I should have much to post. I do have much to post, but I just can't seem to get much organized. Moving in a couple of weeks....new house...new job. I need some direction.
Where is that compass?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
Off the Top of Your Head
thanks to Lesterhead...I have something to blog...
1. Do you have a tattoo?
2. How old are you?
3. Are you single or taken?
4. Fish?
5. Do you dream in color?
6. Ever seen a corpse?
7. Hipsters or Hillbillies?
8. How did we meet?
9. What's your philosophy on life and death?
10. If you could do anything with me, and have no one know, what would it be?
11. Do you trust the police?
12. Do you like musicals?
13. What is your fondest memory of me?
14. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
15. Would you cheat ?
16. What are you wearing?
17. Have you ever peed in a pool?
18. Would you hide evidence for me if I asked you to?
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?
20. Which do you prefer - short or long hair?
21. What's your favorite day of the week?
22. What's your favorite color?
23. If you could bring back anyone that has passed, who would it be?
24. Tell me one interesting/odd fact about you?
25. What was your first impression of me?
26. Have you ever done drugs?
27. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
1. Do you have a tattoo?
2. How old are you?
3. Are you single or taken?
4. Fish?
5. Do you dream in color?
6. Ever seen a corpse?
7. Hipsters or Hillbillies?
8. How did we meet?
9. What's your philosophy on life and death?
10. If you could do anything with me, and have no one know, what would it be?
11. Do you trust the police?
12. Do you like musicals?
13. What is your fondest memory of me?
14. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
15. Would you cheat ?
16. What are you wearing?
17. Have you ever peed in a pool?
18. Would you hide evidence for me if I asked you to?
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?
20. Which do you prefer - short or long hair?
21. What's your favorite day of the week?
22. What's your favorite color?
23. If you could bring back anyone that has passed, who would it be?
24. Tell me one interesting/odd fact about you?
25. What was your first impression of me?
26. Have you ever done drugs?
27. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Missed Connection with the Pig Skin
I'm obsessed with Craig's List. I know, it's been around a while, but I'm obsessed with Missed Connections. I read them in 4 different cities. I've posted two of them before--only to get really lame and sometimes creepy replies. I at times will read them a few times a day. Somehow I feel/hope that I'll have MC from someone someday...until then, I'll keep lurking.
I also really look forward to Post Secrets new posting on Sunday mornings. Today the first one was a post card with a football field and there was a message written like football plays that said "I Don't Get It." I read it and thought, "I don't either!" I watched the Steeler game today and as much as I tried, I just don't get football. I would like to because it's a sociable thing and to be totally honest, it makes a pretty quiet time for me. Plus, don't guys dig when chicks can watch a game and make the call? Maybe I'll get Football for Dummies.
New MC post??
MC with the Pig Skin
I just don't get you, Football. I want to but I always seem to confuse the receptions, interceptions and punt returns. Reply back if you want me to learn about you.
I also really look forward to Post Secrets new posting on Sunday mornings. Today the first one was a post card with a football field and there was a message written like football plays that said "I Don't Get It." I read it and thought, "I don't either!" I watched the Steeler game today and as much as I tried, I just don't get football. I would like to because it's a sociable thing and to be totally honest, it makes a pretty quiet time for me. Plus, don't guys dig when chicks can watch a game and make the call? Maybe I'll get Football for Dummies.
New MC post??
MC with the Pig Skin
I just don't get you, Football. I want to but I always seem to confuse the receptions, interceptions and punt returns. Reply back if you want me to learn about you.
I'm sure I'm the only one in the world that is blogging about Britney now . I seriously cannot believe how horrible she was on the VMAs tonight. And, the song was actually not too bad.
The weekend is over. I wish I was one of those people that could go to bed early, but I'm not. I'm a standard 11-12 person. Not too bad, but to get up at 5 makes that an issue by Thursday.
I'm on the hunt for a new cell phone. I H A T E mine. My contract is up in December and I want to make sure I get one that A. works, B. holds a charge more than 20 minutes of talk time. I'm a slave to the car charger.
House hunt starts Tuesday again. I have 6-7 I sent to my realtor. I'm hoping something works out. The last time I went to look was so disappointing. Ugly, REALLY crooked and cat smell.
The weekend is over. I wish I was one of those people that could go to bed early, but I'm not. I'm a standard 11-12 person. Not too bad, but to get up at 5 makes that an issue by Thursday.
I'm on the hunt for a new cell phone. I H A T E mine. My contract is up in December and I want to make sure I get one that A. works, B. holds a charge more than 20 minutes of talk time. I'm a slave to the car charger.
