Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Audition: Who Am I?

Ha. You probably thought this was going to be about online dating, right? Wrong. Did anyone see American Idol last night? The girl at the end...was she not totally wacked out??? I'm mean totally schizo!! I don't know if she truly had multiple personalities only because I don't think she would freely admit to hearing voices in her head (thanks Sugar Ray for asking!!!) but, there was definitely something totally fucked up about her. Crazy. I also love the totally disillusioned people who really truly think they can sing. Definite hoot.


las1976 said...

I missed it -- and will miss the entire season because I have class. Heard it was funny, though. And I love the fact that they get Mark McGrath to help judge. Not that I can sing well, but he's one of the worst singers of mainstream bands around.

D said...

Unlike Paula who is known for her beautiful, well trained voice.

las1976 said...

Touche -- Paula can't even clap correctly -- like she always just had her nails painted or something.

las1976 said...

Cover up story. It was actually bile damage from puking up her lunch all of the time.