Tuesday, November 30, 2004

No Jeopardy for You!

Can you believe it? Ken Jennings is done! The 2.5 million dollar man has been defeated. Unfortunately the surprise of it was ruined by my sister telling me...though really ruined initially by Howard Stern. I used to like listening to Howard but got really sick of the "show me your tits" "have you ever made out with a girl" "will you let Beetlejuice get you in the ass" skits. (tangent)
Anyway...I thought it was quite befitting for the first round of Jeopardy to be all Seinfeld references and the last category of clues with "Jerry, Elaine, Kramer and George." While I was initially impressed (and still slightly) with Ken's knowledge of pretty much everything on Earth -not so bad for a Mormon kid....he even got a few alcoholic drink clues at one point- I was glad to see him go. I'm all for the best person winning, but it would have sucked to go up against him. "Ah, shit. At least with the neurophysiology I had a chance. Not Ken!" Back to the Seinfeld reference...I believe this would have been a great character on the show. "J/E/K/G" would have wanted him gone. He probably could have been right up there with the Soup Nazi.

*So hard to go back to work...UGH!! 15 1/2 more school days until Christmas break. 129 more days left to the year. Monday I was actually thinking about what book I might read this summer and what time I would get up to fit in a walk and swim. Yeah, I'm focused.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Poll for the Day: Making the First Move: Man or Woman's Job?

What is your opinion on women making the first move? What would you want to say or what would you want to hear?

Comments are welcome and highly encouraged.

Thanksgiving Wrap-up

Well Thanksgiving is over and I'm ready for Christmas. Not ready to go back to work, though. I love the first day of deer season in Pennsylvania. NO SCHOOL!! It's lovely to have Thursday through Monday off. I did a lot partying on Wednesday on and saw a lot of old faces. It was nice actually. Also got almost all of my Christmas shopping done (while convienently picking up a few things for mom and dad to get me, too.)

Congratulations to my friends Renee and her husband Ryan. They are pregnant and due sometime in July. Amazing. I remember meeting Renee on the bus in 7th grade. She came from catholic school and my bus route had been changed. I can't believe she's going to be a mommy! Well, there couldn't be anyone more perfect. Congrats to you three: Renee, Ryan and Baby!

I need to play the lottery tonight. Beyond obvious reasons the other night I dreamt about going to buy tickets and the cashier screwed up my numbers and played different ones. I wrote them down as soon as I got up. I never play the lottery so maybe this will be my chance.

I am going to try to get the tree up today as well as wrap all my presents. This will be the Neville's (the dog) first Christmas. He likes to tear into things...here's hoping that he doesn't open all the presents.

*There will probably be many posts today.

The Vote Is In: I Choose Foe

Thanks to all of you for all of your wonderful and supporting comments (thru blogger and email.) However, I choose foe. I know that sounds crappy, but the night unfolded into days of me being pissed off and feeling resent. The long short of it was that my "foe" called the next day (after I called to check on her) and said she "was fine and thank you for helping her. But....she didn't have a problem with drugs anymore and because I was there, she didn't do them." Okay, I say to myself. Cry for help. Then I find as the day/night and next night trickle on she has proceeded to tell two of my friends "I guess Molly and I aren't friends anymore. She called AA on me and called me off of work for the next day."
Okay...now fuck off. Don't make a fool of me when you were the one (literally) begging for help. All I have to say is this. Fool me once, fuck you. Fool me twice, fuck me. So instead of fucking myself, I choose Foe. Cruel, but hey...she's a big girl. You want to talk big? Get yourself out of your own mess. I have bigger fish to fry.
I'm done now. I will no longer talk of this. I'm writing her off as of now. (Strangly enough I was at the same point around this time last year when I felt like writing people off. Damn, it still feels good!)

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Friend of Foe

What do you do when your friend is drug addict? I have a friend right now that is admittedly addicted to cocaine. What do you do? Well up until 1 am tonight, I've tried intermittendtly to get her into a rehab or at least talk to someone at some point this evening. I've been crying since at least 11:00 pm and am tired of this. I don't want my friend to die. I don't think she'd overdose like a John Belushi. She's much too smart for that. However, I believe she'll die a slow death like one of a junkie on Whatever Avenue in Bethere City, USA. It's aweful. One, as many people around town have told me she was still into coke, I stupidly believed her. Though, I willingly accepted her apology and confession to try to stop tonight and get help. After 2 hours of battling with her, I'm done. I can't hack it any more. I left her an open phone book of addiction counselors and I will call her parents tomorrow. I don't care if she hates me. It's a duty I have to do.

From a number of things today and just recently, I've learned that I will always speak my mind. I once was asked in an interview, "How would you best describe yourself?" I responded with,

"What you see is what you get."

I will not falter from those words.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

To be or not to be Catholic...That is the ante.