House hunt starts Tuesday again. I have 6-7 I sent to my realtor. I'm hoping something works out. The last time I went to look was so disappointing. Ugly, REALLY crooked and cat smell.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Love Serving 10

When do you bounce the ball into some one's court and when should the serve be returned?
Is this why so many people are single into their 30's in this day and age?
Is chivalry dead?
I have had this conversation with my girl friends and guy friends.
Girls' consensus = Let the man make the move. If he is interested, he will make a move. You can respond, but he should be making the first effort.
Guys' consensus = Don't wait around. If you want to make a move, do it. Times have changed. Men like when a woman takes charge.
My consensus = I'm lost.
I have made the first move many, many, many times in the past. Has it worked out? Sometimes. Obviously not permanently, or I wouldn't be posing this question, but I have had some very successful relationships based upon my first move. I also have had some really bad rejections based upon it as well. The question I always have of myself, and maybe you join me as well is...
Is what I feel what I want to feel or what is actually occurring? Do I live in a fantasy world? I know I have done that in the past as well, but at times I have been correct. I will say in the past 5 years, more often wrong than right. So at this point, how do I trust my instinct and not cloud it with John Cusak movies?
Monday, August 27, 2007
Snail Mail
I think Snail Mail should make a comeback. I'm just as guilty as the next, but really nothing is better than getting an old-fashioned, handwritten letter in the mail. When I was in grade school and even in high school my best friend and I used to send each other mail. Sometimes it was for no reason, often it was if we were having a "fight." We never really fought though--we were way too passive for that. I remember writing to her when her parents seperated. Her dad had moved out and she hadn't said anything. I wrote her a simple letter letting her know I knew what had happened, and in that one page...the air seemed to clear and the wall was knocked down. Why don't we send letters anymore to say what we really feel?
I bring this up because one of my friends just sent a letter. An actual letter. He met this guy in California, hit it off and has kept in rough touch with him. A few emails, some texts (still my favorite passive way of flirting,) an occasional phone call. After a weekend meet up, he sat down, wrote a letter and kind of let the boy have it: all his feelings on one (or two) pages. Sigh...if only we could do that all the time. I've typed plenty of emails, but I think the fact that you can delete, backspace, cut and paste makes it easy to edit feelings. Ink and paper is so, well, more permanent. Even with this blog I tend to edit. I should quit editing these entries. Spelling, grammar, typos, etc. Maybe then I'll get the candidness I feel these entries are missing. Maybe I should go back to journaling--onpaper in addition to online. An old typewriter...is that the answer? I don't know if I could even type on a manual typewriter anymore.
I'm looking for new links, topics, etc. If you're lurking...leave a comment. Maybe I'll write you a letter.
I bring this up because one of my friends just sent a letter. An actual letter. He met this guy in California, hit it off and has kept in rough touch with him. A few emails, some texts (still my favorite passive way of flirting,) an occasional phone call. After a weekend meet up, he sat down, wrote a letter and kind of let the boy have it: all his feelings on one (or two) pages. Sigh...if only we could do that all the time. I've typed plenty of emails, but I think the fact that you can delete, backspace, cut and paste makes it easy to edit feelings. Ink and paper is so, well, more permanent. Even with this blog I tend to edit. I should quit editing these entries. Spelling, grammar, typos, etc. Maybe then I'll get the candidness I feel these entries are missing. Maybe I should go back to journaling--onpaper in addition to online. An old typewriter...is that the answer? I don't know if I could even type on a manual typewriter anymore.
I'm looking for new links, topics, etc. If you're lurking...leave a comment. Maybe I'll write you a letter.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Most Boring Post Ever
I saw Superbad. Absolutely hysterical. I was actually a little embarrassed because I was laughing a so loud in the theater. I saw it last weekend and wouldn't mind seeing it again. The last time I remember seeing a movie more than once in the theater was Ghostbusters. Why we saw that over (and over) again in the theater is beyond me, but maybe it had to do with the fact that movies were $1.25. If you haven't seen it (Superbad, not Ghostbusters) please, please, please--GO!
Job is great...I couldn't be happier. I'm finally going to have some spare time not working 16 extra jobs. And I've been catching up on books and movies. I've been reeeeaaaalllly behind on movies.
Today I layed in bed all day and watched The Departed. I may have to buy this movie. Excellent. As we speak I'm watching The 40-Year-Old Virgin. It's so ridiculous, but I'm totally cracking up.
Job is great...I couldn't be happier. I'm finally going to have some spare time not working 16 extra jobs. And I've been catching up on books and movies. I've been reeeeaaaalllly behind on movies.
