Monday, August 16, 2004

The Staples

Being a teacher you go through a lot of staples. A lot more than necessary because of this. Staples come in the long unit of 100 or so stuck together so that they neatly fit into the stapler. Now, usually the unit will snap in half of more and you're left with small units of staples. These small units of staples still fit in the stapler, but because of the springloaded whatchmacallit that pushes the staples up, they buckle and fly out of the stapler before you even get the damn thing closed. UGH! How are you supposed to put units of 5 or less staples in a stapler? Maybe I just have a cheap stapler, but none the less, it pisses me off.

On a lighter note, after spending countless hours at my school this week and last preparing for the upcoming school year, I finally got to the pool today. It had looked like it was going to rain, but when I got there it was hot and sunny. I read a bit of my book Wicked and relieved the stress of the stapler.

1 comment:

D said...

Maybe you can collect the unused staples and ride them somewhere.