Monday, September 26, 2005

Random Musings.

Random things to mention....

She really is not attractive at all.


Finally got my ass back to the pool (to swim in it rather than coach above it.) I feel good, but I know I'm going to be a little sore tomorrow. I tried to the practice that I wrote for a few of my girls today. Now I know why they had that look on their faces.


Demi and Ashton are hitched and Kenny and Renee are ditched.


Went to see my friend Renee's baby last week. He is soooo cute. And big. At 2 months he's tipping the scales at 14 lbs. Really cute though...and pleasant. He only cranked once and that's 'cause he was hungry. Her sister Lara is due in January...(expecting another big baby, maybe??)


My kids at school aren't as bad as last year, but they're really needy. Is it a fair trade? I don't know. It doesn't make me as frustrated (that I want to cry) but, it is really tiring. And annoying.


Okay...Laguna is on.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Except I Have A Dog I've been really busy with school, swimteam and getting caught up on sleep. Went to Homecoming this weekend. It was nice. A little hot, but beautiful. Saw some people from the past, but not as many as I expected. Show ups from sorority daughter, Jenn Hogg. And, Nicole Brkich (with her really adorable daughter.) Others were Amber (Nicole's sister and Survivor winner) some AlphaSig brothers (Alaska Dave, Collnis Fobbjong, Nate Williams and Buttercup) and well...I can't really remember anyone else. I've come to the conclusion that the people I look forward to seeing from college are the people I see anyway. I guess I'm kinda fortunate that I do get to see them more often than a random homecoming. Even though the far away ones aren't as often, it's more often than homecoming here and there. Hi Dan. Hi Em. Hi Christy. Hi Ryan. Hi Jen. Hi Everyone else who is far away.

I'm stealing the rest of this from Jay's Blog. I'll try to post more this week...I just have to get a little more organized and a little more sleep.

The below is from a personality test from I didn't take it on there, but have taken many, many before. I commented on Jay's about being an ENFP and he posted the results of an ENFP (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.)
To continue on with Jay's discussion... is this the reason of my dating schema of life? Can this be a useful dating tool?

"The Social Philosopher"

ENFP General
You believe life is abundant, love is plentiful, and creativity is always within your grasp. If God combined the bouncing energy of a cocker spaniel with the enthusiasm of a couple on their honeymoon, God would still be only halfway to duplicating your insatiable zest for life.

ENFP when in love

“Puppy love” is a good term for describing your take on romance: fun, frisky, playful, cuddly, and young at heart. No matter what your age or how many times your heart has been broken, you are an eternal optimist when it comes to love. You are not someone who proceeds cautiously when you meet someone you find attractive. You are likely to fall passionately in love-or at least lust- quickly, spontaneously, and with total abandon. Holding something back for later is a concept you can’t quite grasp, especially when it comes to the joy of creating a new and exciting relationship. Yes, COMMITMENT can scare you. That one word may explain why you are still single at thirty, forty, fifty, or beyond. But you love, absolutely love, the concept of intimacy, sharing, and relationships. If only you could find that special one, you would be set for life.

ENFP where to meet

Where can you meet a Social Philosopher? Social Philosophers enjoy stimulating conversation and interesting people, and, like the Idealistic Philosopher and Mystic Writer, favor activities that revolve around psychology, philosophy, the arts, and helping others. Unlike Idealistic Philosophers and Mystic Writers, Social Philosophers seize every opportunity for social contact. They love the spotlight and are known to be excellent teachers and public speakers. Social Philosophers also routinely attend art gallery openings, wine tastings, fund-raisers, concerts, lectures, and plays. They may also be members of The Single Gourmet-a dining club for singles with sophisticated tastes.

Not sure I'm that crazy about that last statement . Kinda screams "Spinnster the Cat-Woman."

Except I have a dog.


I just took the personality test on Nerve. According to this, I've changed a little bit. I'm now an ESFJ (Extroverted Sensing Feeling Judger) which to me seems sorta like synonyms to ENFP. is the results of this one. (Now I know I'm going to be all over the net looking for personality tests.)

