner's high" that people get (and I still have never experienced.) I also went to look at a car today. No deal. I really was all set to buy it. Basically an upgrade from my Passat. However, there were some things wrong with it and personally, I think mine rides smoother. I'll just continue to drive my baby for a few more years. It's in pretty good shape. I guess I'm just itching for a change of scenery in something. A move perhaps? Please!!! Calgon, take me away! So, instead of buying a new(er) car, I opted for a better deal of $10 Nike gym bag and $31 Bandelino black boots from Value City. God, I love that place. I got that "bargain high" that I definitely know about. Now off to bed. Being that I have been so productive, maybe I'll be able to make a big dent in one of the 4 books I'm trying to finish. Goodnight!
*Side note....at Value City tonight they had a huge clearout from some of the drug stores. Some good deals on professional hair products: Crew, Matrix, etc. Anyway, while looking through the hair products I see some deep conditioning kits. As I look closer I thought, "no that can't say...oh my god it does!" The deep conditioning kit was "Placenta." Um, totally gross. I seriously thought it was a Saturday Night Live skit.
Ewwww. was it really placenta? or was it just some latin/root word coincidence--like maybe the french understand that to mean 'luxury of hair' and we think 'nasty shit from the vag'. that totally sounds like a snl skit.
The question is: Where is this placenta coming from? Humans? Animals? Do hospitals save them and sell to shampoo companies?
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