Friday, September 02, 2005

Where Did My Favorite City Go?

So I'm awestruck by Hurricane Katrina. I'm completely consumed by the news channels and interviews and I have one (well, probably more than one) thing to say...

Ray Nagin for President.

If you haven't heard the radio interview that he did (they're airing it on CNN,) listen to it. I feel like Michael Moore right now (and I don't like him at all because I think he's a pompous ass) but, "Shame on you Mr. Bush. Shame on you." There are people dying by the hour, by the minute down there and all you can do is fly over on Airforce One? I'm sure if there was a huge abortion party or a mass of gay people trying to run for Senate (or Christ even work in WholeFoods) you probably would have A-bombed the place. Good job, Dubya. Good job. This would have been the perfect opportunity to for you to become "the People's President" and you've done fucked it up real good. I don't even think Clinton would have been getting a blow from one of his interns in this mess. (Can you tell I only read the tabloids about politics?)

On a somewhat lighter note, Emily fortunately evacuated on Saturday. However, I don't know the condition of her apartment, her boyfriend's house and family's residences and whatever else. I do know she's out of a job being a school teacher. Though she's gone on to say, "at least we're could have been worse." That's the best thing about Emily. In the shittiest of events, she's always in good spirits. I'll update you more on her and what she knows of New Orleans as soon as I can get through the phone lines. Plus side to her evacuation?? She's coming to Pittsburgh so I'll get to visit with her.

Okay...I have to get on to school. Update on that? I don't want to jinx myself, but it's a hell of a lot better than last year. My kids are well behaved (for the most part) and they are much further ahead academically than last year. Today is Day 5. 175 to go. Yep...still counting.

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