Have you been waiting for the New Year's Post? I'll recap the Christmas first and some few things in between.
Christmas. Really nice. Quiet, but good. With a small family, it doesn't usually get too loud. Surprises this year? The Nano. Very cool. I'm still learning how to use it, but I like. It's sooo small it doesn't even look real. Same with my camera (no gift, I purchased it.) I went with the Canon SD450. It's really tiny, too. My next tiny purchase? The Razr phone. That will come in March. It's the year of the really thin tiny things...including myself. (Have a goal being that I will be turning 30 in 6 mos 2 days.)
Got some other really nice things for Christmas. My sister painted an awesome picture of Neville. The break seemed long now that I think of it, but I really didn't get a ton accomplished. Practice everyday kept me from sleeping in each day except for NewYear's Day.
And the New Year. Had a great time with the usual crew plus a few. Headed to Mt. Washington for an excellent dinner at LaTavola and then to Station Square to get this....go dancing. I haven't been dancing forever. It was a good time...my feet are still killing me, but I'm dealing. Still haven't seen Brokeback Mountain because IT STILL HASN'T ARRIVED IN ANY THEATER WITHIN 50 MILES! Lame...so lame.
So what does the New Year bring? Not sure, but it better be a more involved love life, new job and new living conditions. I was reviewing my resolutions from last year. I did pretty good about keeping them. Pretty good. Resolutions for this year? I don't know yet. It's bothering me a bit because I normally have too many.
(How about there is a really eerie thunderstorm occurring right now. Weird)
So here's a recap of my resolutions from last year. Maybe reading these I'll decide what my new ones will be.
1. Develop a healthy lifestyle. That's always at the top of our list...I'll continue to trudge on
2. Have my clothes picked out, bag and lunch packed before I go to bed. Ah, failed.
3. Get involved with a charity. Check. Go AWNY!
4. Read at least one book per month. Check! I believe I hit 13 or 14 this year.
5. Blog or journal at least every other day. Maybe I made up with double entries?
6. Be willing to let myself show through my writing. Ergg....kinda.
7. Settle differences from the past. I've definitely let go
8. Join online dating. Check! and not for me.
9. Tell my family members and friends I love them... I feel like I've done that, but I never feel like it's enough.
10. Move. Failed...due to being stuck in my job. Please Allegheny County!! Hire me!
Okay. Maybe with these, I can muss up a few with an updated list tomorrow.
1. REdevelop healthy lifestyle and keep it.
2. Get boyfriend. (And he'll fall head over heels over me!!)
3. Take more pictures (that aren't just of my dog.)
4. Send a short story (at least) to a publisher of some sort.
5. Save more money.
6. Move.
I'll leave with those, but I'm not really happy with them. Alright...I'm going to keep up with reading resolution from last year.
1 comment:
good luck with your resolutions molly. i think accomplishing any resolutions is great, and even if you don't fully succeed in all resolutions, moving towards them should be counted as a success (instead of thinking of them as a complete failure). At least that's what i tell myself every year.
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