County Music Bonanza Verdict: Pretty good. I only wish I was a more avid fan as I wasn't that familiar with the songs. Verdict on the Crowd: HOT, HOT, HOT men....Wow. It was like being at a gay bar except I think these guys were straight. (And by gay bar...I don't mean Illusions in U'town...just a bunch of old Queens there with a few good lookings thrown in.) They all seriously looked like they dropped out of a Hollister ad. Yum!
I may do some short random postings (a couple a day hopefully) within the next week. This Girl will be sunning herself in Punta Cana as of Monday for 8 days. Yippee!! I seriously cannot wait to go.
I caught up on some movies.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Excellent. I LURRRVVVEE Johnny Depp and Tim Burton is always a good show. I'll probably see this again this week or when I get back. (I'll have to post the "Johnny Depp" story, too.
Sideways: Eh...that's where my thumb would be on a Siskel scale. Not good, but not bad. I don't think I'll watch it again.
Wedding Crashers: Funny. Very funny. (I think I wrote about this already.)
I (Heart) Huckabees: I (Hate) Huckabees. Dumb. Very dumb. Definitely runs a tie with Six Degrees of Separation. I couldn't turn it off...though I wanted too...because I thought, maybe, just maybe it'll get better. It didn't. 101 minutes wasted.
Spellbound: I'm watching this as I write. I don't think it's going to hold my attention. I never was (and still am not) a good speller. I follow the rule of "if I don't know how to spell it, I use a different word" rule...if spell check isn't around. Though...I'm very picky of spelling errors...which was part of my elimination process with (Another reason why I'm still single I imagine.) tangent.
Other than that...I'm still awaiting a new job and new living conditions. I had an interview last week. (I'm not worried about "the jinx" Jay.) I think it went well , but I always think they go well. It's for a guidance position. Weirdest question: "How would you arrange your office?" I know they were getting at the "openess" factor of not having the desk as the barrier. So I gave them that really was the truth. Keep your fingers crossed or I'm really going to be a nasty bitch. Just kidding. I'm always a nasty bitch.
Okay...time to get some other stuff done and I'm getting to the pool by 12:30 today. I want to finish The Hollywood Dodo (or as I almost always call it "the Hollywood Dildo") before I leave. I could possibly finish it today. If you haven't read it, I recommend. (See Doug...I do like it!!)
I'll be posting some shorts today.
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