Saturday night I went to a Cash Bash. For those of you not familiar, a cash bash is a "fundraiser" of a sort. Tickets are sold kind of like a lottery. You have a 3-digit number on the bottom. The ticket was $20 which included my chance to win $500 on each hour, $300 on each 10 minute and $4000 at the end of the night. (7pm-11pm) It also included a buffet of usual Hunky wedding food and all the beer you can drink. Where do you ask this gala of events is held? Right in the basement of Saint Mary's Church. Amidst the sea of blue hair and canes, I found one of the 3 groups of young people. While you're sitting, eating and drinking duos of elderly women and men come around selling tickets and before I knew it I'm shouting, "Dolores! I'll take two more of the Mary Pop Open tickets!" I played a Keno type game where an 80-year old was viciously running the table and taking my money. (So that's where my social security is going!!)
What amazes me most is that this is held in the basement of a Catholic church to raise money for the church. Hmm. Now correct me if I'm wrong, according to Catholicism you are not supposed to use birth control, abort fetuses (or should it be feti?) or divorce among another number of sinful acts. However, if you would like to gamble, perform glutton-like eating and drink beer, just make sure the profits go to the church. Here are some other ways for what church going people call "sinners" to get by with doing their "sinful" acts.

1. If you would like to have an abortion because you were unlawfully impregnated or whatever reason you choose to, please make sure that you tip your local parish 10% of the cost of the procedure. *If you are a physician, please donate 15% of the cost of the procedure.
2. If you need to get a divorce, hire one of the nuns to be a stenographer and Father Fred to be your lawyer. If it is a custody battle, pay a couple of the altar boys to be stand ins so your children don't have to witness any unnecessary banter.
3. If you "choose" (great choice of word, eh?) to be gay promise that you will not come to church and "embarrass" the Catholic community, however, you will donate a healthy portion of you paycheck to buying the priests the porn they need to quit doing the unmentionables that have been going on with you-know-who. (See 2. for that one.)
4. If you would like to get married, but you are not a man and woman, agree to donate a portion of the bridal dance funds to fans for the pews and tissues next to the holy water.
4. If there are any other "sins" that you would like to commit that the Catholic church would not approve of, sign a waiver that commits you to literally PAY for your sins. Ex: $10 for taking communion even though you didn't confess ALL of you sins in the booth.

Although I thought the whole thing was really Hippocratic on the fact that this was sponsored by and held in a church, it was pretty fun. Though, I didn't win shit.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


I'm now one of the people I make fun of. After school I ran to the bank to cash a check. There I am filling out my deposit slip, on the phone etc..."picture of a bad driver," right? Down the road the phone rings. It's my mother. She says, "You have the tube." I said, "What?" She repeats. I repeat (even more confused.) She then says...through laughs, "YOU HAVE THE TUBE FROM THE BANK. They called." Yep, there it was on the passenger seat of my car.

I'm an idiot.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Productive High

I was so productive today. Being that I can't get my ass to gym after school, I decided to bite the bullet and head out in the morning. Today I got up at 4:45, packed my clothes for this morning and got to the Y by roughly 5:15. By 6:45 I swam 1500 yards, showered, dressed stopped for coffee and signed in at school. I even beat the principal there. It was so nice though. No one is there...no disturbances or reasons for me to put off my work. I've finished lessons for half way through the week after Thanksgiving, made my copies up to next week and even corrected some papers. Shit...I even made my bed this morning and had lunch ready as well. I had much more energy and didn't feel as emotionally drained after school. I've said before. I love the pool for the main reason that it forces me to shut up for a period of time and relax. Even though I'm swimming hard, it's definitely relaxing. I'm assuming it's similar to that "runner's high" that people get (and I still have never experienced.) I also went to look at a car today. No deal. I really was all set to buy it. Basically an upgrade from my Passat. However, there were some things wrong with it and personally, I think mine rides smoother. I'll just continue to drive my baby for a few more years. It's in pretty good shape. I guess I'm just itching for a change of scenery in something. A move perhaps? Please!!! Calgon, take me away! So, instead of buying a new(er) car, I opted for a better deal of $10 Nike gym bag and $31 Bandelino black boots from Value City. God, I love that place. I got that "bargain high" that I definitely know about. Now off to bed. Being that I have been so productive, maybe I'll be able to make a big dent in one of the 4 books I'm trying to finish. Goodnight!

