Sunday, August 28, 2005

Same Bitch, Different Day.

Tomorrow is the first day of school. I still get a little nervous, but unfortunately this year I'm not that excited. (Yes, I'm bitching again.) I just really thought I'd be somewhere else this year. I'm not excited to meet my new kids. That's pretty bad for a teacher to say. Good things this year...I like the people I work with in my hallway...well, really all through the school. We have a pretty awesome staff as far as teaching, but more than that...they're fun. It definitely helps the day go by. 180 school days to go. 183 work days. Yes folks. I'm counting.

I was very excited to have more personal days this year as I use them to travel. However, I may not be heading to Mardi Gras this year. Can you believe the hurricane? I've been pretty glued to the TV all day and I hope that I'm home from school before it hits as I'll be glued to the TV tomorrow to watch it. Emily evacuated yesterday only to save her clothes, pictures and precious puppy. Can you even imagine what it's going to be like to go back there? When? To what? Very scary...and very sad. Possessions can be replaced, but I'm sure it still is depressing.

Other than this...I don't have much to offer today. I'm still nursing a hangover and I'm promising to get out of party mode ASAP. (Though the school year is tough as a glass of wine at night sometimes is all that helps.)

Oh world let something fantastic happen so that I cannot be totally depressed in my job...

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