Monday, January 24, 2005


Damn cold here. Everyone else got a ton of snow except for us. I kind of wish we would have. The only thing I got today was food poisoning and I think bronchitis again. I felt sick this morning but dismissed it to an excessive amount of hot totties. Not the case being that when I arrived at school, one by one the teachers I work with were feeling the same. We all watched the game together and ate the same things....gross. And, the cold I've been fighting off is starting to turn exactly the same as before. I've got a plane to catch in 10 days. No way I can get sick now. Well...enough of my health. I'm sure you're all so interested.

On another note, the time is coming again where I will send out 30-50 applications to the Pittsburgh area school districts. Keep your fingers crossed. I cannot end up in Uniontown again this year or I might just go crazy. Everyone keep your ears open as well. I'll take any help I can get....just get me outta here.

Good night.


las1976 said...

Well you need to be in the best health down at Mardi Gras, or you run the risk of puking on your friend -- believe me it's not a pretty sight. I guess you'll be leading the coffee brigade at Pat and Kate's!

Anonymous said...

Molly, you can't get sick - we made a party-pact for Saturday! Renee

TheGirlInTheCorner said...

Don't worry. I'm in!