Thursday, August 12, 2004

Sugar Pie, Honey Too Much in my neverending lists of pet peeves, this may top it. It drives me absolutely batty when someone my age, within 10 years older and ESPECIALLY younger calls me "honey" or "sweetie," UGH! Nothing pisses me off more. Number one: it's completely condescending. Number two: it's worse when it's someone of the same sex. Terms of endearment like those are reserved for parents to kids under 10, grandparents to any age, love interests, or teachers to kids under 10. (Being that I'm a teacher, I have noticed that the first grade and under need this to make comforted sometimes....sometimes.)
While out to dinner last night, the waitress called me honey or sweetie at least three times and she was clearly 5 years younger than me. It just sounds stupid. I'm not 5! gripe is over for the time being.

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