Wednesday, March 02, 2005

True Love Does Exist

Every time I get discouraged or disgusted about dating something happens that makes me change my mind. Now, nothing has happened to me, but it's what I noticed.
My parents have been married for almost 38 years. They have been together for 43. Unbelievable for people that are 58 and 61. They have been together for more than half their lifetimes and are still, to this day madly in love. It's funny how you notice these things. Small jestures, looks and more importantly words. I'm not talking about "I love you so much! I could never live without you!" But, the stories that they tell.
My dad (who has been going bald for quite a while now) got a haircut today. He went for the "Bruce Willis" look which looks great on him. His hair was never kept long going bald, but it's super short now. Looks good. Now...he's had a shorter haircut before and everytime he gets it cut like that my mother tells the story of how in college he joined the ROTC and they buzzed his hair. My mom then nicknamed him "Henry" from some comic they read as kids. Hearing this story many times over the years has, I thought, made me numb to it. Heard it. Been there, done that. Today he came home with the haircut and my mother had someone in the house looking at jewelery...she sells it on the side. Anyway, my mom preceeds to tell this woman the story and my dad replies with, "I just told someone that story today." Cute. Lovely. What I hope to have someday. Someone who is in sync with me. Someone who shares my stories. Not just when I'm with them, but when something else happens while I'm away from them and at that moment...apart...we share the moment. True love does exist. And contrary to the doesn't die after marriage.
I know not all marriages are like this. They should be. My parents don't pour over each other, but they share their "moments." The one thing I love about their relationship is that they have their seperate lives and their life. They are friends. The best of. It does give me hope that someone like that, someone that is my friend is out there. It's refreshing. that's not as boring as the last entry.


D said...

that's very sweet. that's great that you have a good example to have for your relationship goals.

Anonymous said...

My older sister and her husband have been together since the 10th grade and are cute as hell together.
Then again, my younger sister and her husband lasted about a year and a half before heading to Splitsville . . .

Hey, I'm starting a photoblog. Mind if I link your page?

TheGirlInTheCorner said...

go right me up!