Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Horoscope Obsession

I forgot to paste in my horoscopes....and I did meet someone else who looks for good horoscopes and bases decisions on them...(thanks Becca for making me feel normal.) She also reminded me of another thing I do with them. Whomever the significant other or potential, I will look up their horoscope as well and adjust accordingly. I know...but you all have your vices, too.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Even snails come out of their shells when they see another snail who makes their heart go putt-putt. Make like a lovesick snail today. Come out of that shell and start an ooey-gooey track in their direction!
I felt like I did this...ah, not really. My email was bland. I'll need coaching.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Romantic tasks need completing, not competing! That is, you need to call them, not get into a big competition to see who calls whom first. But you knew that already.
Ugh...tough one to task. I know this game is going on... I HATE calling. Who was that anonymous commenter?? Telling me something??


Anonymous said...

I will give you a hint...Nah, never mind.

TheGirlInTheCorner said...

hint, hint...i always enjoy a good mystery.