Monday, August 16, 2004

or am I only dreaming...

So I always have the strangest dreams. Last night I dreamt that I was trying out for American Idol. Not very odd. However the night before (and for those of you who know I go again with another dream) I dreamt that I was going to ride a horse. After collecting the saddle, bridle, etc, I went to the stall to get the horse. I look into the stall and I know it's supposed to be a horse, but it looks like a greyhound with long hair. I'm pretty puzzled at this point and everyone is looking at me like "duh, this is your horse." I'm looking thinking how on earth is this "horse" going to support the saddle, let alone me? Traveling. This is a common theme in my dreams. I'm usually trying, getting or have gone somewhere by an odd means of transportation. In my dreams I've traveled via invisible car down the highway, space-looking roller skates to driving a Lance vending machine. I'm not really sure what this means unless it's that I really want to get somewhere with my life, but must use an outlandish idea or way to get there. hmm....I think I've just summed up my life. Life is not ordinary.

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