*Side note....at Value City tonight they had a huge clearout from some of the drug stores. Some good deals on professional hair products: Crew, Matrix, etc. Anyway, while looking through the hair products I see some deep conditioning kits. As I look closer I thought, "no that can't say...oh my god it does!" The deep conditioning kit was "Placenta." Um, totally gross. I seriously thought it was a Saturday Night Live skit.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Not SoLoner Movie

I went to see Bridget Jones this weekend. So good. And, I ventured by myself. Now my sister prefers the movies alone. Me...ehhh?? I had made a rule that I wouldn't go to the movies by myself anymore, but lately I've been breaking a lot of my standard rules. I made this prior rule because of the first two experiences.
1st: Went to see Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood. UGH!! Total disaster. I had just moved to Richmond (still in pissed off mood because I was emotionally forced to move) and being it was a friendship movie...yeah. Going alone - not the most uplifting thing.
2nd: In between interviews last year I thought, well I'll go to the movies. So, I hit the cheapies and saw Identity. Okay...not a great movie, but totally jumpy. ANDDDDD...I was by myself. Well almost totally. There was one other person in the theater. By the end I had come up with my own movie about the other person in the theater killing me, stuffing me in the 3rd row (because no one sits in the 3rd row) and no one finding me until hours or even days later. I wouldn't be able to call anyone because I'm one of the few people who actually read the "please turn your cell phone off" warnings and would have bled to death while trying to turn on my phone.
At this point I had written off solo movies. With all the girls being too busy to go and a good feeling none of the boys would go see this chick flick with me, I ventured down to the Waterfront to catch the film I've been so eagerly waiting for. It was sooo packed in there (except for the third row.) So I sat between a couple of girls and another solo flyer and enjoyed my movie. I didn't feel so alone however because the girl next to me kept talking out to the movie. Normally this would bother me, but she pretty much was just verbalizing the thoughts in my head. If I would have been there with a friend, this probably would have driven me nuts. However, it was kind of amusing. There actually were a lot of solo flyers that day in the theater as I left. I guess really I wasn't alone in going alone.
Lesson learned: I will continue to see movies alone...however, no scary movies. I still have nightmares about that afternoon.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Briget Jones Quiz

In honor of Bridget Jones, The Edge of Reason opening tomorrow, I took the "What's your Briddget Jones Moment?" quiz on www.Tickle.com.
And the results are...

Molly, your Bridget Jones moment is Putting Your Foot in Your Mouth

Your mouth is moving but your brain is begging you to put a sock in it. Sound familiar? When the guy you admire approaches, does it seem like you always fumble for something witty to say, and succeed in blurting out a dorky or offensive remark instead? This is your specialty.The good news is, your heart-felt apologies, desperate back-peddling, and prolonged blushing reveal your inherent charm. Your heart is certainly in the right place, and your earnest nature makes you completely lovable. Until next time, at least.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

No Hoodies in the Champagne Room

I don't know why I'm still up at 11:30, but I am. Another day of parent/teacher conferences and I finally got back in the pool after the sick bout. I only swam 1500 yards, but I was happy that I did it in 30 minutes. Anyway...some older man started BS-ing with me about "how long did it take you to get in shape to do that?" Um....13 years and correction....I'm not in shape according to the time I did it in. So, I gave him some pointers on technique and went about my way right before he started to ask something else. Hey buddy. I'm here to blow off some steam and think. It's the only time where I can't talk and no one can talk to me. This is my time. I love that time, too. It's very relaxing to be able to be completely secluded by an element. Strange, but true.
Tonight I met my long-time friend Stephanie for a drink to catch up and shoot the shit. We had a good time. I plan on introducing her to my favorite cheap wine tomorrow and continue our conversation. No school on Veteran's Day so I can relax tomorrow night.

One other thing...
Today in school an announcement was made over our loud speaker by the principal. "Attention Junior High students. There will be no more wearing of coats in the classroom. Coats must be stored in your lockers during the day, not worn during classes. You may still wear hoodies. Hoodies will be allowed during classes."


I at least thought it was funny.

And...shout out to Dan for listing me in his blog title. I'll have to think of something sultry for you.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Good Times

So I fixed the whole viewing the blog thing...and I just looked down at my dog who is sleeping next to the computer desk. He's been into tearing apart his toys lately. I just looked down and he's sleeping amongst the stuffing of a little, puffy dog's head. I guess the weekend was just too much for him.