ESFJ general
On those stressful days, we can thank God for that most wonderful of creatures – the one who nurtures and helps us unwind – the Dutiful Host. You are the gracious one, the master of ceremonies who delights in serving others and making sure they are well fed and well cared for. When it comes to hosting any social occasion – a birthday party, an anniversary celebration, or a bar mitzvah – you can barely contain your excitement. As soon as the date for such an event is announced, your mind is already going a hundred miles a minute – planning, organizing, and thinking about how much fun you and your guests are going to have.
ESFJ when in love
As a master host, one of your fondest dreams is making your wedding a smashing success: a cornucopia of people, food, music, and laughter – a lasting testament to your lifelong partnership. Before you get to the wedding stage, you will probably experience a rousing and sometimes conflict-ridden relationship with your beloved. You are the type of person who is not shy about expressing your emotions in a relationship. Whether you are singing the praises of love or barking out resentments and criticisms, rest assured, your partner will know you are there.
ESFJ where to meet
The Dutiful Host is a natural at taking care of others. You will usually find them working as schoolteachers, nurses, receptionists, as well as hosts and hostesses in restaurants, nightclubs, and other locales. An excellent way to become acquainted with a Dutiful Host is to work or volunteer at the sites where they are helping others: hospitals, schools, mental health clinics, and churches. You can also meet Dutiful Hosts wherever fine food, drink, and people are present: restaurants, wine-tasting clubs, rotating singles dinner parties, cooking classes, bar mitzvahs, and weddings.

Except I have a dog...

Monday, September 19, 2005

Fly Paper

I should be in bed at this point, but after checking my phone...I had to write this now.

Fly paper...catches flies. But, you always end up with a mosquito.

I decided to go out in town this weekend. One-to meet up with my friend Angie who was in town. And, two-the golf tournament was this weekend and it usually brings a crowd out at the bars. (I know, I know...why are you still trying to meet people in bars? I'm not...I just decided to go out and socialize.) And I did meet someone. Many people. Between two...which one do you think is the crazy one?

38 year old man who buys and sells golf courses related to (semi) famous baseball player


25 year old, tattooed horror film make-up artist/artist with this web site?

If you picked choice'd be dead wrong (no pun intended.) Jay, you'll probably like this site...good art work.

It just can't judge a book by it's cover.

As I'm out I'm introduced to golf guy I, he's alright. A little old and not really my type, but I'm not looking to take anyone home. (And he's buying me I'll keep talking, right?) I introduce myself to "old guy" next to me and tattoo guy sitting next to him because tattoo guy is wearing a cool bracelet. In conversation I find out where golf guy lives and in his constant name dropping conversation mentions a name of a family. While talking to old guy, he mentions the same family. I tell old guy to talk to golf guy because he lives near this family and b-line to the bathroom. As I come back, golf guy corners me in the hallway...
"Don't tell anyone where I live, okay?!"
"Whoa, buddy...take it easy. Whatever?" and I walk away. I go back into the bar and tell Angie I've just been chastised by golf guy for mentioning where he lives. Hello?? Not like we live in NYC where there are millions of people? Someone probably knows where you live. guy comes back in and apolgizes for saying that to me, but apparently his parents catch a lot of crap for their (semi) famous other son. I tell him "sorry" but no need to chastise me and if he has a problem with that, DON'T give out your address and/or if you do, don't be so fucking vague and tell that person to keep it under wraps. (It's not like he's Brad Pitt's brother...Christ!) Anyway...I'm annoyed and talk to tattoo guy and b-s the rest of the night with golf guy becoming annoyed that I'm talking to other people. (hello, psycho?) Golf guy continues to try to impress me with name dropping, talking about how much money he makes and referencing (semi) famous brother. So I tell him that "I'm not impressed by how much you make-I have my own money (ha...kinda.) Are you bitter about your brother because you seem to be harbouring a bit of animosity towards him? and Does he still even play? *cough* washed up *cough*
He mills back and forth from the bar. Angie leaves. I'm left with the bartender leaning over telling me that "that guy is weird!" and "Don't leave by yourself. We'll have someone walk you out." I've managed to pick up jobless people, losers, assholes...but this is the first for a psycho. So tattoo guy offers to walk me out by giving me disclaimer that "I'm not some crazy guy, okay?" Somehow...I believe him. So tattoo guy walks me out and as we turn around we see golf guy peering across the other parking lot across the street. I hop in tattoo guy's car and he drives me to mine. Thanks tattoo guy...I owe ya one.

Now....this is my fault. Prior to all the psychoness, I gave golf guy my phone number. (I know, I know...but I'm trying to get back into dating, people!) Though I did give him my famous disclaimer of "I may not answer. No, I don't want your number because I don't call people. If I don't feel like talking to you tomorrow, I simply won't answer. I'm fickle and that's how it is." So golf guy calls...this 9:00. Um, hello? Don't you know the 3-day rule? Every other asshole does! (psycho tendency #2)
He then leaves a message....long message. Too long for even my best friend to leave. "This is "golf guy" a friend of blah, blah. We met last night. I'm a little concerned because you did a little disappearing act on me (get the hint Crazy) and I'm just hoping you're okay."

You would think he'd stop there....You'd think.

"I'm hoping you got home okay. This is "golf guy." "Golf guy" (psycho tendency #3 repeating name) Give me a call at 888-888-8888. That's 888-888-8888. (repeater) I'm really concerned.

