So I think Tom Cruise has just plain lost it. I suppose there always has to be a freak in the news and since Michael is taking hiatus by "not having sleepovers anymore" Tom is stepping in. The whole Katie Holmes thing...okay, weird, but people got over the Woody Allen and Sui Ni (sp?) thing. I'm willing to overlook the age difference, but the "in lust" attitude is getting annoying. It might even be weirder than Billy Bob Thorton's phobia of antique furniture and his "in f**k" relationship with Angelina. I'm using the "in ----" instead of "in love" because I don't get it how these movie stars fall in and out of "love" so quickly. I mean how is your soul mate or great love in the same career field as you? Would they be destined to be single if they only hung out with the common folk? Can I only fall in love with someone in the field of education? Okay...tangent...but let's get back to Tom.
I watched an interview with Tom and Matt Lauer this morning on The Today Show where Tom verbally chastised Matt for not knowing enough about psychiatric medicine, care and drugs. Hmm...last time I checked Tom only graduated highschool. I didn't realize he had a doctorate in any kind of medicine. Oh wait!! Silly me....he studies Scientology. Now, I have nothing against Scientology or people practicing it. Quite frankly, I find it intriguing though I know little about it. I understand people like to be passionate about their beliefs, but his interview was off the deep end: yelling at Matt that he needs to study up on this basically hoax of a science (psychiatry) especially since he's a reporter/journalist. I believe in psychiatric medicine? I don't know. I've never had to take anything, but I know people who do and benefit greatly from it. I've also seen people become too dependent on it and I blame that on poor counsel from the doctors. I also think (due to poor counsel) that people -especially children- are overmedicated and often become physically dependent on these medicines.
What's this blog stemming from? The fact that Tom is just plain weird now. Go on with your bad self and your young girl and your strong Scientology beliefs....but, don't do it soooo out loud. You're on the border of fanatic, Tom.
*** is the interview.
I still like his movies, but he is getting weird. The press is also having a field day with him though. I think this is all a publicity stunt to quelsh long-standing rumors about him. That, or he's hitting a mid-life crisis. Speaking of Michael Jackson (who will commit suicide), how come people don't accuse him of being gay? Because he's definitely NOT into women.
I was totally gonna post something myself, but worried everyone was going to think I was obsessive...BUT, YES, HE IS SO FREAKING WEIRD NOW!
I started thinking he was creepy several years ago. I think he's just a disgruntled, gay hobbit.
Katie must be brainwashed or something. Or, as I suspect she's just acting. Did anyone notice how uncomfortable she looks as she's lying through her teeth about her love for Tom?
I really "love" how Tom told Matt he shouldn't talk about things he doesn't know a lot about. Last I heard, Tom had never given birth and dealt with the rollercoaster of hormones and emotions that brings (re: Brooke Shields). Maybe someone should follow his own advice.
TomKat, Be gone!
Good stuff on Scientology here:
Here's a quote to raise some interest:
It is where a Scientologist learns how to become free of the mortal confines of the body and is let into the last of the mysteries of the cosmology developed by the church's longtime leader, science fiction novelist and "Dianetics" author L. Ron Hubbard. This cosmology also famously holds that humans bear the noxious traces of an annihilated alien civilization that was brought to Earth by an intergalactic warlord millions of years ago.
It' only gets better...
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