Thursday, May 12, 2005

Does Age Make a Difference?

Off to NYC tomorrow after school for AWNY. We're just under $1000. Don't forget folks. It's not too late to get rid of that spare change you have laying around-the link is on the page. Thanks to those of you who have donated. It means a lot.

I haven't packed yet which is typical. I think I'll get up at 5 and do it then. Supposed to rain this weekend. Last time I was there it practically flooded.

I'm looking forward to the drive. I know that sounds nuts, but there is something really healing about a long drive with you and the radio. I will be practicing my Karaoke skills for Saturday.

Opinion time...(figure I'll get a good one going while I'm gone.) What do you think about dating someone much older or younger than you? (I finally emailed a guy back who has emailed me a few times. The only thing I'm apprehensive about is that he is a bit older than me.) What's the biggest age difference you would do? Does it make a difference? Can personality override the gap? I know some people who have and even married someone much older than them. Shit, my great aunt and uncle were 25 years apart. (I know...sounds creepy, but they were married forever!) "Nunya" I think is too young. Only a year younger, but too immature and unreliable...I'm ready to dump that chump, again.
Okay...I'll leave you to chew on that. More exciting stories after the weekend.

Daily Horoscope
Intuition is just tuition with an 'in.' And today, you've got a specially reserved scholarship spot waiting for you at the U of Intuition. Make the most of your opportunities there!


Lesterhead said...

I'd always go older vs. younger, just bc men are so god damn immature. I'm nearing 27, and I'd probably date someone who was... 35? There's a guy at work I flirt wth regularly who's 36 (going on 23). I think it's a case by case basis, but I'd be hesitant to go over 39.

Anonymous said...

Well, I generally date around my age, but lately I'm hesitant to date anyone younger than me -- I knowit's horrible, but really, I don't want a guy who's 23 (I'm almost 29) and just started his first job. I also generally date men within 5 years of my age.

HOWEVER -- if a man came along and I was attrated to him right away, I'd throw my ageist theories out the window and explore.

Anonymous said...

I have a few college friends who are 26, and married guys in the 35-40 age category. On the plus side, the guys are super nice, established financially and professionally, and are more mature than younger guys. But, both guys were very eager to be married (one of which proposed after 5 months) and have kids. I guess when a guy is older and erectile dysfunction is just a few years away - they gotta think about children while they can still get it up!

Anonymous said...

Pardon my stumbling through here, but I had to comment. I am with this Danni person. Exploration is the best way to go, as long as you have an open mind about everything and not nit-pick the person to death with the "why it will never work" evaluations. As for the maturity issues...I don't understand how a person can say "men are so god damn immature." Depends on where you look, I guess. Statements like that and the one about men not being mature at ANY age are pretty insightful.

I read over some of your postings, and it seems kind of interesting the way you categorize your possible beaus. This guy is too old, one is to fat, the other guy is to dumb, yet another is to immature. My favorite is the one about the cant date a guy because his diet is different than yours? Wow. I wish I had so many dating options that I was able to be so superficially picky. So what happens when your "perfect" guy rolls around and he doesn't like you for some superficial reason? I'm SURE its entirely the lack of mature eligible men why the perfect, single women posting here can't find the "right" guy. Straight guys are so imperfect and disappointing!

I say stop making things so "Seinfeldian" and just let things happen with the old guy, the young guy, the dumb guy or that vegetarian guy. Who cares.

Big Buddha said...

My thinking on the age thing is that there isn't anything wrong with it. (As long as the person is of legal age that is.) It's more of a morality problem and "Ohmigod! What will other people think?" than an actual issue.

I'm older, mid 30's, but I tend to find I have more in common with 20-somethings than with woman my own age. If they don't have an issue with it I don't have an issue with it. Screw what people think.

BUT people who refuse to eat meat...DEAL BREAKER.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Brooklyn Jay. Age has never been an issue with my wives.


Larry King