So swim team practice after school is totally kicking my ass. Mainly it's because I'm standing on my feet for another 2 hours in a room that's about 95 degrees with 110% humidity. Add that to standing on my feet from 8:15-3:30 in my room. Plus, fighting this cold isn't helping either. This is where I think teacher's attire should change from business casual to a "gym teacher" type uniform. How I would give to wear a cute pair of gym pants, t-shirt and hoody with tennis shoes. Tomorrow will be worse because after practice, I'll have to change back to teacher clothes for "Meet the Teacher" night. How many parents will show up this year? Who knows. Last year I had FOUR parents out of 24. We'll have to take bets in the hallway again. Wait, didn't I say I wouldn't talk about work?
Emily is in Pittsburgh and we'll be meeting up with her on the Southside this weekend. Good times. Joining us in the Burgh will be her boyfriend, Sunny and I'm assuming her sisters, too. Oh party with the Klein girls. An adventure as always. Hopefully more juicy stories. I'm gonna bring my camera. Speaking of cameras....I'm looking to buy a digital (instead of borrowing my dad's.) Can anyone suggest a decent one? Not sure what I want to spend....I'm thinking somewhere between 200 and 300??
I'm excited for some movies to come out. In Her Shoes is coming out and I've read that book. Also Shopgirl. Shopgirl wasn't a great book, but for once....I've read these books BEFORE the movie has come out. I'm usually reading books after the movie comes out. Though, sometimes I prefer it that way. Lazy character picture. I like to have some idea what they look and sound like without deciding on my own. I know, pathetic. But, I don't mind.
And speaking of reading...I'm off to read some Spanish (Estoy apagado leer algún Español) and reread Harry Potter 4.
adiós y buenas noches
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