You would think he'd stop maybe here...You'd think.

"I'm on my way to get some more CASH out. (Oh - no - he - di'nt) Then I'm heading to the coffee shop to get some iced tea because I don't drink coffee, ya know. Then I'm heading up to the golf tournament on this beautiful Sunday. Please give me a call. I look forward to hearing from you. PLEASE call me. PLEASE."

What the fuck? Are you kidding me? So I saved the message (to let all my friends listen.) And, I saved his number and labeled it "Crazy" so I would know if he called again. And he did. Tonight at 10:12 to be exact. Then I get a text from Angie. "That guy...calling (her friend blah, blah.) I'll explain tomorrow." Jesus. Aren't there any normal people out there? I think I'm going back to my boxed wine, SATC DVDs and pj pants.

Like I can catch a lot of flies with fly paper, but you always end up with a mosquito on there as well.

Friday, September 16, 2005

I (Heart) Fridays.

Can I tell you how happy I am that it's Friday? Teacher In-Service day (no kids.) Casual clothes (though I wore jeans yesterday, too because it was the last day of the week with kids. heh heh.) Visiting with Emily. No alarm in the morning. Well, except Neville when he has to go out...but I can go back to sleep after that. Yippee!! (I'm holding on to Saturday mornings until mid-November when swimteam practice will begin.)

May even head up to the golf tournament this weekend.

Have a good weekend!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

So Tired...

So swim team practice after school is totally kicking my ass. Mainly it's because I'm standing on my feet for another 2 hours in a room that's about 95 degrees with 110% humidity. Add that to standing on my feet from 8:15-3:30 in my room. Plus, fighting this cold isn't helping either. This is where I think teacher's attire should change from business casual to a "gym teacher" type uniform. How I would give to wear a cute pair of gym pants, t-shirt and hoody with tennis shoes. Tomorrow will be worse because after practice, I'll have to change back to teacher clothes for "Meet the Teacher" night. How many parents will show up this year? Who knows. Last year I had FOUR parents out of 24. We'll have to take bets in the hallway again. Wait, didn't I say I wouldn't talk about work?

Emily is in Pittsburgh and we'll be meeting up with her on the Southside this weekend. Good times. Joining us in the Burgh will be her boyfriend, Sunny and I'm assuming her sisters, too. Oh party with the Klein girls. An adventure as always. Hopefully more juicy stories. I'm gonna bring my camera. Speaking of cameras....I'm looking to buy a digital (instead of borrowing my dad's.) Can anyone suggest a decent one? Not sure what I want to spend....I'm thinking somewhere between 200 and 300??

I'm excited for some movies to come out. In Her Shoes is coming out and I've read that book. Also Shopgirl. Shopgirl wasn't a great book, but for once....I've read these books BEFORE the movie has come out. I'm usually reading books after the movie comes out. Though, sometimes I prefer it that way. Lazy character picture. I like to have some idea what they look and sound like without deciding on my own. I know, pathetic. But, I don't mind.

And speaking of reading...I'm off to read some Spanish (Estoy apagado leer algún Español) and reread Harry Potter 4.

adiós y buenas noches

Monday, September 12, 2005

So I'm Back...From Outer Space!

Updates...updates...okay, okay. I'm back.

I've been sooooo busy. I've begun coaching swim team so I don't get home until about 5:30 now. I know, normal people work that late, but I don't. I'm a teacher for a reason. Plus, I now go into school at that makes for a long day. I will say I'm pretty far ahead on my copies and plans so that's a good thing. Enough about work...back to the good stuff. Me, right?

The weekdays are pretty uneventful for me now. I'm trying to stick to going out one day a week (Saturdays) in order to save money and with practice on Fridays and soon to be Saturday mornings, I don't feel like going out.

Saturday Renee threw a bachelorette party for a highschool friend and offered to me to tag along. Sure. Why not? Brides usually attract the men. Well, the bride never even made it out. She puked and passed out in the hotel room. In good spirit Renee grabbed the veil with the devil ears attached to it, slapped it on her head and we headed out. Now...I'm usually the one that makes fun of the people who wear those goofy veils, but because Renee isn't getting married, it was pretty fun. "Congratulations!!" people yelled as Renee turned around to yell back, "thanks!!" Ha! Good times. Her justification- "I probably won't get to wear a real veil, so I may as well pose with one for the night!" I think you'll wear a real one Renee. I just hope it's not the funeral one like I'll be wearing. We hit the Southside by storm and had a blast. And got blasted. Also...the weekend before when I was out in Uniontown, I actually saw two good looking guys. Then out that night in Pittsburgh...I saw them again! So in my drunken bravery I said to the one, "Hey. I know you. Well, not really but I saw you out last weekend. In Uniontown." (Smooth one, Girl.) So I asked where the one was from...BelleVernon. Yeah. I knew it. Couldn't have been from Uniontown. So he waved on the way out. That's my lame attempt to pick up a guy.
I caught a crappy cold this week, too. I usually make it to Halloween, but I'm hoping this will be the last until maybe January.


