Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Good Day, Sunshine. Bad Day, Wrong Line.

Today was a good day. The second day of school (29 more years and 178 more days) Yesterday wasn't really that bad except the fact that it was so freakin' hot. My God!!! I'm glad I ate those 3 cookies and piece of cake at the baby shower I went to this weekend because I know I sweated it off yesterday. Today was better because A. my room was cool(er) B. I got to each lunch today C. I actually got a chance to go to the bathroom. ooh wait...now I'm on a rant.

I once had a friend say (whowillremainnamelessmatt) that said teachers are paid enough money and have an easy job. Now, I"m not griping about a 30 year veteran teacher...because yes they are paid fairly. However, new teachers are not. We work 183 days a year, yes. But, if you look at all the "extras" we put in at that time...we deserve the fucking summer off. I am contracted to work 8:30-3:45. I go in at 7 or earlier which adds up to an extra 7.5 to 10 hours a week (because I do stay late.) Rarely I take work home because I go in early and I don't want to do work when I get home. Anyway....at this rate X 36 weeks 7-9 weeks more of work (regualar work year with a little extra vacation.) The biggest argument I have is that to ask yourself these questions
1. How many times a day can you go to the bathroom?
2. How many times a day can you push your work back and give yourself a breather?
3. How much money do you spend on your job? Do you buy your own pencils? Crayons? Glue?
4. How often do you spend money to reward people (students) with candy, pizza, icecream, etc? How much does it cost you?
5. Have you ever talked for 7.5 hours with no break?
6. Do you have to decorate your office every year spending upwards of $600 your first year of work and a steady $200-300 each year after?

I love my job. I really do. I could have been a bigtime salesperson or supermodel (ehh, well maybe not that) but anyway....I just get irked when people say "yeah...but you have the whole summer, holidays etc off."
And this is what I answer.

Well, you could have chosen the greatest profession in the world, too.

1 comment:

D said...

Do you really want us to tell you how many times a day we go to the bathroom? Do you want us to include if it's number 1 or number 2? I'll compile some data the next few days and get back to you.

just kidding. I agree--teaching is really really hard. I don't know why so many people don't understand that. In addition to your points i also felt that it was hard having instant critiques of your work/preparition. If you're doing well you can tell, if not you have 30 kids talking, going out of control etc. At least in corporate jobs you can put things off if you get tired, and you usually only have one or two people telling you how you are doing.