Not a very eventful weekend, but definitely a relaxing one. I got to catch up on Sex and the City (now have finished Season 3.) Friday night I went out with friends of my parents. Yes, you might say I'm a loser that the people I go out with are my parents age, but hey...they're out and my friends here aren't. Anywho...after a few glasses of wine with them I decided to stay out on my own. I don't usually do this because I now feel like a loser sitting at the bar watching a football game that A. I have absolutely no interest in and B. that I don't even remotely understand. But, I stayed anyway running into a teacher I work with. She was out with her man, so I headed on over to the bar where a friend works...
I always go over there with the intention of staying for 1 drink...and it never ends up that way. Maybe because I then am not at the bar "alone" because she's at least working there or the fact that my bar tab ends up "disappearing." Regardless, I stayed out too late. I did run into a guy that I gave my number to last weekend (who didn't call.) I was slightly embarrassed because I wasn't really sure that was him the first time I walked past. Therefore, I passed with a slight smile so that I didn't look stupid. When the next time I had to pass him I gave him a tap on the shoulder. He then called me on my initial fear..."You didn't recognize me, did you?" I replied with, "Yeah, I did. You have a hat on this time." Can you get any dumber response, Molly??
I have three theories on why he didn't call.
1. He didn't want to.
2. I gave him the wrong number (I can never remember my cell number and fucked it up when I gave it to him...hey, who dials their own number???) <--also due the number of beers that I drank. ORRRRR
3. When I said last week that he wanted to talk to me sometime again I responded with a number of guy repeliant comments. First I said that I don't call people...which I don't. The last 5 men I have pursued have blown up in my face so I'm done with that (tangeant.) Then I told him that "this would be the time you ask for my number." (This is the time I could have screwed up the order of digits in my number.) And then finally the real kicker...verbatum I said, "I'm not a sure thing. If you call, I may or may not want to talk to you. I'm fickle, busy and I travel a lot on the weekends."
And I wonder why I don't date??!
1 comment:
That's the plan, Lara. Then I can get out of the emotionally battering job I have now.
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