Other updates. I can't believe how many dumb things I've read that our gov't has done. I'm sure you've read all of the stuff, too. If not, check out the links on Jay's blog.


Goals before the end of the year....

1. Get skinny (isn't that everyone's?)
2. Save half of my vacation money for next summer.
3. Go on a date.
4. Be able to speak more Spanish....and send an email to Javi in Spanish. Trabajo en lo!
5. Have really awesome New Year's plans.

Okay...I'm off to make dinner. Maybe I'll think of something else to blog tonight.

Monday, September 05, 2005

I Need Some Drama From Yo Mama.

Why can't life be like it is on Laguna Beach? Cute guys, excellent fashion and drama. I can't even get a life full of drama these days. I guess I am out of highschool.

Renee and I went out last night with good intent on meeting guys and a lame result. We instead amused ourselves by playing "Who would you take home if you absolutely had to?" and then "Pick the ugliest guy out of the bar and take him home" games. And, of course giving nicknames to everyone there. First off...where are the people our age? (Sorry Renee...I'm grouping you into the 29 year-old right now.) It's not even that we're that much older it's that everyone out in a bar is just 21 or 22. You say, "well maybe you shouldn't be searching in a bar." You're right. But, hey. It was Labor Day weekend and we were taking a chance to see who was out. Where do people in our age group go then? I was out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (a rare thing for me as I usually stay in with friends) and I swear the average age was 24-only because the girls I was with brought that average up a bit.
What did we end up with on Sunday?? Two lame-ass Army kids on a 4 day leave and one...was wearing...Army issued glasses. Are you kidding me? You mean to tell me you don't own another pair of glasses? I know that Army people have to wear them when they're on the base or whatever, but shit...get a different pair when you go out! And all these guys talked about was how expensive it was to go out and how much they didn't get paid. Um, buddy...the beers at the bar were $1!!! Yes was a classy place. So Renee and I decided that we miss Punta Cana and men who don't speak English. Looking to go back for 2 weeks next year if Spain doesn't work out.

Other than that school is in full effect. Not too much exciting on that end. I'm actually going to make a point to not discuss work after work hours any more. It ends up consuming me. to read my Spanish book.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Talked to Emily...she's doing fine, but future is uncertain. Keep her in your thoughts. We can't let our best NOLA girl down, can we?

Here is the link to the Ray Nagin (currently my favorite politician and all around American citizen) radio interview script. Apparently the girl who writes this blog and I have the same taste in men as she mentions below the interview "Ray Nagin for President" and my favorite news hottie...Anderson Cooper. Mmmmm....

Not much to offer today. I'll be back to my normal self tomorrow. I've updated the LINKS section and you can start to view the Punta Cana pics. I haven't tagged any of them, so use your imagination.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Where Did My Favorite City Go?

So I'm awestruck by Hurricane Katrina. I'm completely consumed by the news channels and interviews and I have one (well, probably more than one) thing to say...

Ray Nagin for President.

If you haven't heard the radio interview that he did (they're airing it on CNN,) listen to it. I feel like Michael Moore right now (and I don't like him at all because I think he's a pompous ass) but, "Shame on you Mr. Bush. Shame on you." There are people dying by the hour, by the minute down there and all you can do is fly over on Airforce One? I'm sure if there was a huge abortion party or a mass of gay people trying to run for Senate (or Christ even work in WholeFoods) you probably would have A-bombed the place. Good job, Dubya. Good job. This would have been the perfect opportunity to for you to become "the People's President" and you've done fucked it up real good. I don't even think Clinton would have been getting a blow from one of his interns in this mess. (Can you tell I only read the tabloids about politics?)

On a somewhat lighter note, Emily fortunately evacuated on Saturday. However, I don't know the condition of her apartment, her boyfriend's house and family's residences and whatever else. I do know she's out of a job being a school teacher. Though she's gone on to say, "at least we're could have been worse." That's the best thing about Emily. In the shittiest of events, she's always in good spirits. I'll update you more on her and what she knows of New Orleans as soon as I can get through the phone lines. Plus side to her evacuation?? She's coming to Pittsburgh so I'll get to visit with her.

Okay...I have to get on to school. Update on that? I don't want to jinx myself, but it's a hell of a lot better than last year. My kids are well behaved (for the most part) and they are much further ahead academically than last year. Today is Day 5. 175 to go. Yep...still counting.