Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!

I'm 29 today...Happy Birthday to me!!! It's been a great day. I've spent it exactly how I wanted. I woke up, walked the dog, put on the Today Show...Around 10:30 I's not too early for a glass of wine. Well, maybe too early for wine, so I had a couple bloody mary's and watched some SATC. I finally watched the alternate endings for the finale. OMG. I would have been so pissed had it been anything but how they ended it. I love that show.

So I didn't cry today...well, I did. But, only for the ending of SATC. (The finale always makes me cry.) I think I'm actually happy being 29 (I say that a little on edge.) This is the year of me. They should add me to the Chinese year thing. Rat, Dragon, Molly. I don't know why, but I have a feeling it's going to be a good year. I figure can't get much worse than the past 3. They have been somewhat aweful. The trips and highs (sounds like I was on drugs...but, um, no) were great, but the lows and down times were not. I'm looking forward to new experiences and new things.

Okay...the drinks are catching up to me and I'm beat. I had a wonderful weekend with lots of friends and good times....I'll try to blog about all of it later in the week, but I'm beat.


Wolfgang Buckner said...

This creepy total stranger says happy birthday, you wacky Fayette-Countian. Maybe someday we can meet at Pechins for a delicious cafeteria experience

Lesterhead said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! One week exactly before mine (27 coming in 6 days- eek).

TheGirlInTheCorner said...

thanks for the birthday wishes...

alternate endings are on season 6, part 2 dvd on the bonus features dvd.

Big Buddha said...

Happy birthday!

29 is a good year. Honestly, just being in your 20's is good. Mid 30' that's a different story all together.

Come to NY and we'll celebrate the year of the Molly. (And the Lesterhead.)

Wolfgang Buckner said...

In honor of your birthday week, I have dedicated a blog to you and anyone else born during the same seven day period.

Johnny Menace said...

since when does it matter what time you drink in your own home? Alcohol is alcohol.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday, Molly!!
I always say, "you are only as old as you feel" so I'll pose this question for you - How old would you be if you didn't know your age?

TheGirlInTheCorner said...

Thanks old do i feel...21. that's the problem sometimes...i think i need to grow up, but i don't want to.