Today I layed in bed all day and watched The Departed. I may have to buy this movie. Excellent. As we speak I'm watching The 40-Year-Old Virgin. It's so ridiculous, but I'm totally cracking up.
I'm still trying to get back into blogging. Every day on my commute to work I think of 100 ideas to blog about, and then I get home and can't remember shit. I really should jot these things down in the car.
This is possibly the most boring entry ever. I promise to write down the really cool ideas I have in the car.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The One: Is it worth it?
In the slew of weddings I've been invited to this summer, I started to ask the question: "Do you really know when it's The One?"
When I asked the question the answers I started getting were all yes in words like
"I don't know. I just knew."
"It was weird. Different."
So...do you really just know? I'm not so sure. In the past I thought I knew it was The One. Well, really one or possibly two of them. There were a few that I was hoping was The One, but I think that was due to insecurity of losing a boyfriend and having to find a new one.
I don't know if it is love at first sight all the time. Sure, it can happen, but is it realistic? For everyone? I don't think for everyone. This brings me to my next question....
When is it worth pursuing?
I always question myself in relationships being that I don't have the best track record of success. I often think I'm old fashioned even stating that "I will not call/email/text first," yet inevitably I often do make the first move. In the past five years I've made many first moves, had them blow up in my face, and yet still put myself back into the line of fire. Why? Not sure. Sometimes I feel like if I don't make the first move, will they? I don't know. So how do you know when it's worth pursuing? Is it that same feeling of The One? Not that you have to think it's The One to make the first move (trust me I didn't feel like that the past five years.)
I don't want to disclose too much of the person as I'm not ready to do that (maybe the BrooklynJay Jinx Theory?) So, here I am again...making first moves. Why? Because I feel like it's worth it. Something inside of me is saying, "This is worth it. I don't know. I just know. It's weird. Different."
Maybe that's it? Trusting your self. Your instinct.
I'm not saying that this is The One...I still don't know if I buy that theory. But, I definitely feel it's worth it.
When I asked the question the answers I started getting were all yes in words like
"I don't know. I just knew."
"It was weird. Different."
So...do you really just know? I'm not so sure. In the past I thought I knew it was The One. Well, really one or possibly two of them. There were a few that I was hoping was The One, but I think that was due to insecurity of losing a boyfriend and having to find a new one.
I don't know if it is love at first sight all the time. Sure, it can happen, but is it realistic? For everyone? I don't think for everyone. This brings me to my next question....
When is it worth pursuing?
I always question myself in relationships being that I don't have the best track record of success. I often think I'm old fashioned even stating that "I will not call/email/text first," yet inevitably I often do make the first move. In the past five years I've made many first moves, had them blow up in my face, and yet still put myself back into the line of fire. Why? Not sure. Sometimes I feel like if I don't make the first move, will they? I don't know. So how do you know when it's worth pursuing? Is it that same feeling of The One? Not that you have to think it's The One to make the first move (trust me I didn't feel like that the past five years.)
I don't want to disclose too much of the person as I'm not ready to do that (maybe the BrooklynJay Jinx Theory?) So, here I am again...making first moves. Why? Because I feel like it's worth it. Something inside of me is saying, "This is worth it. I don't know. I just know. It's weird. Different."
Maybe that's it? Trusting your self. Your instinct.
I'm not saying that this is The One...I still don't know if I buy that theory. But, I definitely feel it's worth it.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Why Is It When the Grass IS Greener....
You just don't want to mow it.
Now, my lawn does need cut, but from a metaphorical point... I now have the perfect job, in the perfect place, so I can move to the perfect place. Why do I feel like the world is closing in? I've never thought of myself as a person that resists change - I most certainly never do and have had to change lots of things over the years. But, suddenly I'm feeling a sense of insecurity with all the new and am liking the comforts of at least my home. Plus, I just put this house together and it's difficult finding something (in my price range) that is so me. Ah, such is life.
On another note....I'm thinking of another tattoo. I've been kicking it around for four years now. I've done drastic dye jobs on my hair, style changes with my clothes, but I still have the itch. I'm looking for placement right now. I have a few ideas of what I want, but not sure where to put it. It will only be roughly 2 inches (small) and my foot is already occupied. Any ideas? I work in a profession that it really shouldn't be shown, so I need to be careful. I also don't want to put it in a place where say a rose would end up a rose bush after a while... Hmm. We'll see.
I'll have another interesting blog this evening hopefully. Going to update my links as well. I think some of those bloggers have died off. And, I'm looking for new stuff to read. I'll have to check my site meter to see who is lurking...maybe you'll end up a link.
