Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Good Readers, Arf! Arf!

Well...the past two blogs have definitely been good ones as for all the comments. Thanks readers for your two cents (and for you lurkers....hope to hear from you soon!! --I can say this because I'm a lurker on other blogs as well.)

Maybe John Gray is right...Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars

In other words women are full of love and men are little green men with antennae.

I'll be posting another comment-laden blog tonight or tomorrow....sneak peak on the topic here.

1 comment:

TheGirlInTheCorner said...

I'll be honest...I'm too tired to comment or blog on this right now. If anything....long story short...if you have a prayer (petition) that you want to send to medjugorie before Sunday, please send it to my email link via WORD and I will mail it off with my friend. Please try to do it by Friday, by 12:00 noon as it will be easier for me.