Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Poll For the Day-Part Deux

I like the "Poll for the Day" idea- especially since I had such a good response. Therefore I will try to continue the idea daily...well at least once or twice a week.

Poll for the Day!
Julia Roberts twins names "Hazel" and "Phinneas" Yay or Nay? What would you have named them?
(I'll post my answer in the comment section.)

*Side note. Where my links are posted are other blogs from friends of mine. Most of them too have links of other blogs. Take a chance and read some of their links. You might find something interesting. I would like to link some of the ones I read to my blog, but I feel like I would blog stalking or "blalking." (Did I just make up a new internet lingo term?? Oxford's Dictionary, here I come!!)

**Ken is no longer on Jeopardy. Once again we can wonder who will win.


TheGirlInTheCorner said...

I like Phinneas (sp?) It's cute. You could call him Phinn or Phinny. Hazel...not so crazy about. I either think of a witch or Witch Hazel (sort of like rubbing alcohol stuff.)
Names I would have chosen...hmm...maybe Ty (girl) and Max.
I think I like naming pets better. You can call them a silly name and it won't ruin their lives.

Lesterhead said...

I like Hazel, but not Phinneas. When I was little, Spencer Gifts (home of all things tacky) sold this little toy thing called "Phinneas T. Fart," and when you squeezed him, he farted. I always bugged my parents to go into Spencers and play with him every time we went shopping, though they refused to buy it for me. Therefore, I will always think of a little farting toy when I see this name.