Now, my lawn does need cut, but from a metaphorical point... I now have the perfect job, in the perfect place, so I can move to the perfect place. Why do I feel like the world is closing in? I've never thought of myself as a person that resists change - I most certainly never do and have had to change lots of things over the years. But, suddenly I'm feeling a sense of insecurity with all the new and am liking the comforts of at least my home. Plus, I just put this house together and it's difficult finding something (in my price range) that is so me. Ah, such is life.
On another note....I'm thinking of another tattoo. I've been kicking it around for four years now. I've done drastic dye jobs on my hair, style changes with my clothes, but I still have the itch. I'm looking for placement right now. I have a few ideas of what I want, but not sure where to put it. It will only be roughly 2 inches (small) and my foot is already occupied. Any ideas? I work in a profession that it really shouldn't be shown, so I need to be careful. I also don't want to put it in a place where say a rose would end up a rose bush after a while... Hmm. We'll see.
I'll have another interesting blog this evening hopefully. Going to update my links as well. I think some of those bloggers have died off. And, I'm looking for new stuff to read. I'll have to check my site meter to see who is lurking...maybe you'll end up a link.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Some Funnies
I had a series of really funny events happen last night within a span of about 25 minutes.
1. Random Skills
After picking up the dog from my mother's house, I stopped at Walgreen's to pick up a birthday card. I left the dog in the car. He hates being alone in there, but I was going to be in the store about 2 minutes. I was about 5 steps from the door and I hear, "Beep. Beep. Beep-beep. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP."
The dog was honking the horn. Unbelievable. I started cracking up, went to the window and told him to stop. That's funny in itself that I was yelling at an animal to stop honking the horn.
I knew the guy at the checkout and told him how the dog was honking the horn. Apparently, the dog hadn't stopped because the checkout guy says, "Is that what that is? I thought there's an accident."
I go outside and sure enough, the dog is still honking the horn. Maybe he wanted some Pupperonis or something.?
2. Random Neighbor
Got home and took the dog for a walk. As I'm walking I see my 70ish neighbor walking, I mean stumbling, his dog (who constantly barks at mine.)
"Hi Frank. How are ya?"
"Fuckin' drunk. I drank too much, danced too much, and drank some more and someone drove my ass home."
(Dog barks...)
"Shut up you Son-of-a-Bitch or I'll kill ya."
"Ha. Uh, be careful. Have a good night!"
This is quite amusing as he is the neighborhood watch (nebnose) and normally pretty even keeled.
3. Random Text
So I sent a text to two of my friends. Same text, same time. Neither responded which I was really only surprised about the one. He always responds. So I checked the text to see if received. It was....but not by the original recepients. Yeah. See, about 8 months ago a guy I work(ed) with tried to fix me up with his brother who is just disgusting. Trying to be polite and answering, "We'll see," he asks me to put my number in his phone so "we can double date with you, me, my brother and my wife." I fumble trying to put the wrong number in and screw it up. Long short of it, he takes my phone, calls his. Now I have his number. I saved his as "YUCK" incase he called. I totally forgot about it and the number I was texting is just below that. Yeah...nice that he received a random text at 12:30 in the morning.
1. Random Skills
After picking up the dog from my mother's house, I stopped at Walgreen's to pick up a birthday card. I left the dog in the car. He hates being alone in there, but I was going to be in the store about 2 minutes. I was about 5 steps from the door and I hear, "Beep. Beep. Beep-beep. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP."
The dog was honking the horn. Unbelievable. I started cracking up, went to the window and told him to stop. That's funny in itself that I was yelling at an animal to stop honking the horn.
I knew the guy at the checkout and told him how the dog was honking the horn. Apparently, the dog hadn't stopped because the checkout guy says, "Is that what that is? I thought there's an accident."
I go outside and sure enough, the dog is still honking the horn. Maybe he wanted some Pupperonis or something.?
2. Random Neighbor
Got home and took the dog for a walk. As I'm walking I see my 70ish neighbor walking, I mean stumbling, his dog (who constantly barks at mine.)
"Hi Frank. How are ya?"
"Fuckin' drunk. I drank too much, danced too much, and drank some more and someone drove my ass home."
(Dog barks...)
"Shut up you Son-of-a-Bitch or I'll kill ya."
"Ha. Uh, be careful. Have a good night!"
This is quite amusing as he is the neighborhood watch (nebnose) and normally pretty even keeled.
3. Random Text
So I sent a text to two of my friends. Same text, same time. Neither responded which I was really only surprised about the one. He always responds. So I checked the text to see if received. It was....but not by the original recepients. Yeah. See, about 8 months ago a guy I work(ed) with tried to fix me up with his brother who is just disgusting. Trying to be polite and answering, "We'll see," he asks me to put my number in his phone so "we can double date with you, me, my brother and my wife." I fumble trying to put the wrong number in and screw it up. Long short of it, he takes my phone, calls his. Now I have his number. I saved his as "YUCK" incase he called. I totally forgot about it and the number I was texting is just below that. Yeah...nice that he received a random text at 12:30 in the morning.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Everything happens for a reason??
