Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Guilty Pleasure

I love Laguna Beach. I'm so happy it's back. Also finished Harry Potter 6. Very good. I won't spoil it...


Lesterhead said...

How do I upload a photo for the "about me" section?

Until lesterhead is fixed... cleospot.blogspot.com

TheGirlInTheCorner said...

go to edit your profile...then there is a section for the picture part. i've taken photos from the net...but there is a limit to their addresses as far as # of characters. when you do that...republish blog or put in new entry and new pic will come up.

Lesterhead said...

I got it uploaded, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to show up on my homepage! This is a pain in the ass...

TheGirlInTheCorner said...

real people...it's how the other half lives. this is the 2nd season, so you might need to catch a marathon of last year's season (or rent it.) it's real...not actors. just a bunch of snooty, rich highschool kids and their trials and tribulations. i love it.