Thursday, August 04, 2005

How Did You Spend Your Summer?

Went to the pool again today and the question came up of how other people spend their summers? Being a teacher I've never come off the academic calendar. Even when I was waitressing and in grad school, I still stuck to the academic calendar. When I say the beginning of the year, I don't, and have never meant January 1. Thanks to my parents I have spent every summer at "the pool." I grew up there...lifeguarded there...worked the daycare there...and fortunately the first summer I had moved away I was able to replace "the pool" with the borough pool in New Wilmington. Therefore...I don't know how else to spend a summer without swimming. How did you spend your summer?

I have so many fond memories of my summers there.


D said...

sweating and dreaming of a pool

Anonymous said...

Same fabulous way...I'm a teacher!!!

Lesterhead said...

Riding my teal and peach huffy to my rich friends' houses so I could swim in their pools. Or making fun for myself since I was an only child living in a neighborhood with NO other kids.

Lesterhead said...

Also, watching I Dream of Jeannie every morning.