Everything in the past two weeks has been turned upside down....and for some reason, I'm not freaking out.
Started out with me losing my passport and not going on vacation (bad) From this point I took an impromtu trip to visit a friend (good) to grandma having emergency surgery (bad) to house being a wreck for remodeling (bad) to looking for new house in new location (good, but stressful) to not knowing when new job is starting (bad) to AC trip (good/bad--I didn't win!) to my sister springing her upcoming marriage in 2 weeks (good/stressful) to finding house (good) trying to come up with money (bad--that's never good, right?)
Ever felt so happy you could just burst? I know that sounds stupid, but it's exactly how I feel right now. I've spent the past 5 years in a stuper. Not really a stuper, but a really tight coccoon. I don't regret any of it, but it's nice to take a breath of fresh air....
Like I said, I'm waking up...
Job: New, ideal, dream, exciting. I'll die there. Not literally....but I will retire there. (I won't disclose much of it...not the focus of the "new" TheGirlInTheCorner.)
Dwellings: New! (Soon) Put a bid on a house tonight. I'll be moving north now.
Health: Great. I'm swimming a lot, down 30 pounds and I just overall feel good.
Emotions: Great. I'm still a moody person, but I like to think that is charming. I definitely wear my heart on my sleeve.
Love: I'm smitten. I wasn't going to write about it, but I think I will (a little.) Ran into an old college friend a few weeks ago and hit it off pretty well. (It definitely makes me smile randomly.) It's just a little communication at this point, but I just have a good feeling about everything. I may keep you posted....
Money: A raise! Finally!! New job in new place = better money. About time!
Friends: Couldn't be luckier. I've kept a lot, made new and reconnected with old. What more can someone ask?
Like I said...I could just burst.
More later this week. I'm glad to see I can choke out the words now. It's been a long time...(yawn.)
Does everything happen for a reason?
Started out with me losing my passport and not going on vacation (bad) From this point I took an impromtu trip to visit a friend (good) to grandma having emergency surgery (bad) to house being a wreck for remodeling (bad) to looking for new house in new location (good, but stressful) to not knowing when new job is starting (bad) to AC trip (good/bad--I didn't win!) to my sister springing her upcoming marriage in 2 weeks (good/stressful) to finding house (good) trying to come up with money (bad--that's never good, right?)
Ever felt so happy you could just burst? I know that sounds stupid, but it's exactly how I feel right now. I've spent the past 5 years in a stuper. Not really a stuper, but a really tight coccoon. I don't regret any of it, but it's nice to take a breath of fresh air....
Like I said, I'm waking up...
Job: New, ideal, dream, exciting. I'll die there. Not literally....but I will retire there. (I won't disclose much of it...not the focus of the "new" TheGirlInTheCorner.)
Dwellings: New! (Soon) Put a bid on a house tonight. I'll be moving north now.
Health: Great. I'm swimming a lot, down 30 pounds and I just overall feel good.
Emotions: Great. I'm still a moody person, but I like to think that is charming. I definitely wear my heart on my sleeve.
Love: I'm smitten. I wasn't going to write about it, but I think I will (a little.) Ran into an old college friend a few weeks ago and hit it off pretty well. (It definitely makes me smile randomly.) It's just a little communication at this point, but I just have a good feeling about everything. I may keep you posted....
Money: A raise! Finally!! New job in new place = better money. About time!
Friends: Couldn't be luckier. I've kept a lot, made new and reconnected with old. What more can someone ask?
Like I said...I could just burst.
More later this week. I'm glad to see I can choke out the words now. It's been a long time...(yawn.)
Does everything happen for a reason?
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Sleeping Beauty
Sometimes the thing a girl needs is a really long nap. I've taken that nap from this blog and am going to wake it up. It's been too long. Well, I think.
A lot has happened since my last post. I've got a new job. I am moving. My hair is longer...
I'm still going to try to revamp it and delete some of the posts...not to "erase" what has been said, but to take away any ties to "me." That old People magazine article about blogs and jobs, etc made me gunshy.
Will be up and running soon....
A lot has happened since my last post. I've got a new job. I am moving. My hair is longer...
I'm still going to try to revamp it and delete some of the posts...not to "erase" what has been said, but to take away any ties to "me." That old People magazine article about blogs and jobs, etc made me gunshy.
Will be up and running soon....
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