Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Flowers, Tunnels and Bunnies

One more reason to get a boyfriend...
As Robin just posted I remember one other funny (well maybe not so funny) thing that happened at my friend's wedding. The bouquet toss comes up. Now, when I was 18, 20, 21...I couldn't wait to get to that. The thought of catching the bouquet and being the "next" to get married was exciting. Now that I'm becoming bitter 29, I dread it. So I thought, I'll just sit quietly, enjoy my glass of wine and hide out behind the scenes. Nope. Over the mic I hear, "Molly. Molly. Come on up!" Actually I think I heard, "Lonely single woman! You might catch it and who knows? Come on Spinnster. Get your drunk ass up here. It's your last resort!" Now. If I had had a date I wouldn't have felt so stupid going up amongst the fianceed group of women boxing out.

Thought you'd appreciate that.

One more reason to get a boyfriend...I think I have Carpal tunnel in my right hand. Well, either a boyfriend or the Charlotte's "rabbit."


Anonymous said...

Either that was a quote from some show, or you are the funniest/greatest woman ever. Please. date. me.

TheGirlInTheCorner said...

no quote...and, you are correct...i am the funniest/greatest woman ever!!

Anonymous said...

what about the dating part? i am smart, funny, and i like the gypsy cafe...

Lesterhead said...

I fucking hate the bouquet toss, and always try to hide. I also am getting carpal tunnel. Are we twins?

TheGirlInTheCorner said...

but are you good looking?? being that the last anonymous poster tongue-lashed me for being picking, i had to ask...heheh.

and stop being anonymous...i hate that.

Wolfgang Buckner said...

Whoops, sorry...I thought I was logged in both times. Sorry if I got your hopes up. I have posted before, but I didn't say anything nasty, nor would I. I will however, look back and read what the other anonymous poster said before. Please, come search for The Devil Named Larry with me...

TheGirlInTheCorner said...

no hopes up...but i do want to see a picture of "the devil named larry" i have quite a visual of him and would like to see if it matches!

Wolfgang Buckner said...

I will stalk him for you this weekend, oh great one.

Wolfgang Buckner said...

no luck today with the devil...I will try again tomorrow.