I had a great weekend. I took my first sick day ever on Friday. I did take a 1/2 sick day last year for a routine doctor's appointment, but this one was truly a sick day. Good thing, too. I headed to the doctor on Friday. Diagnosis: Bronchitis. While waiting for my Rx I wandered around Wal-Mart and noticed two of the laziest and most ridiculous things.
1. Pre-made PB&J sandwiches in the freezer section. Are you kidding? The whole point of PB&J is that it's easy and cheap. Now it's just easy(....hmmmm...that's rings a bell for some reason?)
2. "Meatball Magic" This is a contraption straight from an informercial that is basically a platic container divided into small square sections that you turn upside down and press on top of a pile of ground meat. If you are serioulsy that stupid that you can't divide meatballs into equal sections, you have a problem. Meatball Magic for me would be one that would make and bake itself without being blown off of Ol' Smokey by a sneeze.
*I also noticed that the average age in Wal-Mart around 10 am is about 72. Still busy...does that place ever stop?
Well, the sick day was well spent on the couch. I zonked for a little while and caught up on talk shows and Days of Our Lives. I've been watching that show for about 20 years and Marlena has died once again. I think I'm going to start taping and watching. I really miss that crap and...I can't afford TEVO, DVR or the Soap Channel. I was kind of bored though without anyone to talk to all day. Sick isn't it? Unfortunately, now that I have to go back to work tomorrow, I don't feel like talking to anyone.
Saturday I ended up in New Castle for friends' birthdays. We had dinner and went bowling and Karaoking. I haven't been bowling in a really long time...it was pretty fun. I think that bowling should be brought back as the new in thing to do. One...it's really cheap. Two...it's an easy way to get a large group of people to interact. At bars it's too hard to be able to talk to everyone. And, you can drink there...except for me this weekend due to antibiotics. Yes, I gave it a trial run on Friday when I wasn't going anywhere. 3 glasses of wine and I woke up and the house looked like a hurricane went through it.
Now it's Sunday and I'm dreading the work I have to attend tomorrow. Though, it's pretty home free at this point until after Christmas. Two 1/2 days this week for conferences (in which I'm secretly hoping no one shows up) and no school on Veteran's Day. Then the holiday shuffle of days and activities.
I guess this is enough rambling....I try to make these interesting, but because I lost a day of interaction with people you'll have to hear my happenings.

Hungry Blogger

So annoying. I've written 2 blogs that the blogger has eaten and I can't view Dan's blog unless I go to his profile and read the posts from there...any ideas?

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself...So I Didn't

With all the hooplah with the election (upset) I was really irritated with "America voted on its moral values..." Well, I wasn't sure exactly how to express my feelings. Apparently, I didn't have to....my friend Jen said it best.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Call Me! Celebrity Hearings

Can you believe it? In the past few days I have received calls from former Mayor Guliani, Barbara Bush and Lynn Swann!! Amazing that these celebrities have so much time to call little 'ol me. Boy, this is really going to sway my vote.
And, yes...I'm leaving to vote now.

Voter Anxiety

Okay....so I'm voting for the 3rd time in my life. I know...pathetic at the age of 28, but I am voting. However, voting in the primaries is now giving me voter anxiety. Not the canidates, not the choice, but the actual physical part of voting. During the primaries I signed in at my old elementary school and one of the old ladies led me to the voter booth fixing the side thingy as per my registry. I was registered Republican (though have since changed since my license photo in July.) During that time in May I did not want to vote Republican so I did that. Well, as I went to pull the lever to get out of the booth (yes they are that old of booths,) I realized I was stuck. My feet were probably seen floating off the ground as I tried desperately to get the curtain open. I started to sweat and quickly started checking all the buttons, directions....there even was an extra lever in there that did something. Long short of it, I pressed a few more buttons and got out. Later that week I went to dinner with a friend and told her the story. She (being an educated voter and voting machine expert unlike myself) let me know that there is no way I should have been able to vote Democrat and informed me that my votes were pretty much null and void and the machine must have been junk. The only thing I was informed on was that yes in fact, the machines were junk. They were the ones that were there when I went to elementary school 20 years ago. My anxiety now leads me to this. They have closed my elementary school and moved my voter place. UGH! Hello?? I've just mastered the first one....now a change. So, here I go again to vote. Sick enough that I almost hope the voting machines have been moved there to have some familiarity.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Hellofa Halloween

Though I was (am) fighting off a crap-ass cold, Halloween was a great time this weekend. The party was at a friend Ryan's cabin near me. (Hooray!! I finally had a party less than an hour away!!!!) The boys from Dormont and Katie made it down. We had a great time. We ate, drank, sat, ate, drank, played games, ate and drank and ate and drank. UGH! I was stuffed and mighty drunk. Ryan's girlfriend, Amy brought pumpkins we carved and I got to see Ben and his new fiance. Ryan's friends from the bird place he works for at times came in as well. We even had a mini costume party. I saw a lot-lizard, Morpheous, a sheik and his wife, a cop, farm girl, biker, etc...and everyone got to see my costume. I went as myself...7 years prior. So, basically I wore my sorority sweatshirt and got shit-faced. (I thought it was pretty original.) However, instead of falling down like I used to, I passed out on the hood of my car trying to get rid of the spins. No, I wasn't going to drive anywhere. I went to get my sleeping bag and felt like I was going to hurl. The logical thing to do?? Plant feet firmly on the ground, bend forward and keep left cheek on the cool hood of the car. I will say typical me.
In any sense, I ate too much, drank too much and made some new friends equaling a good party.
Halloween Day I used the couch as my friend and watched the football game. Good game even though I still don't understands the rules.