Monday, May 29, 2006

I (Heart) Boyfriends

Oh busy. I can't believe I haven't updated since the 18th. What's new? Not much. A whole lot. The house is coming along great. I should be moved in a couple weeks. I'm looking forward to school being out and getting moved and organized in a new place.
I could bore with the details of the past 10 days, but I won't. What I will excite (bore) you with are some things I've been thinking about lately.
I miss having a boyfriend. The past 4 years I've been in and out of that feeling. More out than anything. It was easy because most of my friends didn't have significant others. Well, seems one by one they are acquiring their beaus and now I'm starting to be reminded of how nice it was to have one. Believe it or not, I did have a couple decent boyfriends. I've been having dreams about them lately, too. Friends and family keep asking me if I'm going to do online dating again. The answer: not now and most likely never again. I just hated it. I dreaded looking at my email. I picked apart every profile that winked at me (which wasn't difficult with most of them.) There were some decent options, but I hated the whole anxiety of it. What makes me reconsider doing it again is that a few of my friends have found some pretty awesome guys, though I'm still not convinced to try it again.
Turning 30 in about a month. Ugh. I'm getting that birthday anxiety I had at 25. I don't know what I'm doing for my birthday this year. I'm throwing a "White Trash" party the weekend after, but I hope I have something fun to do. If you're looking to get me a gift....something over 6 feet with an XY chromosome is preferred. (See above paragraph) Trouble finding that?? Then something bubbly and consumable is an okay swap.
I'm done complaining for now...I'm sure there will be a lot more building up to the dreadful day in July.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


So I wish I knew where FES was from. That 70's show is over. Great ending. I'm happy Donna and Eric are together....and how appropriate that they went off into the 80's. Had Fox been smart, this is when they would have started The 80's Show.

Will and Grace...great ending. It wasn't as sad as Friends, but I liked it.

For some reason I just thought of Saved By the Bell....Dan I hope you're reading this because I'm thinking of your SBTB song...

Home Owner

It's official.

I'm a home owner.

Moving date is the first week of June.

In 2036...the whole place will be mine.

The End of TV

I'm running out of TV shows. Will and Grace is over tonight. That 70's Show is over tonight.

First 90210, then Friends, now Will and Grace. I haven't found a show to replace them. I didn't jump on the Desperate Housewives wagon and I was too busy to watch Lost when it first began and now am too far behind (unless I rent the DVDs this summer.) 90210 and Party of Five was such a good night. In college the girls would get together that night and watch the shows.

Where are those shows now?

I dig the reality shows, but their seasons aren't like prime time TV night. I was hoping the new Teachers show would have been good, but it was lame.

Maybe I should just start reading more....

(or just watch Sex and the City DVDs!)

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Have you seen The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants? It's adorable. I watched it yesterday and cried like a baby. In fact, I've been in that emotional mood. Not sure if it's the moon or just overload of things to, end of school year, moving, money, change? If you want a cute movie to watch, see it.

I always have the funkiest dreams. Most of you can attest to my everlasting explanation of them. But, my dreams are always soooo vivid. One reoccurring theme are people that I've never seen before. In any interaction there is usually a person I've never seen before. I have a memory like an elephant and almost never forget a face. Names...that that's another story. I can forget a name within seconds of hearing it. (It's that "Nice to meet you " that I never remember to do.) But faces....never forget. Anyways...I have a lot of dreams about people I don't know, never met, never have seen. Only once have I had a dream and actually seen the person. It was when I was living in Richmond. I had a dream I was dating this guy. I was following up the steps (in a house I've never been in) and couldn't understand anything he was saying to me. Whether I couldn't hear him or understand, I don't remember. The next week my friend and I were out to dinner and I saw him. He was sitting with another guy and they were speaking in a foreign language (Russian or something.) Weird. So last night I had a dream about "my boyfriend." At least he was in my dream. Cutey pahtutey I must add. I was staying at his apartment and slept on his couch while he sat up awake next to me. When I got up to shower in the morning I had to wear a bathing suit because his apartment building shared a shower room. There were copper tubs and dressers everywhere. Someone stole my shampoo (which was half full) and my body lotion (which had snowmen on it.) I was pretty upset because someone took my things, but couldn't understand because they weren't even new or nice things. Again, weird. So when I woke up I kept (and keep) remembering his face just in case I might meet him.

Does anyone else have this vivid of dreams?

Monday, May 08, 2006

House of Cards

So it's official. (Almost) I close on my house on the 18th of May. I met with my (personal) handy-man remodeling guy tonight. I'm invisioning Flip this House. Basically I'm totally redoing the house. Pics will be posted soon on the progress...

This weekend was fun. Derby party on Saturday though we're all a bunch of poops. Everyone was asleep by 11:30. Not as young as we used to be. Bet on the Derby...lost. Played poker...lost. All in all I still had a great time. Sunday the girls went to Gypsy, ate, drank and got our readings. My reading was great. Looks like new job will be here just in time for the fall, house will "flip" and I will finally-finally-be moving. Oh yeah....I think there is a man in there somewhere, too. *wink*

Now you may ask why I believe the readings. Why? Well, because they're usually pretty on. Rebecca has been reading my cards for over a year now roughly once a month or so. It's $15 for 15 minutes of clairity and soul sorting. Shouldn't you turn to Jesus for that? Probably...and I do pray each night before bed. And, this is probably less than I'd pay with co-payment to a therapist and quite frankly...I like her. She's personable and doesn't feed me a line of shit. I haven't always been thrilled about my readings. It's not always what I want to me. I've been waiting for the "the man of your dreams is going to walk in to your living room tomorrow" line for about 12 years (date of my first card reading.) I'll take the "looks like towards the end of October" I got last night. I'm just happy it's in sight. She also told me I need to let happen, happen. Quit looking at the signs and thinking, "Oh shit. When's it all going to come crashing down?" So I've taken if out of my statements and am going to try to go with the flow. Here goes, right?